Chapter Fourteen: Family Dinner

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“Hailey it is nice to see you,” Montserrat Bernabeu said as she offered a smile at the blonde as she stepped into her eldest son’s home, she knew that this dinner was so that she could finally meet her grandchildren.

Hailey smiled weakly as she looked at Gerard’s mother, she had spent the day cleaning since she wanted everything to be perfect; while Gerard’s parents weren’t upset about what had happened, his brother and grandfather where another story.

Amador Bernabeu pursed his lips as he looked at the blonde, he couldn’t understand why Gerard had gotten back together with Hailey when she was nothing but trouble.

The former Barcelona president was sure that his grandson could find a more suitable mother for his children and he didn’t believe that Garrett and Kaitlyn were Gerard’s; he had tried to talk his grandson into have a paternity test done.

“Dinner should be reading in ten minutes,” Hailey informed them, she had cooked the meal herself since she wanted to ensure that it was perfect; the blonde had been panicking since Gerard had announced that his family were coming.

Joan Piqué smiled sweetly at Hailey, he was truly happy that she had come back into his son’s life; the couple looked happy and that was all he wanted.

“What are we having?” Joan asked as he removed his coat and hung it up with his wife’s, Hailey was a fabulous cook and he had always enjoyed the food that she sent whenever anyone was ill.

Amador walked passed Hailey and headed straight for the lounge to get away from her, he had nothing to say to her and he had promised to be nice.

“Beef stew with sweet potato topping with mash and some vegetables,” Hailey said as she tried not to be hurt by the fact that Amador hadn’t said anything to her, he had never really like her after what had happened between him and her father.


Montserrat smiled as Kaitlyn chatted happily to her as she helped set the table, she had insisted since Hailey had done all of the cooking; she already adored her grandchildren and couldn’t wait to spend more time with them.

“What do you do Abuela?” Kaitlyn asked curiously as she looked up at her, she tilted her head as Montserrat stared at her and tears filled her eyes.

The older woman couldn’t deny that she had never thought that she would hear Garrett or Kaitlyn call her that; she had thought that when Hailey’s parents had taken her away and forced her to marry David that she would never hear those words.

“I work at a hospital,” Montserrat said softly making Kaitlyn nod her head as she smiled up at her grandmother, she didn’t know why her grandmother looked so happy but she knew that it was because of her.

Montserrat swallowed knowing that she was going to have all the time in the world now to get to know her grandchildren, she already adored them and Hailey was more than happy to have them around; she wanted to repair the damage that her parents had caused.

“Do you want any help Hailey?” Montserrat asked knowing her son was going to be useless in the kitchen, she had always thought of Hailey as one of her own; she looked over the younger woman, who looked grateful at her offer.

Hailey nodded her head as she prepared to plate up, she took a deep breath knowing that the meal was going to be awkward; she doubted that Amador or Marc were going to make this easy for her.

Hailey had put on her pale yellow dress with sheer inserts paired with black leather high sandals, she had wanted to look her best for this family dinner.

“Why don’t you go and tell everyone that dinner is nearly ready,” Montserrat said with a small smile at Kaitlyn before the five year old hurried away to do as she would be told; she knew that there was always going to be more time for her to spend with her grandchildren now.

Heading over to Hailey, Montserrat smiled as she rested a calming hand on the blonde’s arm; she was trying to impress Amador and Marc but there was little she could do to change the past.

“Relax,” Montserrat said as she smiled at Hailey, she didn’t want the blonde stressing herself out when there was very little that she could do to change Amador’s mind about what had happened; he had never really liked her and it wouldn’t be change anytime soon.

Montserrat moved away to help Hailey put the food onto plates, it would take time for Marc to warm to Hailey again; there had been a lot that had happened and it was going to take time for some people to adjust to the fact that Gerard had taken Hailey back.


“When are you getting a paternity test done?” Amador asked as he set down his glass of wine, his dark eyes looking at Gerard making everyone stop eating and look at him; he had been waiting to ask since he had arrived.

Gerard rested a hand on his girlfriend’s knee as he glared at his grandfather, he couldn’t believe that he dared bring this up in front of Hailey and the children.

Hailey blinked taken back as she looked at Amador, she truly hadn’t expected him to say anything like that; she swallowed as Gerard squeezed her knee before he took a deep breath.

“I’m not having one done,” the footballer said through gritted teeth, he glanced at the twins knowing that no one could deny that they were his; he didn’t need some test to prove that to him.

Marc snorted as he rolled his eyes, he didn’t know why his older brother believed a word that Hailey said; she was nothing but trouble and he was going to get hurt.

“If you can’t be nice to Hailey then get out… I don’t want to hear it,” Gerard said as he shot a warning look at his brother, he didn’t care what anyone said; he was staying with Hailey and he was going to have another baby with her.

Hailey sat quietly as she took in what was happening, she would happy have the tests done if Gerard asked; she didn’t want him doubting the paternity of his own children.

“No,” Gerard said as he glanced at Hailey, he didn’t want her doubting his commitment to her or the twins; he believed her completely that the twins were his, looking at Garrett there was no denying it.

Montserrat looked at her husband, she had hoped her father wouldn’t do this especially with the twins in the room; Hailey looked awkward and it was ruining the entire evening that everyone had been trying to enjoy.

“We are trying for a baby,” Gerard said as he looked at his grandfather, he wasn’t going to deny what they were doing; Hailey was the mother of his children and he was determined that everything would work out this time for them.

“And if you don’t like it then you can leave,” Gerard said dangerously as he looked between his brother and grandfather, he didn’t care what they thought; he was happy and nothing could take away from that.

Hailey looked down at her plate as an awkward silence settled over the dinner, knowing this wasn’t over; she was going to have to prove that she deserved to be with Gerard.

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