Chapter Sixteen: The Way Things Are

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Hailey blinked as she looked at her boyfriend, she had been getting ready to go out and meet the contractor for her bakery when he had announced that he would be coming with her.

“You don’t have to Geri,” Hailey said with a shake of her head, her blue eyes watching her boyfriend as she wondered why he wanted to come with her; they had only found out a couple of days earlier that they were expecting.

Gerard shrugged his shoulders as he watched Hailey, the twins were at school and he didn’t have training until the next day so he had nothing to do.

“I want to, I want to be involved in everything that you do,” Gerard said softly as he stepped closer to Hailey, this was her dream and he wasn’t going to stop her from living it; his blue eyes sparkled as he rested a hand on her still flat stomach.

Hailey was wearing a grey cardigan with skinny belt and denim biker jeans paired with black pointed high heels; she tilted her head wondering what her boyfriend was thinking about.

Hailey sighed as she nodded her head knowing that Gerard wouldn’t take no for an answer, they might not have told anyone that they were expecting just yet.

Hailey guessed that she was five weeks into her pregnancy and she had talked Gerard out of telling anyone until she had reached her second trimester.

“We can go to lunch after your meeting,” Gerard said pleased with the fact that she had agreed, he wanted to get people used to seeing them together and he knew that he didn’t care what anyone else thought.

Hailey nodded her head as she wondered if he another motives for wanting to come with her, she knew that he wanted everyone to know that they were back together.


Gerard grinned as he laced his fingers with Hailey’s as they walked away from the building that she had bought for her bakery, he couldn’t deny that he was proud of her; she was following her dreams.

Gerard ignored some of the paparazzi that were following them, he knew that the pictures would be everywhere that evening and he didn’t care; he was happy and that was all that mattered.

Hailey kept up with her boyfriend as she made sure that she had her colour-block quilted chain shoulder bag; she wasn’t even surprised that they were being followed around like this.

“What do you fancy for lunch?” Gerard asked as he looked at his girlfriend, he didn’t mind whatever she wanted; the meeting with the contractor had gone well and Gerard had to admit that he was impressed with what Hailey wanted.

Hailey chewed on her lip as she thought for a moment, the twins would still be in school for a couple more hours so they were free to enjoy themselves.

“Anywhere,” Hailey said as she smiled at Gerard, she knew he probably had somewhere in mind and she was fine with whatever; she ignored some of the calls that where coming for the paparazzi.

Gerard smiled and nodded his head as he drew her close so that they could head to a restaurant that was nearby, he had a couple of questions about the finances of her little adventure; he didn’t want her to put herself in any trouble.

“I know just the place,” Gerard said as he looked at his girlfriend, he knew that she had money saved up but he wanted to help her in any way that he could.


Hailey laughed softly as she realised where Gerard had brought her for lunch, it was the small Italian restaurant where they used to come all the time when they were first dating.

Gerard grinned as she laced their fingers, he remembered having their first date here when they were fourteen; he couldn’t believe how long ago it had been and how much had changed since then for the both of them.

“Geri,” Hailey said softly with a shake of her head as she pressed a soft kiss to his lips, he had done this for a reason; she just didn’t know what it was yet.

Gerard smiled into the kiss as he held Hailey flush against his chest, he knew that he wanted to show Hailey just how much she meant to him; especially now that they were expecting a baby together and had five year old twins.

“We better go inside,” Gerard said as he pulled back from his girlfriend, he didn’t want the press getting too many pictures of him and Hailey; he liked the fact that they didn’t know too much about what was happening in his private life and he wanted to keep it that way.

Hailey nodded her head as she allowed Gerard to lead her into the restaurant, she couldn’t believe that it was still open after all these years and that nothing had really changed.

“Table for two,” Gerard said as he smiled at the hostess, he turned his attention to Hailey knowing that he was lucky to have her; he had always known that this was how things would work out.

Gerard drew his girlfriend of seven weeks close knowing that this was all he had ever wanted, there was never a doubt in his mind when she had married David that he would never get her back; he was feeling very confident now.

The couple were led over to a table and were left with menus, Hailey smiled a little amused as she looked at Gerard; she felt butterfly’s in her stomach like she had on their first date.

“I can’t believe this place is still open,” Hailey said as she looked around, she could remember the last time that she had been in the restaurant with Gerard and that was just after she had fallen pregnant with the twins.

Gerard nodded his head as he watched Hailey, he knew what she was thinking and he knew that there was nothing that he would change about how things were.

The footballer had done a lot of thinking since she had announced that she was pregnant, he wasn’t happy that she had been forced away from him with the twins; however he was glad that things had worked out for them and now they had a future together.

“Are you ready to order?” a waitress asked as she walked over to the couple, Gerard smiled as he looked at Hailey knowing what to order; his mind was solely focused on their first date, he knew that it was something that would always make him smile.

“Polpette di manzo and a Lasagna al ragu,” Gerard said as he handed over his menu, Hailey raised an eyebrow at him as she wondered how he knew what she was going to order; the blonde wasn’t surprised that he had recalled what she had ordered the last time that they were here.

“Did you really think that I would forget anything about you?” Gerard said as he raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend, he could never forget anything about her; not while he was in Manchester and not while he was in Zaragoza.

Hailey chewed on her lip, he had stayed faithful to her even when she had married David; she had felt horrible about that even when they’d had their affair that there hadn’t been anyone else for him.

Hailey wasn’t even sure that she wanted to know that he had been with another woman, she felt jealous at the idea of him having a girlfriend; even if she knew it wasn’t rational since she had been married to another man. 

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