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Niasha's POV

I like to start my day with training but I especially love when I'm sparring with someone. I woke up early and decided to show the early training class how to seriously spar, A. K. A. Real fight. I stood in the middle of the training room waiting for Jax and the other teenagers to arrive. An hour passed and I got annoyed at them. Teleporting in the teen house, it reeked of alcohol and weed. Bodies littered the floor and I could hear snoring from upstairs. Walking into the kitchen I took two frying pans and walked back to the door slamming them together. People got up confused but nothing could beat the looks on their faces when they saw me.

Movement from upstairs started towards the stairs. "Who the fuck is making so much-- motherrrrr, hi mom" Jax smiled innocently at me. Raising an eyebrow at him I pointed behind him at the clock, as he turned scratches along his back made themselves visible to my eyes. "Yeah, I see the time. But, ohhhhh fuck" Jax finally realized what is about to happen. I gave him an evil smile and dropped the pans. Five minutes later and all the teens were on the field doing eight hundred pushups. Jax, no doubt started the party last night so I purposely laid down on his back with sunglasses on as the sun started rising while Jax did a thousand pushups.

Suddenly my sun was blocked and someone cleared their throat. I opened my eyes and looked at the person, Anastasia seemed pissed but I ignored her. She should know not to fuck with me already, "Jax, who the fuck is this bitch on you? Where's Niasha." Jax ignored her while I raised an eyebrow at her in question. Tapping Jax, he stopped and I got off his back and he whistled stopping the others. I took off my sunglasses and Anastasia stepped back in fright while screaming. "Who the fuck are you?" Jax stood in front of Sia. Anna arrived first and stood confused as she looked at me. Devin and our parents arrived next, they did the same as Anna.

Looking down my skin was pale white, my nails grew longer and the nail polish turned from red to black. Other than that I saw nothing else wrong. "The Lycans are going to go crazy over this." Was my father's only words. I pulled my hair out of it's ponytail , a habit when I'm oddly confused. "Why the fuck is my hair white?" Collective gasps went around, "you..... You just spoke!" Jax said dumbfounded, "No, I didn't. I'm--" I paused, feeling my throat vibrate when I spoke This wasn't supposed to happen but either way it corresponds with the plan. Turning away from everyone, I snapped my fingers teleporting me to my room. I look in the mirror for my reflection. It's surprising for me to see this new reflection but fighting poison with poison really works.

My door opens, revealing my Mother. She walks in the room and smiles, "You look beautiful but I also know what this means." Of course Mom knows, the reason why I didn't know about her existence is because of her seclusion. Now I'll have to go into seclusion soon. "The others don't know?" I shook my head. "Okay. On another note, that foolish King is here requesting a meeting with you. Something about the witches." I nod. "I'll be down soon."

"Niasha?" Xander was surprised to see me when he entered my office. "No, it's a statue." He paused in his step when he heard my voice. "You can talk now?" I ignore his obvious question. "What the fuck happened to your hair?" Sighing, I sat down behind my desk and crossed my legs. "It just happened." Taking my hair in my hands, I pulled it over my shoulder as I sat back in the chair. The ends of my hair were blood red. The poison isn't out completely but it's soon out.  I shake my head, if anyone knew that I had a relapse they would know that would mean seclusion which they nor myself wanted. Like my Mother's seclusion it will be long. There's a high possiblity that I will be in seclusion for a longer period than her. I slept for almost two years after first creating the pack I had exhausted my powers to the point that I just blacked out. Everyone was scared and confused after that but Dad and Dev kept things moving.

Suddenly outside turned black, the wind was howling and the trees whipping around in the air. I sighed, "Witches always come at a bad time." Xander snickered and we walked out to meet my most welcomed guests. As we walked out, twenty witches stood outside the barrier while two floated in the air. Snapping my fingers, the weather and sky went back to normal. I motioned them to come down to me, no way in hell I was about to break my neck looking at the idiots. I had already heard about the twin witches who rule the United Witches Clan, since one twin uses dark magic the other uses light magic. The two are strong apart but stronger together.

The witches came down from the air. "You don't need to be hostile-" I coughed and blood poured out of my mouth. Looks like my body is deciding for itself that I need to go into seclusion again. Pain shook my body, making me drop to my knees. The pain intesified to the point that a scream ripped from my throat. My screams shook the ground as my eyes closed from the amount of pain. I could feel my nails breaking as I scratched at the ground. Feeling someone hold me down, I opened my eyes. Mom grabbed my hand while Jax held me down, something was shoved into my mouth but that didn't stop the screams. "Asha. You need to control yourself before you create a disaster!" Devin said above me. A disaster? Why would I_?! Looking to the side, my eyes widened as I saw Jax spitting out blood.

Looking beyond him, I saw a pair of black eyes looking at me from the treeline. 'Let go. I'll be here.' I could hear my own screams dwindling down but the pain increased. I smile at him and relaxed my body despite the pain. A light started shining and I saw it in slow motion, everyone started flying backwards as if they were pulled back. Flowers instantly grew under and around me, a golden force field around me. It was like an outer body experience but once I took another breath, everything went black.

The Rogue Queen (BOOK ONE OF QUEEN SERIES)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang