Chapter Twenty-Seven: Everything I Do

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Gerard took a deep breath as he sat his wife down on the couch, the twins were fast asleep upstairs and he needed to talk to Hailey about what would happen in the morning.

Gerard chewed on his lip, he didn’t know how his wife was going to react but he knew that he had to tell her about what he had done; Hailey deserved to hear it from him before it broke on the news.

“I did something tonight,” Gerard said softly he watched Hailey wondering how she was going to react to the news; he would have to explain everything to her and he was sure she would be upset.

Hailey stared at Gerard concerned, she didn’t know what he was about to tell her but she could see it was important; her stomach churned realising that he had been keeping something from her.

“For the last few months have been collecting evidence against your parents… a way to keep them from hurting you, the twins and the baby,” Gerard said wondering how she would react, he had dug deep and it had all paid off; he now just had to tell Hailey what he had found.

Hailey nodded her head, she knew he’d been doing that and she was sure that he had found something; she just wasn’t sure what he could have found to make her parents back off.

“I found out that your padre was involved in a large embezzlement surrounding his company, he was also tax dodging and cut some other corners,” Gerard said slowly, he didn’t wish to upset Hailey; she might not have liked her parents but they were always going to be her mother and father.

Hailey nodded her head, she took a shaky breath she didn’t even fell all that surprised about what she was being told; it was something that she knew that her father would do.

“I also found that your padre was paying off Politians and judges, he was using every trick in the book not to go to prison and to keep people from finding out,” Gerard said taking Hailey’s hand, this wasn’t easy and he doubted that Hailey knew about any of this.

Hailey nodded her head, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing and she worried what this would mean; she didn’t want to find out just what her parents were currently involved in.

“While we were at the doctor’s… your padre came to the house and dropped off a cheque for €1 million so that I would leave you,” Gerard said trying not to get angry; he didn’t know what was going to happen but he knew that he would never leave Hailey and their children for any amount of money.

Hailey stared at her husband, she couldn’t believe that her parents would do such a thing and she wished that they would leave her alone; she was happy and they should be supportive of her choices.

“I ripped up the cheque and sent the evidence I had to two friends of mine… one is a journalist, the other is a police commissioner,” Gerard said smiling a little at Hailey, he had done this for her and he would do anything to make sure that she was safe.

Gerard knew that Harold would serve time for what he had done, he hoped that Natasha would be doing some of her own for helping with his schemes.

Hailey stared at her husband, she had a feeling that this was going to be all over the news tomorrow; she took a deep breath hoping that she and the twins would be left alone.


Hailey brushed her hair as she thought about what Gerard had told her, she still couldn’t get her head around how corrupt her father had been; she closed her eyes knowing that she was going to have to get used to all of this.

Hailey shook her head as she prepared for bed, she had to focus on her own family now; she couldn’t deal on two people who had saw her as nothing more than an item that they could sell on.

Gerard quietly stepped into the room and watched his wife, he knew that she was shocked at how bad things were for her parents; he doubted that the police would do more than question her about things.

Gerard had done his best to keep Hailey out of this and there was little more that he could do, he loved Hailey and they were had their small family together.

“You okay?” Gerard asked moving to sit down on their bed next to her, he didn’t know what was making him nervous but he knew that at any moment that the news would break and everything would get moving.

Hailey nodded her head as she smiled a little at Gerard, she wasn’t mad at him for what he had done; she feared how her parents might hit back to hurt her husband for what he had done.


Natasha Rubio pursed her lips and grumbled annoyed under her breath as she walked downstairs wondering who on earth was banging on her front door at this hour of the morning.

Natasha wrapped her satin dressing gown around her, she had hoped to get some beauty sleep since they had a very important meal tomorrow with Hailey’s future husband.

Natasha blinked spotting the blue flashing lights, she frowned worrying about why the police might be outside of her front door; she smiled a little wondering if Hailey had finally come home to them.

Natasha cleared her throat as she slowly opened the door, she blinked confused at the two large police officers that stood outside of her home; she truly hoped that it wasn’t any bad news.

“Buenos días officers… is there a problem?” Natasha asked making sure to keep a tight hold of her dressing gown; she looked between them as a bad feeling started to form in her stomach.

The two officers looked at one another as more police appeared making Natasha nervous; she didn’t like this and she wished her lazy husband had been the one to open the door.

“Natasha Rubio… you are under arrest for being an accessory to embezzlement, tax evasion and extortion,” an officer said as he quickly moved to put Natasha in handcuffs, she spluttered shocked that this was happening.

Natasha didn’t know how they had been found out but she was sure that their friends in the police force would have warned them about this; she didn’t have time to react before she was carted off to the waiting police car.

Already Natasha could see people gathering outside of her home to watch her being dragged away; she couldn’t believe this was happening.

“What is going on here?” Harold demanded coming out of his home, he had heard the noise upstairs and had come down to see what was going on; he frowned eyeing the officers that were stood outside.

“Harold Álvarez… you are under arrest for embezzlement, tax evasion and extortion,” an officer said making Harold pale, he watched as his wife was put into a police car and he wondered how they had been caught out.

Harold stood still for a moment before he took off running, he wasn’t going to prison and he knew that if he could just get away from the officers then one of his close friends could help him get out of Barcelona.

Harold didn’t make it far before he was tackled to the floor, he was pinned down and handcuffed by three officers; he couldn’t believe that this was happening to him. 


Author's Note:

Only two chapters left xxx

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