Chapter Twenty-Two: Christmas Spirit

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Amador stared smugly up at the house were his grandson lived, he knew that after today that there would be no going back; he needed Hailey gone and this was the only way that he could do it.

Amador had thought long and heard about what he was going to do and had realised something, attacking Gerard wasn’t going to make him let Hailey go; she needed to be the one to leave.

Gerard might have forgiven Hailey for what had happened and was willing to forgive and forget but Hailey had never forgiven herself and that would be her undoing.

Amador carefully stepped up to the door and knocked, he wasn’t going to be welcome but he had to do this; Gerard wasn’t going to turn him away just yet.

Amador waited patiently for someone to open the door, a smile forming on his face as his daughter greeted him; he had known she would be here and it made this a lot easier for him.

“Padre,” Montserrat greeted confused about why Amador was here, she hadn’t thought that he would come especially since he had made it clear that he hated Hailey.

Amador smiled politely, his daughter was his way in and he was determined to make today count.

Harold was waiting for his call to tell him that Hailey had left Gerard, he was determined to get an annulment sorted out quickly so she could marry some rich Politian that they had found for her.

“Room for one more?” Amador asked carefully as he offered a small smile to Montserrat, he already had heard that Marc was here and wasn’t even surprised.

Montserrat had made it clear to her youngest son that Hailey was family now and he had support his brother otherwise his parents would cut off his funding for university.


Gerard glared at his grandfather as he sat in the living room with the twins, they were excitedly opening their presents and seemed blissfully unaware of the tension that was around them.

Hailey carefully took his hand in comfort and pressed a kiss to his cheek, there was no use fighting and she didn’t want Christmas spoilt for the children; they were so happy and she wanted them to enjoy it.

Hailey was wearing a black sleeveless drape front top and black skinny jeans paired with black faux suede buckle ankle boots; she smiled as she watched the children knowing that she was finally happy.

“Mama look,” Kaitlyn said excitedly as she held up the red spot print dress that Montserrat had gotten her for Christmas; she beamed as she admired the dress, it was so pretty and she really liked.

“It’s very pretty… why don’t you go and put it on?” Hailey said with a smile, she felt Gerard wrap an arm around her as they watched the twins; it was around ten in the morning and it was time for the twins to get dressed.

Kaitlyn nodded her head as she picked up her red glitter heart ballet shoes and hurried upstairs to get dressed; Amador watched her go before he looked back at Hailey, he just had to wait for the right moment.

“Why don’t you go and get dressed as well Garrett?” Hailey said as she admired the blue stripe print polo shirt and dark wash belted jeans paired with blue double velcro strap trainers that Montserrat had gotten him for Christmas.

Garrett nodded his head as he collected his things and headed upstairs, he left his parents alone with Amador; who was watching them with interest.

Amador felt his heart ache as he watched Gerard fuss over Hailey, he suddenly felt bad about what he had come to do.

“I’ll go help your madre with the dinner,” Hailey mused as she kissed Gerard, he was being so sweet and she couldn’t help but love him even more for what he had done for them.

Gerard chuckled knowing that there was no way in hell that his mother was going to allow Hailey to help; Montserrat had taken over the kitchen as soon as she had arrived, she loved cooking and was thrilled to cook Christmas dinner for her ever growing family.

Hailey left the room as Gerard watched her, a smile on his face as he wondered how he had gotten so lucky; he had never thought in a million years that this was how his life was going to pan out.

Amador watched his eldest grandson for a moment, he looked so happy and it made him wonder if he was doing the right thing; he had been made to feel welcome even if he didn’t like Hailey.

Opening his mouth to speak to Gerard, Amador wasn’t even surprised when Gerard got to his feet and walked out of the room before he had a chance to.


“This looks amazing madre,” Gerard said as he pressed a kiss to his mother’s cheek, he smiled at her as he moved to sit down beside his wife; the twins were already seated and looked wonderful in their new clothes.

Montserrat smiled as she looked at her eldest son, she was so happy for him and he looked so in love; she sat beside Joan as Gerard and Hailey kissed.

“You’ve out done yourself this year,” Joan said as he kissed his wife, she had worked hard all morning and had refused help from anyone; Montserrat was nothing less than a perfectionist when it came to Christmas dinners.

Hailey peeked at Gerard, they had decided that today would be the perfect day to announce that they were expecting to his family; Gerard had been dying to tell his parents since they had found out.

“Next year you’ll have another mouth to feed for Christmas,” Gerard mused out loud as he grinned at his parents, he couldn’t help himself and he had planned to wait until dinner was over to tell everyone.

Hailey laughed softly as Joan and Montserrat stared at them shocked, she certainly hadn’t expected Gerard to reveal their special news just like that. Amador stared at his grandson, he wondered what he meant like that and he feared just what Gerard might be going to say.

“Gerard?” Montserrat asked as she looked between her son and daughter-in-law, she watched as they held hands curious about what they meant.

“Hailey’s pregnant,” Gerard revealed as he grinned, he couldn’t help but be happy and he was sure his parents would love the news; the twins squealed in excitement at having a baby brother or sister.

It was only a moment or so later that Gerard’s parents were quickly congratulating the couple on their wonderful news; the idea of having more grandchildren was thrilling to them and they couldn’t wait for another baby to be born.

“I’d like to make a toast,” Amador said as he clutched his wine glass, he got to his feet as his mind raged at him; he had no idea what to say especially after the announcement that Hailey was pregnant again.

Gerard glared at his grandfather clearly expecting the worst, his glare dropped however as Hailey took his hand and gave him a small kiss; she didn’t spot the look on Amador’s face as she did so.

“To Gerard and Hailey, congratulations on your wedding and I hope you both have many more Christmas’s to come,” Amador said raising his glass, he knew that he’d have to face Harold and Natasha but he just couldn’t hurt Gerard.

Hailey made him happy and right now that was all that mattered to Amador; he would deal with everything else later. 

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