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Stasia's POV

Not a word was spoken between us as we walked, Niasha seemed comfortable in the silence. I, however was not. Nothing has been working in the way I want for a while now. Anytime I even attempted to say something was shut down with just a simple look from her. Suddenly Niasha changed directions toward the woods, as we rounded the house, I hear screaming. Then it stopped and the smell of blood entered the air, from the corner of my eye I saw a man I've never seen before lurking at the treeline. His black eyes shook me to my core, something about his eyes put me off then within a blink of an eye he disappeared. When I reached them, Devin was walking away from a crying pregnant woman while Niasha tended to some kind of a beast. "Are you happy? Is this what you wanted?" The woman shouted to Niasha. Niasha gave no answer but I felt a sting in the back of my neck before my lips started moving.

"The only thing that's my fault is not letting Little Five kill you. If I were you I would apologize for making him choose because he wouldn't. When he went to find his mate was the only time he ever left me alone willingly. If he's away for to long, bad things tend to happen."

The sting came again as Niasha got onto the beast and the woman walked away. "I'm sorry okay. I shouldn't have cheated but you should've never left. Then maybe I wouldn't be this fucked up. I looked up to you but after what you did to my father. I can never forgive you." Niasha smiled and shook her head, the beast walked past me.

Ask your father who did wrong , not that it's really any of your business.

She disappeared into the treeline and I turned around only to hit into a chest. Looking up Jax stepped back. "I see you met Little Five." I smiled at him weakly, Jax still cares about me. I have to get him on my side again. "Not really, but you know that beast?" Jax looked at me, his electric blue eyes flashed red for a second as he looked me over. "I'm the one who brought him back for her." Jax turned and began to walk away. Damnit, I'm not done. "Jax! Wait. Please." Since he was shirtless I could see the muscles in his back flex before he turned to me and as he turned, he folded his arms over his chest. I bit my bottom lip nervously and his eyes flashed red once again. Just a bit more. "Listen I had a feeling we were mates but I didn't mean to cheat, I wasn't even sure if you were coming back especially not after how Niasha left my dad along with my grandparents who I'm still a little mad at. Look all I'm saying is sorry and I'm sure you slept with someone else so what's the big deal?" Jax scoffed before coming up to me and grabbed my neck gently but firm.

"It was your father who fucked up and I never slept with anyone yet. When I do, I hope you feel it." He pushed me off slightly before walking away. "It ended two years ago! He was lying about last night. So please don't do this Jaxon!" Jax didn't stop but I knew he heard me. "Jax doesn't forgive." A woman's voice sounded. Looking around I saw no one and rubbed my temples thinking I was just hearing things when the person spoke again. "Even if you work for it, you won't be able to gain his forgiveness." A woman with red eyes sat on the rooftop looking down at me. As she jumped down, I recognized that it was Anna. "That's not really any of your business though, is it?" I asked glaring at her. She smiled creepily, her face contorted to some creature and I screamed before running to the house.

I could hear her laughter loudly echoing in my ears as if I was going nowhere. "Anna, leave the child alone!" Grandmother appeared out of nowhere with a smile on her face. She touched my hand and I pulled away from her, "Don't touch me." She sighed "Then let's have a conversation on the porch." Sitting in the furthest chair from her, I crossed my arms across my chest and watched as my grandmother took her time to sit down. "Don't think I won't reach you fast enough to slap you, little girl." Rolling my eyes I sighed annoyed at her mere presence. My head turned to a side as I felt a sting on my cheek.

"Ow! What the fuc-" I was hit once again, this time I kept my mouth shut. "Do you remember the first incident that happened when we back to the castle?" I nodded "I was screaming and crying because Jax continuously tickled me but two guards started beating Jax and dragged him into the throne room. Niasha killed the guards and started attacking Dad." Grandmother hummed and nodded. "Your mother was never Xander's mate but we never treated her badly and we adore you but because of Rita, everything went to shit. Xander was poisoned and if it wasn't for Niasha, he would've died. Niasha left because she rejected your father. Jax needed training, especially with his abilities. Your grandfather and I left because we felt at home here. You needed to be by your father's side to grow into a leader but to also remember who you are. I had high hopes for you but you've left us all disappointed. You should be careful with how you want to handle this because if Niasha allows the breaking of this bond, I'll support her."

With that grandmother got up and left me by myself. Couple hours later I was still on the porch thinking things over. "I hope you've decided cause I have." Jax stood on the steps watching me. "If you want to end this bond I'm okay with it since I'm at fault here but I seem to keep blaming everyone. So, as your mate I was wrong. I'm sorry." Jax stared at me quietly and unmoving for a few minutes. His eyes turned red and the next thing I know I'm up against the wall with fangs in my neck. Jax backed let me go and stepped back, his eyes no longer red. "Did you just mark me?" He gave no answer but ripped my necklace off and walked away. I touch my neck, it was burning. A deep chuckle startled me, making me look around. "Well well princess, you sure don't have it easy." The man was backing me as he spoke. The man turned around and his black eyes gave me creep chills. "Who are you?" The man sighed before jumping off the porch, "Who I am is not relevant to you." He walked into the forest.

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