Chapter Three: Hailey's Parents

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Gerard smiled as he woke up with Hailey still in his arms, he yawned as he watched her sleeping knowing that this was something that he had missed; he wished that he could do this every morning with her.

“Mañana,” Hailey whispered as she opened her eyes, she glanced up at Gerard knowing that she shouldn’t be truly surprised that he had woken up before her; she felt better for him just being by her side.

The footballer took a deep breath as he released Hailey, he knew that she had to get up since she had children and would need to deal with them.

“How are you feeling?” Gerard asked softly as Hailey sat up and brushed some hair from her face, he wanted to be here with her for everything and he hoped to convince her to return to Barcelona with him; he wanted to make her happy again.

Hailey sighed as she climbed off the couch and stretched, she wondered how long she’d have to plan her husband’s funeral; she wanted it over with as quickly as possible since she knew it would draw attention to her.

“I’ve had worse nights,” Hailey admitted softly making Gerard look at her concerned, he hated that she didn’t feel like she could talk to him; there was something clearly bothering her and he wished to make things right.

Hailey ignored him as she headed for the kitchen to start breakfast, she needed to focus as soon as her parents learnt about David’s death, they would show up to hide her away again; they hated Gerard and didn’t want him anywhere near her or the twins.

“You said something last night,” the footballer said carefully as he followed her into the kitchen, her words had stuck in his head and he wanted to know what she meant.

Hailey stopped what she was doing, she had hoped that he hadn’t heard her since she didn’t know how she would cope without him; she would lose him if he learnt what she had been forced to do.

“You said I was going to hate you… why?” Gerard asked as he watched her, he could see that she was shocked that he had heard her and he wondered what had brought this on; she was everything to him and always had been, she was his one that got away.

Hailey opened her mouth to lie to Gerard when there was a knock at the door, she almost sighed in relief as she moved quickly passed the footballer and headed for the door; she wasn’t prepared to tell him yet and she needed time to figure out how she would tell him.

However her relief was short-lived as she opened the door to find her parents standing outside, Hailey hadn’t been expecting them and she knew that this wasn’t going to end well.

“Madre, Padre,” Hailey whispered knowing that they were going to be far from pleased that Gerard was here; they were the ones that had forced her away from him and into David’s arms and they were the reason that she now lived in Galicia with the twins.


Gerard shifted uncomfortably at the glare that Natasha Rubio gave him, he knew how much Hailey’s parents disliked them and they had been the reason why she had broken up with him and ended up marrying David.

The couple seemed to think that they were so much better than the footballer, Natasha was some private health care doctor while Harold Álvarez was a high profile corporate lawyer; in their eyes he was below their daughter in every way.

“We came as soon as we heard about David,” Harold said as he eyed the footballer, he wasn’t surprised that Hailey had reached out for Gerard instead of her parents at the loss of her husband; they were going to ensure that the footballer never learned the truth about the twins.

Hailey nodded her head as she served her parents’ coffee before she sat down next to Gerard, she had thought he’d leave when they had arrived but she was relieved to discover that he wasn’t going anywhere.

“I have my assistant organising the funeral… it’ll be held in four days,” Harold said as he sipped on his coffee, he was already planning how he would keep Hailey and the twins away from the footballer who had no idea what would happen next.

Hailey nodded her head as she felt Gerard take her hands, she wasn’t sure how she would feel at the funeral; she had cared for David since he had taken the twins under his wing when she had fallen pregnant six years ago, but he wasn’t their father and he never would be.

Gerard squeezed Hailey’s hand, he didn’t know much about her relationship with David only that they had met through her parents; but he was a little surprised that she didn’t seem to be grieving like he would have thought.

“Then of course you’ll be allowed to head to our holiday home in Barbados,” Natasha said making Gerard glare at her, he hated the thought that her parents were shipping her off with the twins when it was clear that she was going to need some support.

Hailey blinked at her parents, there was no way that she could take a holiday right now; her business needed her and she couldn’t just up and leave because they said so.

“Or you could come back to Barcelona with me,” Gerard suggested as he ignored the sudden furious looks from the Natasha and Harold, he didn’t care what they thought; he was going to be there for Hailey and support her right now.

Hailey looked at him surprised, they both still shared the same feelings for one another but it was highly unlike that he was prepared for the twins as well as her staying.

“Don’t make me laugh Piqué, what about the twins?” Natasha said as she eyed the footballer, she knew just what he was trying to do and even if he was rich and famous now; he still wasn’t good enough for Hailey.

“They can come as well… I love children,” Gerard said shrugging as he glared at the older blonde, he wasn’t going to allow them to steal Hailey away from him again; they’d kept them apart for six years and he wasn’t going to lose another moment with her.

Hailey sighed as she glanced at her parents, she knew that they would try anything to keep her away from Gerard but she wanted to be with him; even if he would be angry when she finally told him that he was the father of her five year old twins.

“I’d like that,” Hailey said making Gerard grin as he turned his full attention to her, she just hoped that she wouldn’t regret this later on.

Hailey had already told Cesc that Gerard was the father of Garrett and Kaitlyn, she hadn’t known who else to turn to when she found out that she was pregnant knowing that this would only make things hard on Gerard if he discovered she was having his baby.

“Well you have four days to make your decision,” Natasha said she was going to have a talk with her daughter, there was no way that she was going to allow Gerard to find out that he was the father of her grandchildren; he wasn’t worthy of that title.

Harold rested a calming hand on his wife’s arm, they would do anything to ensure that the footballer disappeared and that he wouldn’t learn the truth; they had been the ones to ensure that Hailey never had the chance to tell him that he was going to be a father.

Gerard watched the two people across from them, he wasn’t going to allow them to boss Hailey around any longer.

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