Chapter Two: Seeking Comfort

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Hailey swallowed as she watched the twins sleeping, Gerard was on his way and she wasn’t sure how she would react when she saw him; she felt horrible for what she had been forced to do.

Hailey shook her head as she turned around and walked out of the twins’ bedroom, she closed the door silently behind her as she tried to wrap her head around what was happening.

The past was going to come back to haunt her and something told her that she would be the one that got hurt; not that she didn’t deserve it for what she had done to Gerard.

Hailey had sent a message to the footballer after she had left the hospital to tell him her apartment address, he’d want to see her and Hailey couldn’t help but wonder how she would tell him the secret that she had been forced to keep from him.

Hailey headed for the kitchen to make herself something to eat, she hadn’t eaten since lunch-time and she was starving even after what had happened that day; she would need her strength for the coming days as she looked after the twins and organised her husband’s funeral.

Hailey didn’t know how she would break the news that the man that they had called father was gone and not coming back; the twins were five years old and didn’t deserve the anger that was coming their way.

Hailey was all too aware that there was going to be a backlash when her parents heard that her husband had passed away; she knew that they’d want to ensure that Gerard didn’t worm his way back into her life.

Before Hailey could open the fridge, there was a knock at her front door; the blonde sighed as she turned around knowing the eating would have to wait, she knew that a lot of people would coming to see her and the twins after their loss over the next few days.


Gerard shifted nervously as he stood outside of the apartment, he had stopped by a local take-away to pick up some dinner since he doubted that Hailey would have had anything to eat and he was starving after the match that he had played.

The footballer smiled softly as Hailey opened the door to him, his heart lurched at the sight of her knowing that she was hurting right now; he had never wished what had happened on her no matter how much he wanted her for himself.

“Lee-lee,” Gerard whispered as he pulled her into his arms and hugged her, he rested his head against hers; he hated that she had lost her husband, the one that had taken her from him and moved her all the way across the country.

Hailey was wearing a black beaded collar top and black skinny flared jeans paired black suede ankle boots; she hadn’t even been able to change out of the work clothes since she had been rushed off her feet.

“Are you okay?” Gerard asked as he pulled back and looked at her, he brushed some hair from her face knowing that he would do anything to make things better for her; Hailey nodded her head as she allowed him into her home.

Hailey furrowed her brow at the bag that the footballer was carrying, she could smell the food that he had brought with him and wasn’t sure why he had done it.

“I figured that you’d not eaten yet… and I’m starving,” Gerard said as he noticed her confused look, he couldn’t help but look around the two bedroom apartment; he didn’t like the idea that David had brought her to this place without having a proper home to live in.

Hailey nodded her head as she showed Gerard to the dining area, she nibbled on her lip wondering what she could say to him; she still felt terrible on calling him like that when she knew she had no right to.

“I’ll get us some plates,” Hailey said making Gerard look at her, he nodded his head as she left the room knowing that she would open up to him when she was ready; they had always been close and he knew that when she was ready that she’d tell him everything.

Hailey took a deep breath as she got the plates and cutlery, she knew that he was here for her but she felt horrible; she had brought him here selfishly and she hated that he had come running for her.

Hailey shook her head as she headed back into the dining area, she offered Gerard a weak smile as she set the things down on the table; she chuckled softly at the sight of the bottle of wine that the footballer had brought with him.

“You didn’t have to come,” Hailey said as she sat down, her blue eyes watching Gerard knowing that she was lucky to have him; she just hoped that he’d still be there for her when he learnt about what she had kept from him, she was frightened that she would lose him completely.

The footballer stopped what he was looking and looked at her, she was right but he couldn’t bear the thought of not being there for her when she needed him most.

“I’ll always be there for you… you mean a lot to me Hails, you always have,” Gerard said with a soft smile, he didn’t know why she was looking at him like that; it was like she had something that she was keeping from him and it was hurting her.


Hailey sniffled as she wiped away her tears, she climbed out of bed and shivered as she wrapped her arms around herself; the blonde left behind her bed knowing that she wouldn’t get any sleep in it.

Heading for the living room, Hailey hated herself even more for doing this, she didn’t deserve Gerard’s comfort and he would turn his back on her when he learnt what she had done; however Hailey needed him right now.

Hailey padded into the living room and smiled bitterly at the sight of Gerard sleeping on her couch; he had insisted that he’d stay there when she’d offered him her bed for the night, she wasn’t sure how she would sleep without him.

“Geri?” Hailey whispered as she stood in front of him, she shivered at the cold night air knowing that she really shouldn’t do this; the footballer blinked open his blue eyes and looked at her confused.

Gerard frowned for a moment before shifting so that Hailey could climb onto the couch next to him, he knew what she wanted without even having to ask.

Hailey cuddled into his side as she settled down on the couch, tomorrow she would need to start sorting things out for the funeral and making sure that everything would be okay.

Gerard yawned as he wrapped his arms around Hailey and held her close to him, he hated that she was grieving right now; he wanted nothing more than to take her hurt away, she was too important to him.

“It’s okay Hailey… I’m here,” Gerard whispered as he pressed a kiss to the top her head, he closed his blue eyes he would never let her go now that he had her back in his life.

“You’re going to hate me,” Hailey murmured tiredly without thinking, she held onto him making Gerard open his blue eyes and looked down at her confused; he didn’t know why she would think that especially since he cared for her deeply.

The footballer frowned at the look on Hailey’s peaceful face he would never turn his back on her no matter what she thought she had done wrong.

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