Chapter Twenty-Six: Finding Out

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“It’s wonderful to see you again Mr and Mrs Piqué,” the midwife said as she turned to face the couple as they entered her office; she smiled at them signalling for them to sit down while she looked through their file.

Gerard peeked around nervously as he took a seat, Hailey was seventeen weeks pregnant and he was thrilled that he had the chance to come with her to the appointment.

“How have you been?” the midwife asked peeking at Hailey, the bump was gradually getting bigger and all of her test results looked good; there was nothing wrong with the baby that she was carrying.

Gerard looked around the room nervously while Hailey talked with the midwife, he stared at a couple of posters and he couldn’t help but feel a little nervous about what was going on; this was all so new to him and yet it was an amazing experience.

“Okay… let’s do the scan shall we?” the midwife said making Gerard look at her, he nodded his head eagerly hoping to find out what they were having.

Hailey laughed softly moving to lay back on the bed, she pushed her top up so that the midwife had access to her bump; she looked at Gerard who was bouncing his knee nervously.

The midwife worked carefully as she scanned Hailey’s bump, she smiled softly as the baby appeared on the screen before she showed the couple; everything looked perfect.

“Would you like to know what you are having?” the midwife asked looking at the couple, they both nodded at her as they stared at the screen; Gerard was in awe at how big the baby was getting.

The midwife nodded her head looking back at the screen to check before she turned back to the couple to reveal the news that they were waiting for.

Gerard held Hailey’s hand, he didn’t care what the baby would be as long as it was heathy; he knew that there was still a long way to go before Hailey’s pregnancy was over.


Montserrat looked up from her book as she heard Gerard and Hailey return from their appointment, the twins were engrossed in their television show and it gave her a moment to sneak out to speak with their parents.

Montserrat smiled at the sight of her son and daughter-in-law, she had never seen Gerard so happy and she knew it was all down to Hailey; she was thrilled for them and couldn’t wait to have another grandchild that she could spoil.

“Well?” Montserrat asked eagerly, she wished to know what they were having and she could see by the massive smile on Gerard’s face that he knew; she watched as Hailey removed her coat waiting for the news.

“We’re having a little girl,” Gerard said wrapping his arms around Hailey, he hugged her close as his mother looked at them before she threw herself forward and hugged them.

Gerard chuckled as he hugged his mother, he had been thrilled when the midwife had told them that they were having a little girl; he was already starting to think of names for his baby girl and he was sure Hailey would love them.

Montserrat smiled looking at her son, she knew how much this meant to him and she was sure that the baby would be loved; there however was still one small problem.

Montserrat didn’t wish to say anything to Hailey, especially since she had no idea what her son had planned but there was no way that they could hide what had happened while the couple had been out.

“Could you excuse me a moment… I have to pee again,” Hailey said excusing herself, she hurried away as fast as she could leaving Gerard with his mother; she had no idea what would happen when she was gone and it was better that way.

“Madre?” Gerard asked concerned once he was sure that Hailey was gone, he eyed his mother wondering what could have happened while they were gone less than two hours for a midwife appointment.

Montserrat sighed nodding towards the kitchen, she didn’t know much but she was sure that Joan would be better to explain than she would; she offered Gerard a small smile before heading back to the twins.

Gerard frowned watching his mother walk away, he didn’t like the silence and he knew that whatever had happened wasn’t going to ruin his day.

Gerard walked into the kitchen and closed the door behind him, he didn’t wish for Hailey to hear any of this; he looked at his father who was working on his laptop.

“What happened?” Gerard asked walking over to Joan wanting to know, he wasn’t going to left in the dark again and he already had a feeling that he knew what it was.

Joan sighed before handing his son the cheque that had been dropped off for him, Gerard frowned staring down at the cheque for €1 million; he didn’t know why his father had just handed it to him.

“It’s from Harold… you can keep it if you divorce Hailey,” Joan said stopping what he was doing and turning to fully look at his son; this was getting serious and he worried what Harold would do.

Gerard snorted ripping up the cheque, he had no interest in money and he wouldn’t be bought; he loved his wife and children and his in-laws couldn’t change that.

“Where would he get that sort of money from?” Gerard asked frowning, he knew that Hailey’s parents were rich but they didn’t have that sort of money; he worried who they were messing around with if they had that cash to splash.

“I don’t know… but I want you to be careful,” Joan said fearing for his son, he didn’t know what Harold would do if he didn’t get what he wanted but he knew it wouldn’t end well for anyone.

Gerard nodded his head, he sat down knowing that only Joan knew his full plan to make Hailey’s parents leave him alone; they weren’t going to steal his family from him.

“I think it’s time to put my plan into action,” Gerard said peeking towards the door, he didn’t want his wife or children to be hurt and he would keep them in the dark; he was going to do whatever it took to make Harold and Natasha back off.

Joan nodded his head staring at his son, going to war with the Álvarez family wasn’t going to be easy; they had worked hard over the past two months to make sure that everything was ready for this moment.

“Are you sure about this?” Joan asked moving to open the file that he had on his laptop, he had done everything that he could to help his family; he didn’t know what would happen if Gerard went through with this.

Gerard nodded his head, he watched his father as he prepared to send the file to a friend of his that worked at the newspaper; it had been a secret project that no one truly knew about.

Gerard had spent the last couple of months having some research Hailey’s parents and the dodgy dealings; he was going to expose them and make sure that they could never interfere with Hailey and the children again.

“Do it,” Gerard said hoping that when he explained to his wife what he had done that she wouldn’t be bad at him, he had found a lot of bad things and he was now going to have to deal with the fall out.

Joan took a deep breath as he hit send, it would be everywhere tomorrow and Gerard now had the bad situation of explaining to his wife what he had just done.

“Good luck,” Joan mused as Hailey stepped into the room, Gerard had some explaining to do before the news broke.

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