The Chapter Where I Say Incest Is Bad (Nico gets shipped with his sisters)

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Along with a lot of other ships, bookhunter394 insisted that I talk about Nico x Hazel and Nico x Bianca, because they (correct me if you're a he or a she) have been cursed to see such horrible ships be written about in a romantic manner. 

I'm glad to say that PJO is, thankfully, one of those fandoms that isn't apologist with incest. The PJO fandom has no problem on shipping sibling relationships as what they are, and they tend not to romanticize them. But hey, if a few of them do, this message still has to be clear. 






Incest is gross and icky and it ruins perfectly adorable sibling bonds because some people don't know how to not get horny. Incest shippers, stop. Stop ruining BROTPs for everybody. STAPH. 


Rating: -100/10 for both (romantically of course)

I feel like I should at least give my opinions on the relationships are they are on canon, though. It's what any ship book with terrible grammar and lots of screaming would do, so you bet I gotta do it in my ship book that (tries to have) has dignity. 

Nico and Bianca's relationship is really good. To me it's like an angsty version of Lilo and Nani's bond; older sister takes care of a somewhat annoying but excitable and likable little sibling because the parents aren't around, and the older sister isn't perfect but very clearly tries her best. The difference is that unlike Lilo, Nico doesn't get a happy ending until MUCH later in his life ;-; (And considering that I hate Solangelo, I don't even think he really got a happy ending). And he suffers sooooo much more. :'((( Lilo and Nani is still better least Nani was always loyal, though I don't blame Bianca. 

Nico and Hazel's relationship hits me in the feels more, because Hazel is the one that really is there for Nico when he's most needed it. Also Nico is the one that reaches out to her the most and that's so sweet??? Nico is such a loving boy, he deserves someone as kind and warm as Hazel to be his sister :'3 Also this BROTP gives happy and sad feels which is a lot better than just endless suffering ;o;

These two are rated ❤️/10. I know it's not a real rating, but it's not real romantic shipping, so I'll take liberties~ Besides, both give too many FEELS. 

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