Chapter Seventeen: Unexpected Visitors

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Hailey smiled as she took Kaitlyn’s hand, she was six weeks pregnant now and the blonde knew that there was still a long way to go for her pregnancy.

Gerard was thrilled right now and loved experiencing the early parts of her pregnancy to him; it was something that he hadn’t gotten to experience with Garrett and Kaitlyn.

Hailey had taken the twins to the local park since Gerard would be at training until late and she hadn’t wanted to sit at home on a nice day like this.

“What do you fancy for dinner?” Hailey asked as she looked down at her daughter, Garrett was just a little ahead of them and the blonde had yet to let him out of her sight.

Hailey couldn’t help but feel wary that something could happen, she was still adjusting to the fact that Gerard was very famous and people knew who she was because of that.

“Garrett don’t run to far ahead,” Hailey called she didn’t know what had gone him so hyper today; the blonde took a deep breath knowing that Christmas wasn’t that far away now.

There was only two weeks left until the holidays and Gerard was going out of his way to make sure that it was the best one that the twins had ever had; he wanted it to be the best Christmas ever since it would be their first as a family.

Garrett suddenly turned on his heel and hurried back to his mother making Hailey look concerned as he hid behind her legs; he clutched at them as Natasha Rubio appeared with an amused smile on her face as she looked at her daughter and grandchildren.

“Hola Hailey,” Natasha said as she raised an eyebrow at her daughter, she smirked knowing that the blonde had really thought that she had gotten away with what had happened.

“What do you want?” Hailey said as she pushed the twins behind her, she cursed herself knowing that she should have known that her parents wouldn’t just let her go and be happy.

The blonde swallowed as Natasha walked towards her knowing that she was far from finished with all of this; Hailey was the key to getting what they desired and they weren’t going to let her go.

“You know what we want Hailey, we have found you a new husband,” Natasha said as she continued to move closer to her daughter, she couldn’t believe that it had taken this long to catch up with Hailey.

Harold was far from pleased at his daughter’s defiance about what she was going to do, he had found her a new husband who would suit his political aspirations.

“I have no interest in marrying any other man but Gerard,” Hailey snapped wanting to get away from her mother, she carefully took hold of the twins’ hands; she wasn’t going to stay and listen to this especially when she was finally free of them.

Natasha laughed as she shook her head, she couldn’t believe that her daughter thought that he was a suitable match; he was nothing more than a footballer and nothing less than unworthy.

“You can run for now Hailey but you can’t escape your destiny,” Natasha called as her daughter turned and started to hurry the twins back to the car; she knew that this wasn’t over.


Gerard smiled as he climbed out of his car and looked up at his home, this was the best part of his day and he knew he would never grow tired of it.

The footballer loved coming home to his small family, they were everything that he had ever wanted and he had another child coming in a few months’ time.

Gerard chuckled as he thought about his plans for Christmas, he was determined to make it a special one since it was his first one with the twins and with Hailey back at his side.

“I’m home,” Gerard called as he stepped into the house, he paused at the silence that greeted him making him wonder where his family was.

The twins usually came to greet him at the door when he came home, however today there was nothing and it made a bad feeling form in his stomach; he didn’t like how quiet it was.

“Hailey?” Gerard called concerned as he moved to look in the lounge first and then the main room, he frowned wondering what was going on since there wasn’t even a note to say that they had gone anywhere.

The footballer swore softly under his breath as he headed upstairs, he didn’t like this at all and he didn’t think that Hailey would just run away with the twins and his unborn child.

Gerard quickly checked the twins’ bedrooms followed by the spare room and the master bedroom; his heart beat wildly in his chest as he wondered where they could have gone.

“Geri?” Hailey whispered as she stepped out of the empty room that the footballer was going to turn into a nursery for their unborn baby; she swallowed as she watched him knowing that he was worried that she had left.

Gerard turned around with a sigh of relief before he realised that something was wrong, he quickly moved to hug his girlfriend as fear started to consume him again.

“Hails, what is going on?” Gerard pleaded with the blonde, he was scared that something had happened to the twins; he really didn’t like the quiet that still seemed to consume the house.

Hailey sniffled as she clung to her boyfriend of eight weeks, she still couldn’t believe that her mother had approached her like that; it made her scared to leave the house in case they tried to steal her and the twins away.

“My parents are here in Barcelona,” Hailey whispered as she wrapped her arms around Gerard’s waist knowing that he wasn’t going to like this; the couple had really thought that her parents would back off, they hadn’t thought that they would come back to Barcelona for her.

Gerard held Hailey close to him as her words rang in his ears, he had hoped that they were done with all of that but clearly Hailey’s parents weren’t going to back down.

“The twins are fine… they’re taking a nap,” Hailey said knowing her boyfriend was worried, she had hidden out in the one room where no one went since she knew that no one would look inside.

“I won’t let them take you or the twins,” Gerard promised as he realised that his girlfriend was shaking, he knew this wasn’t good for their unborn child and he wanted nothing more than to ease her mind.

Hailey whimpered as she looked up at Gerard, she knew that he would risk everything for her and the twins; it sort of scared her that he could lose everything and then lose her and the twins as well.

“Don’t,” Gerard warned knowing what Hailey was thinking, he didn’t care what it took; he was going to find a way to keep her and the twins safe.

Garrett and Kaitlyn would be safe attending their private day-care and Gerard knew that with a warning that the staff wouldn’t allow them to leave with anyone but him and Hailey.

“I will protect you this time, they won’t take my family from me again,” Gerard said determinedly as he brushed his fingers through her hair, he offered her a small smile as he wondered what he would have to do to make Harold and Natasha disappear.

Gerard wasn’t going to allow them to take Hailey from him again, they had done so once and it had been hard enough; it was even harder now looking back they had also taken the twins from him.

Gerard kissed Hailey as he thought about how much he stood to lose now and it wouldn’t happen again.

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