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Niasha's POV

My name is Niasha Rose. I have violet eyes, black hair, I'm about average height and extremely skinny from lack of proper food. On my thirteenth birthday five years ago, I shifted, which is early for any shifter. The Darkmoon pack is the second largest pack in the U.S. and my father was a pack warrior that protected the Luna before he moved the family to a more secluded area. I turned 18 two days ago and my parents are planning something, but it's not a birthday party. Ten years ago my older brother left for warrior training at the Palace and that's when it started. My parents started abusing me, they never allowed outside and was only let out of the silver chains to make breakfast and dinner.

They even forced wolfsbane mixed with vervain down my throat weekly, upping the dosage every time it stopped taking effect. "It's time for breakfast, bitch! Get up!" I wasn't fazed by the name calling, John unlocked my chains and pulled me up. I've been mute for nine years since they ripped out my vocal cards to stop my screams, luckily I healed after picking it up and stitching it back in place, using my hair and a bone from a rat I ate. Pulling me up the stairs by my hair he laughed as I grunted in pain, "I want my usual bitch and hurry it up!"

I glared at them as he pushed me into the kitchen with his wife Kerry. The nails dug into my skin as she scratched my face, this is her usual greeting to me. She enjoyed doing this once she realized that I could heal from these small wounds quicker. Turning away from her, I was pulled back by my hair and kicked to the floor. "Let's kill this monster so my baby boy wouldn't see her ugly ass when he finally comes home today from his warrior training." I snorted from the floor, my 'parents' are going to kill me. So this is what they were planning.

A hard kick to my ribs brought me out of my thoughts, "Are you even listening, you pig?!!" Kerry screamed as I coughed up blood, she cracked some of my ribs. I glared at her through my eyelashes. John stood to the side with his arms folded across his chest. Kerry was the one who inflicted the most damage to me while John just stood back and watched. That doesn't make him any better than him though, he's a masochistic manic who rapes his daughter. They didn't care, they would make me watch sometimes as they fucked and when John finished her off he would rape me bloody, only to fuck Kerry once more. It was disgusting.

So extremely fucking disgusting. Soon enough Kerry was kicking and punching me, using all of her strength. I gathered strength suddenly and pushed her in the chest, that sent her flying into John. Without wasting a second I dashed for the door, successful making it outside. I ran into the woods trying to make it to the borders. Knowing that John protects this area, no other wolf from the pack ventures so far. At least that was what I thought but it strange how no one passed around this side. It was because they knew what was being done to me and they ignored it. Pathetic, that's what they are. Absolutely pathetic. They probably tried to close their ears from hearing my screams years ago.

When I was near to the borders I got tackled to the ground by John in his wolf form, the grey wolf growled menacingly at me and plunged his claws into my stomach. I don't know what came over me once again but I suddenly pushed him away and scrambled to my feet trying to get to the border, "You're not going anywhere yet bitch." My hair was yanked on causing me to fall back. A kick to my bleeding stomach flung me into a tree, upon impact I heard a crack. I didn't feel any unbearable pain in my back so I tried to move, only to open my mouth in a silent scream as Kerry stood on my ankle to break it.

When she stepped back my ankle laid at a weird angle. I looked to my right, 'a couple inches more and I'll over the pack boundary.' I thought to myself. I started what anyone in my position would do, crawl. 'Drag your body across the border. They can't hurt you over the border.' Thinking this to myself, I tried hard to drag my body towards the border. Kerry walked up to me and grabbed my hair, pulling my head as though she wanted to break it off. "You won't get to the border before I kill you. It'll be slow and excruciating." Glaring up at her, she smiles. "Are you troubled? Wondering why we did this to you? It's fine. Killing you now would snub the chances of you telling my son what we did to you." That was the last thing I saw as my world went black.

Opening my eyes slowly, everything is bright. Blinking a couple time, my eyes finally adjusted to the light. I slowly sat up in the bed and looked around the room. There were two doors on the right side of the room and on the left was a large bookcase. "You're awake." A voice echoed in the quiet room. A man stood at the open door, he stepped into the room and left the door open. Looking down at myself, my clothes were changed and there was no pain. "I hired a maid to change and take care of you. There's water, a pen and a notebook next to you. If you want to talk."

Where am I and who are you?

I took up the book and wrote before showing him. "Dimitri Elis. This is my house." Dimitri sat in the chair next to the bed. "I won't ask you who tried to kill you. You can stay here if you wish to. When you want to leave, you can." The sound of the pen scraping against the paper echoed through the room for a bit as I wrote down what I wanted to ask but I changed my mind. "My son also lives here, you two are close in age. The closet has clothes. When you're finished, you can come down and eat with us." He walked out and I sighed. Slowly I got out of the bed and made my way over to the doors. One door led to a walk in closet and the other led to the bathroom. After walking around a bit to get used to my feet once again, I walked in the bathroom and took a shower.

*an hour later*

My long black hair reached my hips so I wrapped it up in a ponytail and threw on sweats and a sweater before wandering outside the room, surprisingly finding the dining room quite easily. "Dad, seriously! This girl is nothing to us!"  I stepped into the room, the boy's violet eyes snapped to mine and he gave me a once over. "Nevermind , I see what you mean now." I sat down and started grabbing breakfast, piling two toast bread unto to the plate. "You need to get your strength up so we will train you. Starting next week if you want." Looking up at the two, I nod.

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