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Jax's POV

I groaned and got off the tree I landed on. "Holy shit." There are no other words to describe what I saw in front of me. Mom laid down in a flowerbed peacefully, her chest wasn't moving even though she looked as though she was sleeping. Running up to her, I was pushed back from a shield. It flashed golden hue before disappearing. Groaning was heard behind me but I didn't care to look. I kept looking at the woman who raised me to be the man I am today, my mother. I placed my hand on the force field and searched for her presence but found nothing. So this is the set up for the final part of the plan, right mom?

Everyone finally got themselves together and ran across to where I am currently kneeling. No one said anything, my grandparents, my aunts and uncles. No one said anything until.. "Give us our nephew and we'll leave." Getting up, I turned to the witches."Have some respect." My fist connected to the one that spoke's face before anyone could reach for me. The next hit connected to his face once again. I couldn't make my next move because the man was on his feet  quickly and grabbed my neck ready to snap it. He didn't get a chance to when a force field wave came towards me and the man stumbled back, letting me go in the process.

Looking down, string like golden light circled around me. Xander pulled me back,  "Stop." I scoffed at him but stepped back to my Uncle "You show me respect and I'll think about if we talk." Xander said. "This isn't your place to play around, boy." Grandmother said as she looked away from Mother's body. Xander could only step to he side when he heard Grandmother's words. A low hum wrapped around us, like the wind, sometimes high, sometimes low. It was beautiful, it reminded me of mom's favorite song. "King Xander my name is Max, this is my twin Maxine. As you can see, we are the leaders of the United Witches Clan. My nephew did some training here and was supposed to be back since a week ago. I searched for his mind and saw that him and this boy behind you had a fight."

"You young Witches are quite disrespectful. The leader of the Council is here yet you address this little boy?" Grandmother scoffed. "Ilas. Come out!" Grandmother waved her hand and a large rip in the open space next to her opened. A man fell out the hole into the dirt. "Who the hell-" Grandmother kicked the man, making him tumble over. "Your witches are really big now, Huh?! They attempted to attack my daughter and even disrespect me." She kicked the man again. "Wait, wait wait!" The man shouted out while holding out his hands. Grandmother still had her foot lifted, ready to kick him again but stopped. "Who are you and why are you doing this to me?" Grandmother scoffed and put her foot down. She bent down, "Look at me."

The man looked up at her slowly and paused. He looked around at everyone then back at Grandmother. "What? You don't recognize me?" The man immediately got on his knees and bowed his head. "Forgive me, Leader. I'll make sure it never happens again. Please forgive me." Grandmother stood up, "Instead of that. Set your people straight before I eradicate your entire species off the face of the earth." The man nods and slowly stood up. He fixed himself and turned to the witches. "What have you been doing?!" He yelled at them. "Elder.. You." Elder? This man is an Elder? The Elder glared at them. "Answer my question! You young ones got me trouble. Apologize!" The two bowed to him but he hit their heads. "Not to me, to the leader!"

"Our nephew is being held here after he was nearly killed by this boy and we don't know if he's alive. Why do we have to apologize?" The woman said first. "That's right. Not to mention, this boy was disrespectful. He needs new manners." Her brother chimed in behind me. The Elder hit them again. "So what if he hit you? You should be happy to just be beaten but still having your life!" He huffed arrogantly but tensed up when Grandmother cleared her throat. "Apologize right away." The to glanced at each other. "We apologize for the disrespect." The Elder nodded at them and then looked at Grandmother. "Leader, their nephew..." Grandmother looked at Uncle, who nodded. "My daughter had no intention of killing the boy. My grandson and that boy fought because he disrespected my daugthter. The Rose family don't take kindly to insults." She glared at the two witches.

"Yes, yes... Wait daughter? Grandson? Leader! You disappeared and we managed to find out that you had one child but you had another one? And she has a child? Is it this boy?" He approached me. "I saw you a few years ago at Xander's Palace. You were with.." He looked around once again, his eyes landed on Grandfather and Uncle before he chuckled. "I wasn't even aware that the child was a part of the family. My apologies Leader." He smiled at Grandmother but she ignored him. "When your nephew gets here, you can leave our territory." The witches nodded. The woman took a step forward. "If I may ask a question..." She aimed her words at Grandmother. "What is it?" The witch wanted to take another step forward but her body tensed up and she took two steps back instead. "Elder Ilas calls you leader and you just mentioned the family name Rose. are you perhaps..." She paused. "Spit it out child." Grandmother said impatiently.

"Are you perhaps the Leader of the Council, Liana Rose?" Grandmother nods. "That's right. Do you have something to tell me that you're asking for my name?" The witches all got on their knees immediately. "We are sincerely sorry, Elder Rose!" Their voices echoed through the air. "What are you shouting for? If you really feel sorry then fix up the buildings that shook a bit and make sure the grass his green and not patchy in areas and maybe I'll forgive you." Grandmother walked up to me. "Come, let's look at your mother before heading inside." I nod and follow her over to the barrier. "Grandmother, Mother will be fine right?" Grandmother smiles at me, "Yes, she'll be fine. There's no need to worry." I nod. "Wow, this is such a beautiful barrier." Elder Ilas said as he lightly touched the barrier.

"What do you think you're doing Ilas?!" He jumped and removed his hand. "I was just seeing how she made this." Grandmother shook her head. "You really need to control yourself sometimes. That's why you people think they can throw their weight around and no one can go against them. Carmen always goes easy on you, that's the problem." He chuckled. "I was actually in confinement just now, Leader. Carmen punished me because of a hybrid.." Grandmother raised her hand to hit him and he flinched away, "No wonder I found the magic on that girl familiar. Thanks to you, my daughter ended poisoned when she killed that ugly mutt. I should summon that idiot while I'm at it too and give him a good beating. All of those children he has and he let the most retarded one to roam about freely." I chuckle. "Grandmother, let's go inside." She sighs. "Okay. Let's go."

It was a couple hours later that I walked out the house and into I a large white fur ball. "Little five. What are you doing?" He looked down at me as I took a few steps back. Tilting his head to a side, I raised an eyebrow at him. He wasn't allowed out of the woods without permission but he came here for permission despite coming out of the woods already. I sigh. "Alright, let's go visit her." Walking alongside him, I guided him to where my mother was. When we got to the barrier, Anna stood there with her hands on the force field. Where her hands touched turned from gold to violet. She was communicating with Mom somehow. I ran over and quickly placing my hands on the forcefield. Closing my eyes, I opened them once again to a field of flowers. In the middle of it stood a cabin, voices came from inside. Walking closer, I could hear the conversation more clearly. "Niasha what the fuck are doing here? They will be here soon and the others can't prepare without you." It was obviously Anna's voice but I sensed another presence in the house that wasn't saying anything. "You'll have to help them prepare Anna. Truth is, I had a couple relapses a couple days ago. If I don't gather my strength, I won't be of any help to you either way. I'll be back soon." Nothing was said for a while and I looked back to see red eyes glowing. "Jaxon." I smiled at Anna nervously.

"Hey, I didn't know that it was you in the house." She smirked and grabbed my collar, pulling me into the house. "Hey Mom." She sighed once I came into view. "Did you really think I didn't know you entered?" I shrugged. "As I said before, give me five days days." I sat next to her and laid my head in her lap, getting sleepy. Her white hair was on my shoulder, I grabbed it and looked up. "Sing me your song." I said as I closed my eyes.

The Rogue Queen (BOOK ONE OF QUEEN SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now