Chapter Twelve: Making a Plan

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Rolling out of bed, Hailey sighed as she looked at the empty space beside her where her boyfriend usually slept; it had been a week since they had returned to Barcelona and she still wasn’t used to being back home.

Gerard had done everything to make his girlfriend feel welcome, but Hailey didn’t feel comfortable enough to meet any of the other WAGs that she didn’t already know; she didn’t believe the footballer when he said that no one was judging her for what she had done.

Hailey climbed out of bed and quickly headed for the bathroom so that she could get ready, she was determined to set about doing something while her boyfriend was at training; she had spent the last few days getting everything ready for the twins to go back to school.

Hailey had put a lot of thought into what she wanted to do now that she was back in Barcelona and the blonde knew that her life was baking; back in Galicia, she had been a caterer and had always liked the idea of running her own bakery.

It was her marriage to David that had stopped her from pursuing her dream, he had wanted a stay at home wife and only tolerated her working as a caterer because it kept her out of trouble.

Hailey dressed quickly in a white floral placement viscose blouse and black high waisted trousers with leather look panel paired with black high heels; she had a meeting with an estate agent so that she could look at some places.

“You can do this,” Hailey said as she looked at herself in the mirror as she tied her hair back into a messy bun, she hadn’t even told Gerard yet what she had planned since she wanted to do this by herself.

Hailey had a lot of money saved up and some money that had been left to her when David had passed away; he’d been a rich lawyer and whatever hadn’t been used for his funeral and others expenses had been left to Hailey as an apology for how he had treated her.


Hailey smiled as the estate agent as they entered one of the properties, she had only contacted him two days earlier and he already had several buildings in mind for her; they were currently at their fourth and Hailey had to admit that she did like the area that it was in.

The building was just close to the beach for the summer months and just away far enough away from it for the rest of the year, it was also in a great area that made Hailey feel just a little bit excited about the place.

“This place looks amazing,” Hailey breathed as the estate agent allowed her to step inside, her blue eyes looking around the two floor building as ideas bubbled in her mind.

Hailey looked at the estate agent, who quickly started to show her around the derelict building; his words only making the blonde fall deeply in love with this place.

“I can really see what I would do with this place,” Hailey said as she looked around, her mind already creating plans in her mind on how she would want the place to look.

The estate agent looked at her hopefully, he had been trying to sell this place for months now and no one seemed to want to waste the money that needed putting into the building to renovate it.

“Back through here… I’d have a large kitchen,” Hailey said as she explained her planning to the estate agent, he nodded his head as he allowed the blonde to tell him what she could see the place looking like.

Hailey grinned to herself as she could see what she wanted, it would take a hell of a lot of work but she didn’t mind; she wanted something that she could call her own.

It would take about six months to renovate the building and she hoped that during that time she would be able to fall pregnant so that she could make Gerard happy.

“Where we are standing there would be tables, over there, there would be a ramp going up to the toilets and a balcony so in the summer people could eat outside,” Hailey said as she smiled to herself, she knew that there was no way that she could let this place slip through her fingers.

None of the other buildings had held a candle to this one and she could only hope that the owners would be willing to sell it to her for the right place; it did need a lot of working doing and it would take time.

“I take it that this is the one,” the estate agent said making Hailey nod her head and smile at him, she wished to get the ball rolling as quickly as possible; she’d tell Gerard about this later when her offer had been accepted and she knew what she was going to do.

Hailey didn’t want her boyfriend trying to help her, she wanted to stand on her own two feet for once and she was determined to make that happen.

“Shall we go and discuss this?” the estate agent asked knowing that this was the perfect chance for a sale, he knew the perfect little café where they could talk about making an offer on the place before it was sold to someone else.

Hailey nodded her head knowing that she wasn’t going to let any more chances pass her by, she had spent enough of her life being dictated to and she wasn’t going to mess her second chance up.


“So how are things between you and Hails,” Lionel asked as he sipped on his drink, his brown eyes looking curiously at his best friend; he knew that the couple had been back together for two weeks now and he was happy for them.

Gerard smiled as he looked at his friend, he knew that a couple of his team-mates weren’t thrilled with Hailey’s return and thought that Gerard was far to forgiving for what she had done to him; however he didn’t care.

Those who cared to ask and listen were told exactly why Hailey had done what she had and how awful her parents were, Gerard was determined that he wasn’t going to allow anything to mess with his relationship.

“Things are going great,” Gerard said knowing that he would wait a while before he told his two friends that he and Hailey were trying for a baby.

The footballer knew what they would say and he didn’t want to hear it, he had already listened to Hailey’s fears but he was determined to have another baby with her.

“What is she up to today?” Cesc asked as he wondered if their friend had even left the house yet, he knew why Hailey was nervous and he hoped that his girlfriend and Antonella would make her feel more welcome in Barcelona.

Gerard shrugged knowing that his girlfriend wasn’t doing much at the moment, she had left everything behind for him and was having to start afresh.

Lionel opened his mouth to say something when he spotted someone walking past the café were the three were having lunch; his stomach lurched as he blinked hoping that there was a reasonable explanation for this.

“Is that Hailey?” Lionel breathed making his two friends look out of the window, he really hoped that he was wrong since the woman that he was looking at was out with a man in a suit.

Gerard stared at the blonde that Lionel had pointed out and felt anger pulse through his veins, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing and he hoped that Hailey had an explanation for this. 

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