Chapter Four: Still in Love

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“Gracias for coming,” Hailey said as she forced a smile as she showed another well-wisher out of the apartment, the blonde glanced back at Gerard who was watching her; she was grateful that he had stayed.

Closing the door behind her, Hailey moved to check on the twins who were playing quietly in their bedroom; she smiled softly as she watched them knowing that this couldn’t be easy for them.

Hailey carefully shut the door back over as she moved away, she knew that Gerard was watching her and he had been since her parents had headed back to their hotel.

“You don’t seem that sad,” Gerard said carefully as he approached Hailey, he stopped from her tidying up knowing that it could wait; she had been comforting everyone that had come but hadn’t needed comforting herself.

The footballer knew better than anyone that Hailey’s marriage to David had been arranged by her parents, he had been forced out of the picture when she had been paired with the lawyer.

“You didn’t love him,” Gerard guessed knowing that while she had cared for her husband as a friend, she had always maintain that she only married him because of her parents; they had wanted to improve the status by having the lawyer as their son-in-law.

Hailey sighed as she sat down on her couch and nodded her head, she had cared for David deeply and she was grateful that he had entered into the marriage with her knowing that she would never love him; he had been a father to the twins when she had been blackmailed by her parents.

“I cared for David as a friend, I’ve only ever loved you,” Hailey admitted softly as she looked at Gerard, she had to tell him about the twins and she had to do it soon.

Gerard smiled at her words as he sat down next to her, he was thrilled to hear that she still loved him and he hoped that he would be able to win her back; he wasn’t going to allow her parents to take her away this time.

“I love you too,” Gerard said as he smiled at her, her parents were going to be a problem and he wasn’t about to allow them to send Hailey off to their holiday home in Barbados with the twins; he wanted her close to him.

Hailey took a deep breath as she took Gerard’s hand, she knew she had to tell him now or she would never forgive herself; she didn’t care what her parents said, he was the twin’s father and he deserved to know.

“There’s something that I need to tell you,” Hailey said as she tried to hold her nerve, she didn’t want him to be mad at her when she knew that he had every reason to be; she had kept his children from him for years and he had missed out on so much because of her.

Gerard nodded his head concerned, he could see that something was bothering her and he didn’t want her to suffer; she had become a widow and he knew it freed her from her parents control even if it was only slightly.

Hailey opened her mouth to break the news that she had been forced to keep from him, when there was a knock at the door; the blonde groaned wondering who it could be now.


“Is that everything?” Hailey asked as she looked at the man that sat across from her, she didn’t know why her late husband’s lawyer had come to see her so soon after his death but it was important.

Gerard sat next to her watching the lawyer, he was just as surprised as her that the lawyer had turned up to sort everything out with her; David had left everything to Hailey and the twins, he had wanted to make sure that they were cared for if anything happened to him.

“That’s everything except for a letter for Señor Piqué,” the lawyer said as he pulled a small envelope out of his bag and handed it to Gerard, he nodded at the confused footballer; David wanted everything to work out for Hailey now that he had gone.

“The letter must not be opened until after the funeral,” the lawyer said as Gerard stared down at it, he wondered what Hailey’s husband could have written to him about; he had thought the man had hated him when he’d last seen him.

Gerard nodded his head in understanding, he glanced at the blonde noticing that she was nervous and he wondered if this had something to do with what she had wanted to tell him; he knew it had to be important if David had written to him about it.

“If you have any questions after you read that letter, do call me,” the lawyer said as he started to collect his things, he watched Gerard knowing that the footballer was going to be furious when he learnt what had happened.

Hailey had done what she had to protect the twins from her parents and not to hurt him.

Gerard nodded his head confused, he looked at Hailey as she got to her feet to show the lawyer out; he hoped that she wouldn’t shut him out again after what she had said earlier.

The lawyer followed after Hailey, who couldn’t help but shoot Gerard a concerned look as they headed for a door; she knew that this wouldn’t end well.

“Don’t look so worried,” the lawyer said as he tried to comfort her, he could tell that she was having a hard time with the secret but once Gerard knew then her parents wouldn’t be able to do anything to her or the twins; they deserved to live without fear.

Hailey offered him a weak smile, she didn’t believe that for a moment and she wished that she hadn’t been forced to keep the twins from him; she didn’t see how Gerard could forgive her for what she had done.


Gerard smiled as he helped Kaitlyn into bed, he adored the twins and he knew that he would care for them as if they were his own; he would never replace their father, but the footballer would do anything for them.

“Noche Gerard,” the five year old whispered tiredly as the footballer covered her up, he smiled as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head before he turned his attention to her brother who had fallen fast asleep.

Hailey was on the phone with her mother, who wanted the twins to attend the funeral; even if her daughter didn’t like the idea.

They were too young to understand what was going on and Hailey didn’t wish to traumatise the twins; they had lost David like she had but she knew that she couldn’t allow them to come pawns to her parents like she was.

“Sweet dreams,” Gerard whispered as he tucked Garrett into bed, he ruffed the little boy’s hair, he stared at him and then his sister; neither of the twins looked anything like David and it had him wonder why that was.

The footballer shook his head as he took a deep breath, he flicked on the night light and turned off the main one as he left the room; his mind drifting to the letter that was in his pocket, he wondered what was written inside.

Gerard quietly closed the bedroom door as he listened to Hailey arguing with her mother, he didn’t know why Natasha was so determined on this but it had something to do with shipping Hailey and the twins off to Barbados as soon as the funeral and wake was over.

Gerard leant against the wall, he was glad that Cesc and Lionel were coming, and he knew they’d help him keep Hailey in Spain.

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