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Ni's POV

I don't think anyone realizes how much it hurts me standing in front of the two people I hate more than anything in the world. It's frustrating really, I mean having your childhood memories filled with nothing but torture and hate. All those years ago when I first met Devin and Dimitri I wasn't scared for my life or future, I was angry. Angry that I couldn't bring myself to kill them instead of almost getting myself killed. Angry that I had no power to help myself out of that situation sooner. I made up in my mind that I was going to get stronger, wipe my slate clean and not take bullshit from anyone. Easier said than done, but thanks to that, Devin and Dimitri became my family.

I was telling myself that if I came across my parents again that'll ignore them. No violence, no acknowledgment, nothing. I would act as if they were air. I guess them being here in my face instead of my nightmares changed that no violence policy of mine. Killing them is the best thing to do and that's what I did. I dismembered their bodies slowly, everyone present looked on quietly. It didn't make me feel better about myself, I realized my own beauty years ago. This will just take me sleep easier at night. It'll be one last thing haunting my dreams at night. I snapped my fingers and a fire lit on the heap of body parts as soon as the barrier was broken. A cry sounded and I turned to see Sam on his knees, tears streaming down his face. A little more dramatic than I thought it would've been. I felt a coat surround my body and looked up. Devin was being the ever caring big brother he is.

A growl from Xander snapped me out of my thoughts, "Take your hands off my mate, vampire" Devin growled back at him, "She's no mate of yours, mutt. Fuck off." We walk out of the ballroom together after Devin threw a glare in Xander's direction. "Asha? You okay?" He asked, concerned for me. I nodded and sighed. Walking into my room, I shrugged off Devin's jacket and placed it on the chair as Devin called Dad. "Yes Dad, she's fine." Devin glances at me and I nod. They exchanged a few more words and Devin hung up. A knock sounded on my door, Devin opened it to see Sam standing there. "Why are you here? My sister doesn't want to see you." Sam glared at Devin. "Your sister? You don't know anything about her? I want to speak to her, not you."

Devin, it's fine. I'll speak with him. Send for Jax please, he'll want to see that I'm fine.

Devin nodded and walked out but not before giving Sam nothing short of a death glare. Snapping my fingers we transport into an empty office. Jax can easily find my location, so it's not a bother. I sit in the chair and looked at Sam who sat across from me. "Why? What did they do to you that caused you to kill them like that?" Cocking my head to a side, I gave him a questioning glance. Is he dumb or deaf? Or maybe he thinks that I'm easy to fool like everyone else? His parents just admitted that they tortured me for years yet here he is, questioning me about it. Acting as if they never told him and he never knew. After these years, I finally got confirmation that they treated me like that because I wasn't of their blood and because they were afraid. I snorted, pussies.

The office doors opened revealing Jax and Devin. "Mom, you okay?" He pushed himself into the chair with me, " I can't lose you. You're all I have left." Sam cleared his throat, making Jax look away from me to him. His soft eyes hardened when his gaze landed on Sam. "Why did you leave him alive?" Venom seeped out of his words and the room got cold, Sam started to shake slightly at the sudden chill. "Ww-haaat th-the f-fuck are you?" Bad mistake on Sam's part as his lips started to get blue as the room went colder. I touched Jax's back, comforting him.

Jax, it's fine. He won't live for long.

At my words Jax relaxed a bit and let the room return to room temperature. As soon as Sam got his bearings he growled deeply and stood up glaring at Jax. "You little mutt. You tried to kill me didn't you? You want to be taught a lesson?" I stood and growled at his threat to my pup. Sam whimpered but tried to fight it, making me growl louder which ended him on his knees. Threatening his own child, he really is no different from his parents. Sam bowed his head in submission. "What's wrong?!" The door slammed against the wall as Anna walked through with guns in the air. Her hair disheveled and slightly wet, only thing covering her body is a towel.

Devin was behind her with his knives in hand. After quickly analyzing the situation, Anna ushered Jax out of the room. Devin closed the door behind them, the click sounded indicating that he locked the door. "I warned you. You didn't listen." Devin grabbed him pulling him up and went to hit him. "You have your suspicions yet still you tried to harm him. Jax went through a lot already at his young age but his father treating him like that draws the line. He'll never forgive you." I stopped Devin from hitting him, to say I'm disappointed in Sam is an understatement.

It's way too late for this shit. I'm tired. So Sam, you'll apologize to Jax and then you'll fuck off.

Sam looked at me, "Why the fuck should I? His mother was nothing but a whore." Devin punched him in the face. "A whore? You pursued and had sex with the woman, when she wasn't of use to you anymore, you kicked her to the curb. Now you're calling her a whore? I should have you strung up by you by your neck and whipped."

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