Chapter Twenty-Five: Happy Birthday

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Hailey peeked the sleep out of her eyes and looked beside her at Gerard, a small smile lightly her face as she watched him sleep for a moment.

The past month had flown by and January had given way to February and she couldn’t have been happier; Hailey had slowly learnt to forgive herself and there was no sign of her parents.

Hailey quietly climbed out of bed and wrapped her dressing gown around her, she peeked at Gerard hoping that she didn’t wake him up.

Today was his birthday and Gerard was turning twenty-seven, Hailey had planned the entire day and she wanted to make sure that he enjoyed the day with the twins.

Hailey didn’t waste a moment hurrying quietly out of the bedroom, she closed the door behind her not wanting to wake Gerard up; she was thirteen weeks pregnant now and everything was going well.

“Mama,” Kaitlyn whispered stepping out of her bedroom, her blue eyes staring excitedly up at her mother who put a finger to her lips.

Kaitlyn hadn’t been able to sleep because of the excitement and now the day had arrived, she couldn’t wait and had gotten up as soon as she heard her mother moving about.

Hailey brushed some hair from her face and moved towards the stairs, she planned to make Gerard breakfast for his birthday; she was determined to make sure that Gerard enjoyed the day.

Kaitlyn followed after her mother, pulling her pink dressing gown around her as she did so; she wished to help make breakfast for her father since it was his birthday.

Hailey smiled amused as she peeked behind her at Kaitlyn, she was a lot like her while Garrett seemed to favour his father; it was something that Hailey had noticed a lot recently.


Gerard smiled softly waking up, the early morning sun reaching him as he lay in bed; he yawned a little and turned over to wrap an arm around Hailey.

Gerard had become fond of cuddling his wife when he woke up in the morning, he adored the early hours when it was just them before he went to training.

However this morning, Gerard’s arm didn’t wrap around his wife’s waist instead it hit the bed where she was going to be; he snapped up right and rubbed his eyes confused.

Gerard stared at the empty space where his wife should have been, he looked around the room curious about where she would be; it was early and she needed to rest with their baby growing inside of her.

Gerard climbed out of bed and stretched, he ran a hand through his hair before he made his way to the door; he was sure that Hailey wouldn’t have gone far.

Stepping out of the bedroom, Gerard smiled as he heard noise downstairs; he quietly headed down, curious about why Hailey hadn’t woken him if she had cravings.

Kaitlyn’s head snapped towards the stairs as she heard someone coming down, she peeked at her mother before a smile formed on her face; it could only be her father and she wanted to wish him a happy birthday.

Hailey watched her go as she rested a hand on her bump, she was at the end of her first trimester and she was excited to find out soon what they were having; she wasn’t sure what the baby would be.

“Feliz cumpleaños papa,” Kaitlyn said excitedly moving to hug her father, she smiled as Gerard hugged her while looking at her mother.

Hailey smiled softly moving forward, she could see the surprise in Gerard’s blue eyes and she didn’t blame him; he hadn’t even known she had anything planned.


Gerard grinned as he opened another present from the twins, he couldn’t believe that he hadn’t even known that they had anything planned; he was grateful that he’d been able to spend the entire day with his family.

Hailey had outdone herself with her plans and he was really looking forward to tasting the banoffee marshmallow cake that she had made for him; he loved the fact that his wife was a baker.

“Gracias,” Gerard said as he hugged Garrett, he couldn’t believe how much had changed for him in the past five months and he had everything that he had ever wanted.

Gerard wasn’t going to think about his in-laws, he was still working to take them down and he would destroy them when the time was right; he didn’t pretend that they weren’t plotting against him.

It had been a wonderful day for Gerard and everything had been planned so he hadn’t even been able to think about football; he’d somehow got the day off from training and Hailey had clearly said something to Gerardo Martino to make it happen.

“Is it time for cake yet?” Garrett asked looking up at his father with his big blue eyes; Gerard tilted his head and chuckled at him.

Hailey had always baked her own birthday cakes and the twins adored the cake that their mother made; they both got one each for their birthdays and Gerard had one for his.

“Not yet,” Gerard said shaking his head and pressing a kiss to the top of Garrett’s head, he adored his son and had a feeling that the little boy would one day follow in his footsteps.

Garrett pouted as Hailey sat down on the couch, he wanted cake and he was sure that his father would let him have a big slice of cake; he moved to his sister who was sat quietly messing with the leftover wrapping paper.


“Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to papa, Happy Birthday to you,” the twins sang happily as Gerard blew out his candles, he grinned as they all went out knowing that this had been the best birthday ever.

Hailey clapped her hands before she gave her husband a kiss, she was sure that he hadn’t wanted a party and she was glad that she hadn’t thrown one.

Gerard seemed just as happy at having her and the twins to himself, his parents and brother had called to wish him a happy birthday and it had been enough for him.

“What did you wish for?” Kaitlyn asked staring up at her father, he was a giant compared to her even when she was sat in a chair; she blinked innocently as Hailey moved to get a knife to cut the cake.

Gerard chuckled and shook his head, he had everything that he had ever wished for; he only wanted his family to be safe and protected.

“If I told you it wouldn’t come true,” Gerard teased peeking over at Hailey, she moved around getting plates as he got to his feet to help her; Gerard had never been this happy in his entire life.

Hailey thanked him softly as he kissed her again, she was content and she doubted that she had ever felt like this in her life.

“Time to cut the cake,” Gerard announced he moved back to the dining table, nothing was ever going to take this feeling away from him; his plan to stop Hailey’s parents was nearly complete and he was sure it would drive them away.

Hailey had no idea what he was going to do but Gerard was sure that Harold wasn’t going to be able to say no to the offer that Gerard had for him.

The twins clapped excitedly as their father moved to cut the cake, they watched Gerard cut slice of his banoffee marshmallow cake and grinned as he plated up.

Gerard was sure this had been the best birthday that he had ever had. 

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