Chapter Twenty-One: Back to Barcelona

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“Gerard no,” Hailey squealed as her husband scooped her up in his arms and the twins hurried into the house; he was insisting on carrying her over the threshold and he wasn’t taking no for an answer.

Gerard chuckled amused as he carried her into their home, he still couldn’t believe that they were married and expecting a baby; it was like a dream come true for him.

“Home sweet home,” Gerard mused as he carefully set Hailey down and pressed a kiss to her lips, he had asked his parents to prepare the house for Christmas while they had been on their honeymoon.

Gerard was going to throw a big day since it was his first with the twins and he wanted it to be extra special; he had invited his parents knowing how much it would mean to them.

“Why don’t you get the twins settled for bed and I’ll make you something to eat,” Gerard said as he smiled down at Hailey, he knew it had been a long day for the twins and he wanted them sleeping for the big celebration that he had planned.

Hailey nodded her head as she pressed a tender kiss to his lips, she was glad that the twins were going to bed; she was honestly exhausted and she planned an early night.

Gerard watched her head upstairs after the twins, he smiled to himself as he closed the front door; he knew her parents were hovering waiting to speak to her but he wasn’t going to allow them anywhere near his family.

Gerard was willing to do anything to keep them safe and it was going to take a lot to make Hailey’s parents back off; she was their main target and he wasn’t going to lose her again.

The footballer headed for the kitchen knowing that whatever happened now, Natasha and Harold weren’t going to ruin his family again; they wouldn’t get the chance to steal something that was no longer theirs.


Hailey carefully changed out of the clothes that she had worn home, she yawned tiredly as she dumped them into the washing basket and quickly changed into her pink rose print night top and night shorts.

“You look tired,” Gerard mused as he walked into the bedroom holding some toast, he smiled as he watched Hailey yawn again; he’d had a feeling that she’d just want to sleep after their small vacation.

The twins had been a handful and with Hailey being eight weeks pregnant it would be a while before they were truly settled.

Hailey smiled thankfully at her husband as she sat down, it was still all a little weird for her and she knew it was going to take some getting used to before it really sunk in.

Gerard handed her the toast before he moved to shut their bedroom door over and slowly prepare for bed himself; he watched her eat as he thought about how everything was different now.

“So what is the plan for tomorrow?” Hailey said as she looked over at Gerard, tomorrow was Christmas day and it would be his first with the twins and her.

Hailey had no illusions that Gerard was determined to make it the best Christmas possible, she had heard whispers and wanted to know just what her husband had planned.

“You’ll have to wait and see but my parents will be joining us for dinner,” Gerard said proudly, he hadn’t invited his grandfather since he knew that Amador disapproved of his marriage; while Marc was being dragged along by his parents, under the threat of losing his funding for university.

Gerard could only hope that his brother would come around and see just how happy he was with Hailey and the twins.

Hailey raised an eyebrow concerned knowing that this couldn’t be good, she knew that whatever Gerard had planned was going to be big and she had a feeling he was going to spoil the twins rotten to make up for all that he had missed.

Hailey would never truly forgive herself for hiding her pregnancy and the twins from him, he was their father and now her husband.

“Trust me Hails… you’ll love it,” Gerard said as he moved to sit on the bed near her, she looked worried and he didn’t blame her; he had gone a little overboard when it had come to presents.

Gerard really hadn’t been able to resist and he had been so excited in the nine weeks that he had known that he was a father that everything had changed for him.

“That’s what worries me,” Hailey said as she smiled at Gerard, he was just excited but she really hoped that this wasn’t going to be too big.

The twins had enough stuff as it was and she didn’t know how they would take being spoilt rotten by their father; they already adored Gerard so much that it was clear who the favourite parent was.

“You have nothing to worry about amor,” Gerard said as he moved closer to Hailey, he couldn’t wait to show her just what he had done.

The footballer had done everything in his power to make their first Christmas as a family as perfect as possible, he just hoped that Hailey agreed.


“So we have an agreement,” Amador said as he sipped on his drink and stared at the couple across the table from him, he knew what he was doing would cause trouble but he wanted Hailey gone.

Amador had been furious when he had learnt that his eldest grandson had married the blonde, he didn’t know why Gerard seemed so in love with Hailey but it came to an end now.

“Of course,” Harold said as he watched the man that sat in front of him and his wife, they were surprised that Amador was willing to risk being outcast from his family to help them steal Hailey back.

The couple had no interest in the twins and were more than happy for Gerard to keep them, they were only a problem and now they could get rid of them.

“We want nothing more than for Hailey to do as she is told,” Natasha added furious that her daughter had married the footballer, who wasn’t good enough for her.

An annulment would be quick enough to organise and Natasha was sure that the man that they had lined up for Hailey to marry wouldn’t mind that she had been widowed and divorced before she married him.

Amador nodded his head as he thought about what he was doing, he still didn’t believe that the twins were Gerard’s but was willing to let that go as long as his grandson was free from Hailey once and for all.

Amador didn’t even care about the trouble that he would cause by allowing Harold and Natasha to steal Hailey away, he was going to drive the blonde away by reminding her of her biggest mistake.

“We’ll keep her away from Barcelona and ensure that Gerard never sees her again,” Harold said as he stared smugly at Amador, the man would lose his entire family over this and he could care less.

Amador had no idea just what he was doing even if he thought he was doing the right thing for Gerard; he was going to break his grandson’s heart and destroy a family just for them.

“Good,” Amador said completely unaware of just what he was about to do and he was completely sure that Gerard would one day thank him for ruining his family.

Amador just thought that Hailey was a thing that Gerard thought he wanted, he didn’t even know that the blonde was currently pregnant with another child to his grandson. 

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