Chapter Nine: Gerard's Threat

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Natasha glared at Gerard as she barged into the apartment, she couldn’t believe that she had been forced to come and find out why Hailey wasn’t in Barbados right now with the twins.

“What is going on?” Natasha demanded as she stormed towards the living room where her daughter was with the twins, she didn’t care that she had frightened her grandchildren; she wanted answers and she wanted them now.

Hailey stared at her mother for a moment, she knew that she was going to have to tell her that she wasn’t going to Barbados instead she was going to Barcelona to live with Gerard; the blonde cleared her throat before she told the twins to go and play in their room.

Gerard watched as his children hurried to their room before he shut the door after them, this wasn’t going to end well and he didn’t want this to frighten them knowing that he wouldn’t be able to control his temper.

“Hola madre how are you today?” Hailey asked as she turned her attention to her mother, she shouldn’t have let Gerard open the front door; he was still upset with what her parents had forced her to do.

Natasha frowned at her daughter’s words, she wasn’t in the mood for any sort of attitude that Hailey seemed to have; she wanted to know why Hailey hadn’t gone to Barbados like agreed.

“Why are you still here?” Natasha asked as she ignored Gerard, she had little interest in the footballer and the sooner that her daughter was away from him the better; she had no idea that he knew the twins were his.

Hailey took a deep breath her mother wouldn’t rest until she was in Barbados and away from Gerard, something that wasn’t going to happen now that he was aware that he was the father of the twins.

“I’m not going to Barbados, I’m moving back to Barcelona with Gerard,” Hailey said as she shifted nervously, she could already see her mother was far from pleased by what she had said.

Natasha pursed her lips as she watched her daughter, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing; she knew that there was no way that she could allow Hailey to do that, it would allow Gerard to learn the truth.

“This isn’t up for discussion Hailey, you will go to Barbados or we’ll be forced to act,” Natasha threatened as she stepped closer to her daughter, Hailey wouldn’t risk her children for the footballer and she would get her own way by threatening to take them away from her.

Gerard clenched his fists as he glared at Natasha, she was threating the twins and he didn’t like it; he didn’t like that she was trying to send his children away from him.

“No,” Gerard said as he stepped forward, he didn’t know what Natasha was threatening to do but he knew that he wasn’t going to allow her to steal away his family; he had just gotten them back and now he was determined to keep them this time.

The footballer ignored Natasha’s glare as he looked at Hailey, he was glad to see that she was relieved he had stepped in; her parents had a power over her that she didn’t like.

“This is a private family conversation,” Natasha said as she looked down her nose at the man before her, she didn’t care what he thought when she knew that Hailey would give her what she wanted; she’d send the twins far away if Hailey didn’t do as she was told right now.

Gerard snorted as he looked at Natasha, he didn’t care what she said right now he had already made arrangements to stop Hailey leaving the country with the twins; the twins wouldn’t leave without him knowing now.

“They are my children, don’t you dare for a minute think you can keep them from me now,” Gerard snarled as he moved closer, he didn’t care what Natasha thought she was doing but he wasn’t going to allow anything to happen to his children.

Natasha looked at him in horror as she realised that Hailey had told him that he was the father; this would put an end to her control over her daughter, something that she couldn’t allow to happen.

“You told him,” Natasha said dangerously as she turned to look at Hailey, she knew that she had to find a way to control her daughter since it was clear that fear wasn’t doing it anymore.

Gerard shook his head as he produced the letter that David had written him before he had died, he didn’t care what Natasha said; he wasn’t going to walk away now.

“She didn’t tell me anything… David did,” Gerard said bitterly as he handed Natasha the letter, he allowed her to take it as Hailey looked down at her hands; he hadn’t meant it as a dig at her but he had every right to still be angry over this.

Natasha pursed her lips as she read over the letter, she couldn’t believe that David had done this after everything that she and her husband had done for him; this caused them a lot of trouble.

“I’m not going to Barbados and there is nothing you can do to change that,” Hailey said as she tried to build her courage to stand up to her mother; with Gerard here that there was little that Natasha could do right now.

Hailey watched as her mother threw her a dirty look, this was far from over; she only hoped that they wouldn’t do anything drastic when it came to the twins.


Natasha stormed out of the apartment in fury at her daughter’s refusal to give in, she knew that her husband would agree that they had to get rid of the footballer for the sake of their grandchildren.

He wasn’t a suitable father and they would make him disappear, then their mother would marry one of Harold’s business partners.

Gerard followed after her knowing that he had to warn her off, she was a big threat to his future and she had already stolen six years from him and he wasn’t going to allow her to steal more.

“One more thing Natasha,” Gerard said as he walked towards her, he was a little relieved that she had stopped walking so that he could talk to her.

Natasha turned to face the man that had fathered her grandchildren, she had very little interest to what he would say since he would never be good enough for her daughter; she wanted Hailey to realise that she deserved someone so much better than him.

“If you ever try to come between Hailey and I again, if you even consider stealing my children from me for a second time… then I won’t be responsible for my actions,” Gerard hissed as he moved closer to Natasha, he couldn’t contain the rage that he felt as he focused on the woman behind what had happened; he hated that she thought it was okay to meddle like this in her daughter’s life.

Hailey hadn’t been lying when she had told the twins that she didn’t care if she found love, Natasha only cared about the power that could come from forcing a union between her daughter and some rich fancy man that paid the highest price.

Natasha stared at him speechless as she stepped back from the footballer, she swallowed a little unnerved about the passion in his blue eyes; she had never thought that Gerard would take Hailey back after what she had done.

“Stay away from my family,” the footballer warned one last time before he turned back and headed back into the apartment, he didn’t care what anyone else thought; he wasn’t going to let anyone else take his family away from him. 

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