Twenty Three

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Niasha's POV

"No one or nothing disturbs me." Kolm said to his people before locking the door. "Let's get started." Kolm walked up to me and reached out to touch my breast. I headbutt him and then gave him a hard knee to the face. He stumbled back. "You bitch!! You clearly haven't learned your lesson from last night." I smirked. "What lesson? Don't fuck your male underdogs? Thanks but I don't have an actual penis and the ass thing will hurt so no thanks." He swing the whip in his hand and it hit me in the face. "You bitch , don't play around like you didn't enjoy it." I smiled and shook my hair out of my face. Jax should be having fun by now, so it's time to finish up on this end. "Go look in the bathroom if you don't believe me. You killed him afterwards." I created an illusion when he went into the bathroom so that he would see exactly what I wanted him to see. Kolm came back out and looked like he was starting to lose his shit. "That's an illusion. Don't think I'm foolish Niasha." His words were shaky and sounded uncertain. From his words, he's was trying to feel me out. "Maybe I did , maybe I didn't." He glared at me. "You want to play? We'll play."

Kolm went to the door and unlocked it before telling his men to bring it here. I'm guessing that this is his trump card. "I heard it'll take you a while before you can get used to a substance, so this'll slow down the process." He opened the door when a knock sounded, a group of people bringing a bucket of what smells like moonsilver. Two of the men pulled the chains so that they lifted me higher in the air and the bucket was placed underneath me. After the group left, I got dropped into the bucket. I screamed out in pain. "Fuck yea. Scream like the bitch you are." The smell of smoke filled the air and I smirked under the surface of the liquid. "Alpha, we are under attack. The witches are dead." Someone says outside door urgently, they sound out of breath, must be injured. Kolm glared at me and pulled my body out of the moonsilver.

"What the fuck did you do? You bitch!" He raised his hand to hit me but my body is soaked with moonsilver, so he could only huff in anger. "That's alright. They won't recognize you when I'm done. Let's see what will happen when their prescious Alpha is reduced to such a state." Once again he locked the door and the noise from the fight outside died down significantly. Kolm pushed the stepped the bucket of moonsilver from underneath me and then threw water on me to wash away the moonsilver. "You matter how you've changed, you are still a beauty Niasha. Don't worry, I'll make sure to enjoy you thoroughly. Alive or dead. He raised his hand to touch my face but I caught it and kicked him in the chest, his body flew across the room. He crashed into the wall harshly and growled as he looked up. Flicking my wrist I opened the window and saw Jax standing up in the treeline covered from head to toe in blood with a bored look on his face. Kolm slowly stood up and growled at me.

I smile as he spat out blood. "Don't worry, I'll cut your flesh off piece by piece. Fry it and feed it to you before taking an eye out. Pop off a couple fingers and toes, make soup and shove it down your throat. Cut your dick off and shove it up your ass before cutting your tongue out." His complexion went pale when I finished talking, fear flashed through his eyes before he masked it and smirked at me like he was still victorious. "You couldn't get out of those chains even if you tried. Silver and wolfsbane can hold you down, not to mention you've been soaked in moonsilver. It's already entered your bloodstream." I nod and grin. "I'm going to love this." I broke my chains with a tug and lunged for him.

Three hours later, the color of the sky became lighter slowly. I had just finished torturing Kolm and unlocked the door. I stepped out wiping my hands only to realize that it was of no use. The blood has already dried. I walked out the front door to the house. "You look like shit." I chuckled at Jaxon and hugged him. "Where are the trips?" Jax sighed in frustration and shook his head. I chuckled at my son's dilemma with his mates. "Where's your sister?" Jax pointed to Kingsley sitting in the grass glaring at us. "Let's go home. I'm tired." I snap my fingers to destroy the house. As if it was in quicksand the house and all other facilities belonging to Kolm sunk into the ground.

"Kingsley." She walked to me when I called out to her. Grabbing her and Jax's collar I teleported the others home and teleported us to a mountaintop. Standing on the edge,  I looked out on the horizon as the sun rose. "Why did you bring us up here, Mom?" Kingsley asked curiously. "I'm leaving." Silence followed my revelation. "When?" I looked back at my two children with a small smile. Kingsley had tears in her eyes and Jax was angry with me decision. It can't be helped, he was blindsided by this as well. He's still too dependent on me and this is his time to shine as the next Alpah of the pack. 'Tonight, I'm leaving tonight' is what I wanted to say but I didn't want to alarm them. "Next week." I sigh. "When will you be back?" Kingsely was the one asking all the questions while Jax just stood there angrily. "Jax." I touch his cheek. "You are the next Alpha. You can't slack off and do as you please anymore. You'll have more responsibility on your shoulders. Do your best to protect everyone.. and yourself. Do you understand?" He grabbed my hand and nodded. "I understand, Mother." I turn to Kingsely. "Kingsley, you need to help your brother take care of the pack. I know this is a little much considering that we didn't spend much time to get her but you are still and will always be my little girl. Don't be reckless and don't compete with your brother. Understand?" She nods. "I understand, Mother."

"What about Dad?" Kingsley asked suddenly. I ran my hands through my hair as I gave her an answer."Your father will be fine. He left the pack to prepare for my arrival. Who knows. We might come back will a couple siblings for you two?" Kingsley shook her head. "No thanks. I'm good with this one. Any more will be tyrants." I chuckle and look at Jax. "I wouldn't mind having a few siblings. No one is as tyrannical as me. I'll be able to handle them." Kingsley glared at him. "Is being a tyrant a good thing? Why are you so proud to be a tyrant?" The two start to argue about it and I couldn't help but to smile at their banter. "Alright. Let's go back. The others are looking for us." I teleport us back to the pack. The others were already waiting for us and prepared a feast. I couldn't sneak away until later. A celebration was understandable for our young warriors for their victory and survival. "You worked hard today." His voice sounded in my mind softlty. "Hm. Having children can be rewarding at times like these." Xavier chuckled. "Then hurry and met up with me so that we can have more to relay on." I smiled. "Okay but you'll have to deal with our eldest on your own." He chuckled. "That won't be a problem."

Taking out the letter I have hidden, I place them on the bed and sigh. "I'm sure you'll all do well." I teleport out of the pack grounds and look back at the vast land. Singing and laughter could be heard from inside. "This is what I strived so hard for." I turn and walk into the darkness of the shadows...

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