Chapter Eleven: Discussing Forgiveness

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“And they all lived happily ever after,” Gerard said as he closed the book that he was reading from, he smiled as he looked at Kaitlyn who was sound asleep; he took a deep breath as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head before he made sure she was warm enough.

The footballer smiled as he brushed some hair from her face as he made sure that she had her teddy bear, he watched her for a moment before he headed out of the bedroom.

Gerard set the book back on the its shelf as he looked around the lilac bedroom that was now Kaitlyn’s, he was surprised to hear that it was her favourite colour but he was glad that it wasn’t pink.

Gerard had to admit that he was impressed with how much his parents had been able to do before he had returned home with the twins; the two bedrooms were completed and ready by the time he had arrived home with them and Hailey.

Gerard did a quick check on Garrett who was already sound asleep, he smiled he wasn’t going to allow them to leave without him; he was going to be there for them whenever they needed him.

“Did they go down okay?” Hailey asked as she stepped out of the bathroom, she had enjoyed a nice quiet bath and was now dressed in a grey sweat lounge hoody dress; she ran her fingers through her hair as she looked at Gerard.

The footballer had insisted that he put the twins to bed himself, he wanted every chance possible to bond with them and learn everything he could; Hailey was only too happy to let him do so since she had kept the twins from him.

“Fast asleep,” Gerard said nodding as he looked at Hailey, he swallowed as he looked at her long tanned legs as he tried to remain focused.


Sipping on her hot chocolate, Hailey looked at Gerard as he sat down across from her while he tried to sort through his thoughts about what he wanted to say to her; he had been thinking about what had happened a lot.

The footballer took a deep breath as he thought about what he wanted, it was a lot to ask from Hailey but he knew that she owed him this for keeping the twins from him.

“I’m not mad with you anymore Hails… hurt but I know that you did what you thought was right and I thank you for that,” Gerard said carefully as he offered her a small smile, they might have gotten back together a week before but he was still hurting from what had transpired between her and her parents.

Hailey nodded her head as she looked down at her drink, she had known from the start that he was going to be hurt by what she had done; she didn’t expect anything less.

“I want another baby,” Gerard said as he stared at Hailey as her blue eyes snapped up to look at her boyfriend, she blinked as she wondered if she had heard him right; she swallowed as she set down her mug onto the coffee table as Gerard moved closer.

The footballer knew that he was asking for a lot and this wasn’t completely fair, but he wanted to experience this with Hailey; she was the mother of his twins and he had missed out on her first pregnancy because of her parents and David.

“Siento?” Hailey said as she shook her head, she looked at Gerard waiting for him to explain what he had just said to her; she allowed him to take her hands as she wondered what had brought this on.

Gerard took a deep breath as he smiled at her, he pressed a kiss to her hands he wasn’t going to change his mind about this.

“I want a baby, I missed out on so much with the twins… I want to experience this with you,” Gerard explained knowing that this was a big decision, they had only been back together for a week now and he was asking her to fall pregnant so soon after they had gotten back together; he wanted them to have another child.

Hailey opened her mouth speechlessly, she really wasn’t sure how to respond to what he had said; she blinked as she tried to wrap her head around what he wanted.

Hailey had been sure that Gerard would want her to do something for his forgiveness but she had never expected that he would ask her for a baby.

“Are you sure?” Hailey asked as she pulled her hands carefully back from Gerard, she watched him wondering if he knew what he was making a decision on; the last thing that she wanted was for him to regret having another child with her.

Gerard nodded his head as he retook her hands, this had taken her completely by surprise especially since he hadn’t mentioned this to her before.

“This is what I want Hails… another baby with you, I want to experience the entire thing with you,” Gerard said with a smile on his face, he loved the idea of watching Hailey’s flat tummy stretch as their child grew inside of her; he wanted to experience the best and the worst parts with her no matter how bad things got.

Hailey took a cleansing breath as she wondered what she could possibly say to his request, she didn’t know if he was really ready for a baby right now; he’d only known about the twins for two weeks now and he hadn’t had time to adjust to that.


“Is this what you really want?” Hailey asked as she looked at Gerard, her blue eyes just making out his form as they lay in the dark; it was late now and she hadn’t been able to give him any answers on what he had asked her.

There had been so many thoughts going through her mind since he had told her what he wanted, Hailey knew that there was every chance that this could go horribly wrong but she had to be sure.

Gerard looked at Hailey as he nodded his head, this was a lot to ask of anyone but this was what he wanted this was what would make him happy.

“I don’t think I have ever wanted anything more… except you maybe,” Gerard replied as he turned over and looked at his girlfriend, he rested a large hand on her flat stomach; he wanted his family to be complete and he was sure that having another baby wasn’t going to be easy but it was what he wanted.

Hailey smiled softly as she felt Gerard’s hand brush against her stomach, his fingers imagining the swell that she would carry and had carried when she had been pregnant with the twins.

“Okay,” Hailey said quickly making Gerard sit up slightly, he leaned on one of his elbows knowing that this was where everything would change for them; he just hoped that they both knew what they were doing by agreeing to this.

Gerard smiled as he ducked his head down and kissed Hailey, he was sure that another baby would make things better for them; he didn’t care what anyone else thought right now, this was what he wanted.

Hailey brushed her fingers through Gerard’s hair as she pulled him closer, she was doing this for him and she knew that she would adore any child that she had with him; the twins were perfect because he was their father.

The blonde only hoped that by trying for another child so soon, that there wouldn’t be any sort of backlash on them getting back together; she didn’t want to lose Gerard now she had him back.

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