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Devin's POV

Lax and Sophia met me at the bottom of the staircase, "What is it?" They looked at each other before looking at me. "Some of the lycans are trying to trouble within the village." Lax said slowly, "They are taking the teenagers into the woods. Anna's already gone to search." I gave them a look, of all people to go it had to be Anna... Laughter and screams were heard not to far off from the entrance of the forest, approaching the laughter of the girls I could hear talking. "That's what you get for thinking we are just weak little girls." I walked up on the girls who were taken as they stand in a circle surrounding the warriors who had taken them. "Girls." They turned to me and made room for me to pass through them into the middle of the circle. "Who was it?" I asked as I bent down to examine the now liquefied bodies of the warriors.

The triplets stepped forward. "Tia, Tiara and Tamina. What did I say about using your powers?" They smiled innocently but no one was convinced with those smiles, they reminded me of Niasha a bit too much. They are little girls to me but they are at most sixteen. It's really troublesome when these three are involved. "Why do they act special because they have powers? They're just a bunch of freaks. What werewolves have abilities like that?" Another girl stepped forward sneering at the triplets. "Shae." She seemed surprised I knew her name. "How do you know my name? I thought that you guys only cared about the special ones." These girls have the wildest imagination. The hybrids and the ones with special abilities are trained by Mom, Dad, Niasha or myself but lately Jax has been training them as well so we all switch days and times. The others are trained by Jackson with the supervision of Anna and Lax.

"We don't only know the children with abilities. We know all of our pack members." Anna walked out of the shadows while replying , her red eyes gleaming as she looked over the girls. "Do you know the story of the Alpha? Why she became who she is now?" Everyone went quiet, I love telling Asha's story because of the  progress she made and how she faced everything that came her way, even when it was at its roughest. Only during the five years that she fell off the grid, was the only thing about her that I knew very little about. "Let's get out of the woods first." Anna waved her hand and the path back to the house lit up. When we exited the path we walked towards the garden. "Now let's get started." I began as everyone sat down. Halfway through the story a crash was heard in the main pack house.

Rushing inside, Stasia was throwing things on the ground in a fit of anger. She must've just gotten here and went straight for Jax.  "Listen here princess, this isn't your house so don't think that you can destroy it." Jax grabbed her hand as he talked. "I'll destroy the things you care about in the world so that'll you'll have no reason to reject me Jaxon. You can never fucking reject me!" Jax laughed and pulled her out of the house. He let go of her before walking towards us. "Hey guys, it's time for training." Stasia glared at the girls as they excitedly rushed upstairs to change clothes. Jax walked out the house, Anna and myself followed after him. "She's just looking for attention because that's the only way I'll speak to her." Jax says to me as I held his shoulder to stop him from walking away. "If you dislike her so much speak to your mother and get her opinion on the situation." I tapped him on the shoulder and looked behind me to see Stasia walking my way.

She caught up to me and stood in my way. "What the fuck does that mean? Is Niasha going to break our bond?" I scoffed at her and moved but she stood in my way once again."Whether my sister decides to break it off or not will be on you. Don't get in my way little girl." I pushed her to the side and began walking away. "What the fuck does it mean? I'm talking to you, Devin!" She shouted. The entire village went quiet as if everyone was holding their breath which meant that everyone heard her. I turned and looked at her and she gulped once our eyes met. My hand itched to rip her throat out but before I could reach out, a hand tapped my own.

The next time you address any of the elders in this village including myself by our names especially in such a disrespectful tone. I'll make you mute. Also, don't bother to spend the night here, leave before nightfall. It makes me uncomfortable.

Asha walked off before stopping and looking back at Stasia who hurriedly walked after her. Anna looked at me and said "I've never heard her talk to anyone the way she just did to Stasia. Let's go, it's our turn to oversee Jax's training with the girls. " I groaned while Anna smirked, she loved trying to beat me. "Devin, we need to talk." I looked at Luna and contemplated if to talk to her right now or not. "After training." Luna grabbed my hand forcing me to face her. "Let's leave, your sister is a tyrant and has all of you wrapped around her little finger. The rules make no sense." I raised an eyebrow at her in question. "How so?" She stood in silence for a few seconds before speaking.

"Don't go into the forest, no usage of powers unless necessary, no leaving the pack lands... These are the main ones apparently yet she breaks everyone of them not to mention she ruthlessly punishes pack members as well as meeting a strange ma-.. Beast! There's a beast-" Covering her mouth with my hand I looked her in the eyes, "What did you do?" There was only on thing in the forest surrounding us that can be considered a beast, if that's what I'm thinking about then-. A loud, ground breaking growl sounded and the forest trees started to move swiftly towards us. The huge white ball of fur was pissed as it exited the forest. He looked around as if searching for someone, it growled again when it's eyes landed on my mate.

"Nobody move!" It would be best if they didn't get into his way right now. Luna pulled away from me and started running. Seeing that she was running, he took off after her. That was confirmation enough that she did something to him. "Luna! Stop fucking running!" Grabbing onto the fur of its leg, I pushed myself up onto his back and tried to stop him by pulling on his horns but he wasn't stopping. Luna was beginning to slow down since she's pregnant and her body is already quite weak.The mount threw me from his back into a couple trees. Pushing myself up slowly, I look down at myself only to blood coverig my body. A patch of the beast's white fur turning red as he got closer to Luna. "Help me!" Luna screamed but I was too far away to help her. The beast put his large paw in the air ready to strike when it stopped, backed away and bowed. I ran over to Luna.

Helping her up, I checked for the baby's heartbeat and sighed in relief. I turned to beast to see his eyes looking full of pain and anger, but slowly turned white as it laid down. Asha came towards us from the corner of the house, her eyes white as well. Suddenly her eyes started switching colors before going back to normal violet. "What did you do to little five? Why is he bleeding?" Asha signed to me. She was angry as well but that is to be expected. I turn to Luna. "What did you do to Little Five? This is Asha's mount and he's injured." Luna scoffed and pushed my hands from her body before glaring at Asha. "What? You hid this thing from us and now that he attacked me nearly killing your niece or nephew and your brother all you have to ask is who hurt it?" 

No reply came from Asha as she watched Luna eerily calm. "That was your stupidity that nearly got our child killed. This beast roams the forest which helps to protect us. Since Asha is the leader of this pack, she doesn't always have the time to care for him so she has a seclusive pack member take care of him. When I gave you that note of rules, most of them were recommended by the doctor for you. It's best for you to be careful since the child is still young. That's why I said I would talk to you about it later. I am your mate and second in command to all of these people. No one comes first in a situation like this. You are scared because you're in an unfamiliar setting, that's fine. I've been too busy trying to help my sister to survive and haven't been attending to you so you're angry, that's fine." I hold her shoulders. "What is not fine is you roaming about without trying to genuinely understand my pack or my sister."

"Your actions nearly got our child killed and pack members injured. I have given you the basics of everything that runs here. You always want to convince me that it's my sister's fault for something you did. Little Five didn't hurt anyone else but came straight for you, the fact that you did it intentionally annoys me. What would've happened if Niasha wasn't here? Did you think about that? You would've fucking died right there because of something your stupid ass, thought was smart to do That list is what I compiled with the doctor due to my concern for you and our child. The first trimester is the most fragile time the mother and child. You just threw all of my thoughts out the window of your brain to make space for your continued misconceptions about us." I walked away annoyed and upset. I need some time to think.

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