Chapter Fifteen: Morning Sickness

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Gerard snapped awake as Hailey lurched out of his arms and ran for the en-suite making him sit up, he blinked confused as he wondered what was going on; he rubbed the sleep from his blue eyes.

Gerard knew that Hailey hadn’t been feeling well the last few days and he hoped it wasn’t anything serious.

Gerard ran a hand through his hair when he heard Hailey throw up, he scrambled out of bed and hurried to their en-suite; she had done this the day before and he knew something was wrong.

The footballer stared at his girlfriend for a moment, she was wearing a white satin and lace chemise and was being violently sick into the toilet like she had done the day before.

Dropping to his knees behind Hailey, Gerard moved to hold her hair out of the way and rubbed her back; the cold hitting his knees since he was only wearing his boxers, he mumbled annoyed wondering what was going on.

“I hate you,” Hailey muttered as she glanced over her shoulder at her boyfriend, they had been together for six weeks and she didn’t have to guess what was wrong with her; there was no way that this was a coincidence after she had thrown up the day before.

Hailey rested her head against the cool toilet seat knowing that she had been like this once before, she just had to find a way to get a pregnancy test so that she could see if her suspicions were correct.

“T'estimo,” Gerard whispered in Catalan making Hailey swallow, it wasn’t often that she heard that language between them since the twins only knew Spanish; David hadn’t wanted them to know the language that was native to their biological father as much as their mother. 

Gerard carefully moved away from his girlfriend so that he could get her some water, she was just tired and he didn’t blame her; she had been working hard lately with organising things for her bakery.

“Maybe you should go and see a doctor,” Gerard said as he watched his girlfriend, she hadn’t moved away from the toilet knowing that this couldn’t be good; they were trying for a baby right now and this would harm their chances.

Hailey swallowed as she flushed the toilet and moved away from it, she brushed some hair from her face she didn’t need a doctor.

“I don’t need a doctor,” Hailey said as she was going to have to find a way to get a pregnancy test without being spotted, it hadn’t occurred to her until now just how difficult that would be for her; she was dating a footballer and everyone would have eyes on her.

Gerard frowned knowing that there was something going on, he hated that Hailey wouldn’t do this for him and he was sure that there was something wrong.

“Geri… I’m pregnant,” Hailey said as she turned to look at her boyfriend, her blue eyes watching him wondering how he wold take the news that she had just given him.

Gerard blinked at Hailey’s words, he had thought it would take them a while to conceive; he had never considered that it could happen so quickly, they hadn’t even been trying for that long and now she was telling him that she was pregnant. 


“Are you sure?” Gerard asked as he watched Hailey, he hated that she wasn’t going to rest and had insisted on getting out of bed; his blue eyes watching her concerned.

Hailey nodded her head as she smiled, he was worried about her; he hadn’t been there when she had been pregnant with the twins and that wasn’t his fault.

“Geri, I’ll be fine,” Hailey said as she moved towards him, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed his lips; she wished that there was something that she could say that would ease his mind even more.

Gerard nodded his head warily, he had training and he really didn’t want to be leaving Hailey alone while she was unwell; he wanted to be home with her and the twins.

“I’ll need to run to a store and pick up a pregnancy test, some ginger ale and some crackers,” Hailey said the last time that she had done this was when she was pregnant with the twins; she had never wanted to have children with David and the twins had been enough for them.

Gerard brushed some hair from Hailey’s face knowing that it would still be early days in her pregnancy and they wouldn’t be telling anybody just yet that she had fallen pregnant. 

“I’ll stay home today,” Gerard said knowing that he couldn’t leave Hailey now, he couldn’t deny his urge to be with his family right now; Gerardo Martino would understand if he said that Hailey was ill.

Hailey looked up at her boyfriend, she opened her mouth to protest before Gerard stopped her; she sighed there was nothing that she could say to change his mind.

The footballer smiled before he kissed her softly, he looked at her for a moment before he walked away to make the call knowing that the white lie wouldn’t be that bad.

Hailey watched him go and rested a hand on her stomach, she bit her lip knowing that she couldn’t be too far along and she hoped that everything would be okay; she didn’t know what would happen if she were to lose their baby.

The blonde took a deep breath, her hand brushing softly against the bare skin of her stomach she would do anything to keep the baby safe; she there was still a chance that things could go wrong and that she could lose the baby. 


Gerard smiled as he played with the twins, he was keeping himself distracted while his girlfriend took the pregnancy test; he chuckled as he played with them knowing that everything was perfect now.

Gerard loved the idea of having another baby with Hailey and he could only hope that she was in fact pregnant; it would complete their family and he would be able to let go of the past.

Gerard pulled back as he spotted Hailey at the lounge door, his blue eyes watching her as she leant against the frame; he swallowed as she watched the twins for a moment.

“Hails,” Gerard said softly, he needed to know if she was pregnant or if this was some bug that was going around; the twins didn’t look up from the game as they continued to play unaware of what was going on with their parents.

Hailey looked at Gerard, she knew what he wanted and she was a little nervous about giving him the answer; she nodded her head she couldn’t be more than a few weeks pregnant and they still needed to speak with her doctor.

Gerard felt a smile form on his face, he carefully got up off the floor and walked over to his girlfriend; he knew things would still be new and fragile but they were having a baby and he was so happy right now.

“It was positive?” Gerard checked as they stepped into the hall and out of sight of the twins, he carefully touched her stomach as Hailey smiled up at him with tears in her eyes.

Gerard swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat, he couldn’t believe that this was happening; he brushed away Hailey’s fallen tears before he ducked down and kissed her.

“We are having a baby,” Gerard whispered in amazement, he truly couldn’t believe that this was happening; they were going to have a baby and he couldn’t wait to experience this with Hailey.

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