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Ni's POV

Feeling uneasy for the rest of the night for some reason, I barely slept. When I checked the clock, it was already morning, so I decided to train. About two hours later Jax joined me and we sparred bare handed at first. Just as we moved onto using a knife, I felt a pain in my chest. At first I felt a little pain then it got worse. "Mom! What's wrong?"  Jax asked as I dropped to my knees. Devin ran into the room and tried to move me but I stopped him. My chest started to tighten and the pain took a turn for the worse. Finally, the pain subsided. I have an idea of what it is but it's best not to tell the others. Pushing myself up, Jax held my hand tightly and wiped the sweat from my forehead. "You okay Ash?" Devin asked me and I nodded. "It's been two hours." He said as he looked me over as I stretched my limbs, Jax shoved a  bottle of water my hands.

Where is that idiot?

Jax still had a worried look on his face so I ran my hand through his head and cracked a smile for him. "Meeting his private council. The high council sent word. They're coming here to confirm the mate bond." I pursed my lips in annoyance. Why bother to confirm it? It's clearly false, it's been a few days but the person I saw was indeed my mate. The one I thought to be dead. Since that's the case then what's the purpose of staying here any longer? There isn't any. Snapping my fingers, I appear outside the throne room. The guards at the door looked at me in shock not expecting to see me and tried to block my way. Without a look in their direction and a flick of the wrist, the doors opened on their own and the guards stood frozen in place.

Xander sat on his throne while his little bitch sat snugly in the Queen's throne making me raise my eyebrow in question. This bitch looks at me as if she won the noble prize, his personal council consisted of four people. One woman and three men. I could already tell who they were, without trying to lift the black robes from their eyes. Stepping further into the room, Xander's eyes found my own but didn't let go of the trashcan. The four people stood up and turned to me, Lionus was one of them, his big burly stance wasn't hard to miss.  The next three got on their knees and bowed on one knee.

Dominic took his hoodie off first. "Alpha, my mate is the Princess Nivana. King Xander's older sister." The second one, Amatha did the same before speaking. "My mate is captain of the royal guard Lionus, Alpha." I hummed and looked up at him and his facial expression screamed murder as he glared at me. Two deep growls were heard but I ignored them as the third Damon, lifted his hood. "Alpha, I'm ashamed to see you. My mate does not accept me." I frowned at that and lifted his head so his downcast eyes can meet my own.


His eyes shifted to the trash sitting on my throne and back quickly. She narrowed her eyes at him as if she wished he would disappear. This has got to be a fucking joke, he's mated to the trashcan. The Moon Goddess works in mysterious ways... No I think she's just being bored and wants a war after years of a peaceful era. I nodded and they rose from the ground. They are triplets so it was a surprise that they have different mates, most twins/triplets do however have the same mate but it's been three years since I've seen them. "Niasha. What are you doing here?" Xander growled. Ignoring him I walked up the stairs to the throne, his eyes widens at my inclosing presence.

A cry came from the trashcan as I grabbed her hair. Pulling her out of the chair and threw her down the steps before turning to a glaring Xander. A shriek came from the trashcan as she finally got off the floor, after going all the way down ten to twelve steps. "HOW DARE YOU??!!" My oversensitive ears rang from her screeching however instead of answering , I merely smile at her. He opened his mouth to answer but was too late say anything as the trashcan said, "I  Rita Gomez, challenge you, the Rogue Queen, for the Queen title and the rights to mate with King Xander." I like her she has guts , too bad they'll be all over the floor when I'm finished.

My fangs came out as my smile widened, she flinched at my gesture. "My King, the fight needs a week to plan. The High council will be here by then, are you sure this should continue?" Lionus asked. For the first time since I stepped into the room Xander looked away from me. "Do you want to go through with this? Her father in on the High Council, the strongest werewolf alive." I loved when people underestimated me, the thrill of beating them because of their stupidity is heightened for me. Besides, its not like I actually want Xander. This is to vent anger for one of my people and to play around a bit.

Walking down the stairs, my eyes haven't left the trashcan but she can't seem to meet my eyes. "Alpha.." Damon called out to me but I raised my hand for him to be quiet and approached the trashcan. She took a step back and I grabbed her by her jaw.

Play with me all you can, it won't change the outcome. You'll still end up being food for the pigs which I would still eat.

Pushing her away from me with her jaw, I scoff and walk out of the throne room. Devin stood outside the door and shook his head at me once he saw my smile. "I'm not sure if to be proud of you or be afraid of you sometimes." He says while wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I elbow him in the ribs and walked off without him.

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