Chapter Seven: Things Explained

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Gerard held his head in his hands as he sat in the hospital waiting room, he rubbed his blood shot eyes as he wondered if Hailey was okay; he hated that he had caused to have a panic attack.

The footballer didn’t know what was going on but he wanted someone to explain to him why this had happened, he had never seen Hailey like that and it terrified him about why she had become like this.

“Geri?” said a voice making Gerard snap his head up, he blinked as he looked at Cesc who approached him looking confused; he had thought that his friend had stayed at the apartment to sober up after what had happened.

Gerard frowned as he didn’t see Hailey with the footballer, she had been rushed in when the panic attack had gotten worse; he had never seen anything like that before and it had scared him.

“Is Hailey okay?” Gerard asked as he pushed himself to his feet, he needed to know that he hadn’t hurt her in anyway; he felt horrible that she’d taken ill so suddenly and he wanted to make sure that she was okay.

Cesc nodded his head as he offered his friend a weak smile, it would be best to keep Gerard away from her until he didn’t look like he did; it wouldn’t help Hailey to see him like that after what had happened.

“She’s fine, they’re just going to keep her in overnight to make sure she okay,” Cesc explained as he watched Gerard, he knew what his friend wanted and he was sure that Hailey wouldn’t want him feeling guilty about what had happened.

She had been having panic attacks for years since she’d been with David, he was the main root of them that would now haunt her forever.

“Let’s go and get some coffee… I’ll explain what happened,” Cesc said as he nodded towards the canteen, Gerard wouldn’t return to the apartment until he had seen Hailey.


Sipping on his coffee, Gerard wrinkled his nose as the taste before he looked at Cesc expectantly as he waited to hear what his best friend had to say; the other man was keeping him from Hailey for a reason.

“Cesc por favor,” Gerard said as he watched his best friend, he didn’t want to wait forever for an explanation, he’d had enough of being kept in the dark; he’d already had Lionel explain why she had kept the twins from him and now this.

Cesc took a deep breath as he looked down at his coffee and gathered his thoughts, he knew that Gerard wasn’t going to like what he was going to say.

“It started before Hailey married David, just before your affair,” Cesc said as he looked at his friend, what he was going to tell him wasn’t going to be easy to hear; Gerard had always been protective of Hailey even if he was upset with her right now.

There had never been a time that Gerard hadn’t been able to forgive Hailey and Cesc was sure that this time would be no different, it was like the pair were soul-mates or something.

“David got very drunk one night and he attacked Hailey, he was furious that she had been talking to you,” Cesc said as he recalled how terrified Hailey had been when she had come to him; she had known better than to go to Gerard, he would have caused her more grief than he would have fixed anything.

Gerard frowned as he stared his friend, he clenched his hand around his cup disgusted that Hailey had suffered and he hadn’t even known about it; he hated to think that he had reminded her of her husband in that way when he had been drunk, it wasn’t what he had wanted to do.

“Ever since she’d had panic attacks… she usually takes medication for them,” Cesc said knowing that if Hailey wanted Gerard to know more then she would tell him; he couldn’t bring himself to tell his friend how bad he had looked.

Gerard sipped on his drink, his eyes bore into Cesc’s face knowing that there was a lot that he wasn’t being told; David’s letter had left little to the imagination and he felt sick having now read all of the letter, and he couldn’t believe that Hailey had married the lawyer.

“She didn’t have a choice Geri… there was nothing you could have done to protect her,” Cesc said softly knowing that his friend was thinking, Hailey wouldn’t want anyone to feel guilty about had happened; she had survived the worst and now David would never hurt her again in any way even if he hadn’t meant to hurt her at all.

David had been a violent drunk and it was the only time that he had ever lashed out at Hailey, she had kept the twins away from him when he was like that.

Gerard took a deep breath and breathed out of his nose, he knew that he would kill David if the man was still alive; he closed his eyes as he tried to calm himself knowing that he had to focus on something else.

“I need to see her Cesc,” Gerard said as he opened his blue eyes, a plan forming in his head he had to sort things out with Hailey; there was so much for them to talk about and it had to be done soon, he just hoped that her parents wouldn’t meddle.


Hailey blinked as she opened her eyes and watched Gerard walk into her room, she swallowed reminding herself that he wasn’t David and he wasn’t here to hurt her; she could tell he felt bad for what happened.

“How are you feeling?” Gerard asked as he walked towards her, he’d heard enough from their friends about how her life had been and now he needed to talk to her.

Hailey looked at him nervously, she knew that he was upset about her keeping the twins from him but there was also something else that made her think there could be a chance for them.

“I’m okay,” Hailey said as she watched him, she resisted the urge to ask him if he was still mad at her as he sat down next to her; he stared at her as if knowing what was on her mind.

Gerard nodded his head as he watched contently, he tried to sort his thoughts knowing that he couldn’t snap at her right now; there was still so much for them to talk about.

“I am so sorry Gerard… you didn’t deserve any of this,” Hailey said as she looked down at her hands, she had removed her wedding ring and chucked it in the bin after the doctor’s had examined her; she didn’t want to be reminded of her sham of a marriage.

Gerard ran a hand through his hair, she had a lot of explaining to do; he wanted to be sure that he didn’t lose her or the twins again.

“I’ll do anything Gerard, just name it,” Hailey said knowing that she had so much to make up for, she hated that he had been hurt even when she had tried to protect him; the only plus side was that she knew his parents already knew about all of this.

Joan and Montserrat had known from the start what she was risking for their son, something that they were incredibly grateful for.

“You will be coming back to Barcelona with me, then we will discuss how to fix this mess. I am hurt that you didn’t tell me about this Hails, but I do understand,” Gerard said he couldn’t be too mad at the blonde, she had protected the twins from harm and done everything she could for them; however he had missed out on so much.

Hailey nodded her head as Gerard offered her a small tired smile, he carefully took her hand to tell her that everything would be okay.

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