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Xander's POV

"My King, the Elders are at the gate coming up to the castle now." Lionus said to me as I sit in the throne room awaiting their arrival. Couple minutes later the heavy oak double doors opened to reveal five hooded people. There was originally six elders. The most powerful Elder went missing more than thirty years ago, leaving Elder Carmen in charge. She was the second most powerful Elder , no one knows what her powers really are. She never really had to use them. "King Xander. It's good to see you again" Nodding to them I turned my head to a side. "My future Queen will be here soon to greet you. But right now let's get down to why you're here." Elder Cory stepped forward. "Are you making my daughter your Queen?" I sighed, he was right but with his tone, I don't think he'll like my answer. "Yes, Rita Gomez is my future Queen." A look of disbelief came across his face.

The large doors opened once again to see my mate with her brother behind her. "Did we miss the party?" Devin asked cockily while Niasha looked on with a blank face, the tattoo on her throat looked even more defined as I looked at it almost like it was moving. Just then I felt something break, it was like a string was cut. If not for sitting, I would've crumbled to the floor in pain. It was something I had never experienced in my life before. Opening my eyes I didn't even know were closed, I looked at Niasha only to see her smiling. She was enjoying this.

Enjoy the pain as much as I enjoy watching you in pain.

Choking out a growl, I shook off the pain and pushed myself up from the chair. I walk up to her and grab her by the neck. "Don't you dare say those words!" I say while squeezing her neck harder so she'll get my point. Looking at her, she stared at me with those captivating eyes which gradually turned white. Letting go of her neck, I stumbled from a hand pulling me back. "You should be lucky you're still alive with limbs attached to your correct parts." Devin growled at me.

Ég, Niasha Rose, hafnar Xander Black sem maka minn og framtíð konungur.

She stumbled back into Devin's arms and coughed up blood. "This matter goes no further." Devin says as Niasha nods and leaves the room with everyone trailing after her while I stood there watching them leave, in confusion. I had no idea what she said but I knew everyone else did.

I think she actually broke our bond and the council let her go. I growled in frustration and followed them to the training ground where Rita stood with a sword in hand. "Don't think that you're getting off that easy. It's still a fight happening here." I heard Rita said as Niasha walked past her. Niasha stopped and turned her head to look at Rita slowly, I smirked, I knew she still wanted me. Devin grabbed her hand and shook his head at her, he then leaned down to whisper something in her ear which she had no response to. "Since we're here let's watch the fight , make it entertaining." I said while approaching the group. Rita smiled up at me and kissed me. "King's Order." She said as I step back to give them room I looked around and smirked at Niasha's confused gaze as she looked at me.

There was a part of the castle overlooking the training grounds that we decided to sit in to watch the fight. Devin sat to my right while Elder Carmen sat on my left. "Before this fight starts, don't say that I didn't warn you." Elder Carmen said before focusing on the impending fight. Niasha stood in the middle of the field, looked up at us and gave the slowest creepiest smile I've ever seen. It sent the wrong type of chills down my back.

Devin laughed cheerfully at her expression and stood up with a glass of bourbon he pulled from nowhere  tipping it in her direction before chugging it all down. This family is beyond crazy. It may be a good thing to rid myself of this woman. My parents sat next to him with a disapproving look, at what I'm not sure, but said nothing as the fight started. Rita charged first, she swiped the sword to the right but Niasha easily dodged. Rita wasn't finished and went to kick Niasha but was a step late as she only hit an empty space.

Niasha disappeared off the field only to reappear a second later munching on an apple. "Stop playing and fight! " I shouted annoyed at her playful antics. Without realizing I was hit on the head, hard. A half eaten apple fell into my lap and I growled, only to look down at her to see her smirking at me. Rita started her next attack but didn't get too far as Niasha wrapped her hand around Rita's neck and raised her off the ground.

If I killed your whore, will you just get another one? Yes, I think so since you can't have me

I stood up and jumped off the balcony and began walking in their direction when the vampire that claimed to be Niasha's brother stood in my way. "I think it's best you leave them alone since this is a fight to the death and all." He said with a smile. He clearly enjoyed when Niasha kills as if he fed off of it. "Niasha only kills when she has to and you made her continue this fight, not to mention take it seriously. But now that she is completing the duel you want her to stop? Not happening." Suddenly he went rigid and turned quickly, we looked on as Niasha spat out blood and dropped Rita's body to the floor as she started coughing up more blood. "Asha! What happened? " The vampire held onto her before she could fall. No words were spoken but they were obviously talking through her power.

Suddenly Rita got up and raised her hand towards the vampire and he got pinned to the ground and completely covered in sand. She walked over to a now very weak Niasha. Before I could react Niasha raised her hand and snapped. Rita's body was ripped apart instantly. Looking down, Niasha had Rita's body parts surrounding me. This all happened in the span of five minutes which is how long my parents took to get downstairs and unto the field. "She was using black magic." Someone said but I ignored them and started running towards Niasha. My body gave out half way to her and I blacked out.

"If I had known that he fucked someone else while he knew that they were mates, I would've left him to rot." A mysterious woman's voice sounded with  a venomous tone. Opening my eyes, a woman that looked exactly like Niasha stood over me, her eyes went cold when she realized I was awake. Sitting up as she walked away, the room was deadly quiet as everyone in the room looked at me like I murdered someone close to them. "The only way to preserve your life was cast a risky spell. Unfortunately, you survived." The woman said with hatred in her voice as she stood by the door before closing it behind her as she walked out the room.

My father looked at me with an emotion I had been accustomed to since I named Rita as my future Queen, disappointment. This time it was mixed with something else, anger. My mother wasn't in the room but I knew she felt the same way my father did. Without my father telling me what happened I almost figured it out when I realized Rita was using black magic. "If you don't get your shit together you'll bring your kingdom down, killing all its people. If you do that, I won't sit here and watch it happen." My father stood up and left the room.

Looking at the clock beside me it read 4:50 am. I decided to get some sleep before dealing with things in the morning. I was awoken by a knock in the door, sitting up I looked at the clock 8:00 am it read. "Your majesty." Lionus stepped into the room looking extremely happy as if his King wasn't in the bed in front of him. Seemingly influenced by my lack of response he became less chipper and cleared his throat. "The Rogue and her group have officially left the Royal grounds as of yesterday." My heart sank, I didn't even get to see her before she left. "She left?" Lionus was confused by my obvious dilemma. I moved aside the sheets and got off the bed.

I rushed to the door and flew back into the wall. Looking up a golden light shimmered before disappearing, I growled and slammed my fist into the floor. Standing up I walked towards the door and touched the space in front of me and the light appeared once again. "Lionus, try to walk out the door." He said nothing as I turned to him. He cleared his throat he said, "Before she left, she said 'the forcefield will keep him for two days after he wakes up by the time it disappears we will be long gone.' that was all."

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