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Xander's POV

Devin suddenly appeared in the throne room with with a sleeping Niasha in his arms. "Give her your blood." I scoffed, "Why don't you give her your blood?" He placed her down on the table and grabs my shirt. "If you don't want her to go on a killing spree when she wakes up then you better give her your blood." He pushes me towards her and I cut my wrist, putting it to her mouth. "Why my blood?" Devin glares at me in annoyance before speaking, "Her venom is in your body. For now, you need to be alive,  its the best choice. Unfortunately killing you won't be good for Isaac or Stasi. Be lucky that your parents love you and have pleaded for you once again." Looking down, Niasha opens her eyes and pushed my hand away from her mouth. "Get out now." Devin growls, "You should be glad my sister saved your life from that poison you ungrateful mutt. You're giving back what you owe."

"I wasn't poisoned." Devin gave me a look of pity. "I feel sorry for Issac and Dtasi. Who knew their son was this pathetic and stupid. Pity." He nodded to Niasha before walking out the room. Niasha reached up and touched my shoulder. Suddenly I saw the room move, Rita stood above me as I sat in a chair wrapping my hand with a white cloth. "I remember this, Anastasia's mother died two days after this. Mom had found out that I was fucking Rita and whipped me with sliver tipped chains. Rita was tending to my wounds."  We zoomed in closer to see the cloth had a faint green hue to it. The other instances of the poison passed by quickly.

"You may be stronger but that doesn't mean it was a smart fucking move Niasha! A blood transfusion would've worked fine. We have advanced technology that would've cleaned it out, so yes it was a foolish move on your part." She scoffed at me and folded her arms.

I thought you were a smart man but it's just like Devin said. I pity you. You actually think I took poison from your body? No I was being careless because you little whore liked to dabble in forbidden magic and had a spell hidden on her body, set to the condition of a grave injury or death. Right now your role is a personal blood bag. Understood?

I laughed, playing off her words. "Don't act like you're innocent here. You've been fucking other people. It sounds like plenty according to the rumors." She slapped me hard enough to draw blood, I touch my cheek in shock as I swallow and blood flows down my throat. "How dare you hit me? You are a mere rogue with a couple people behind you and feel powerful. You have no power here. You're just a lowlife mute and that's all you'll ever be." The door opened revealing a frantic Stasia. "It's Jax." We rushed outside, following Stasia onto the training field where a fight was taking place. "What happened?" I asked Stasia as we approached everyone. "I was about to show Jax how much my training had approved when Sam and his groupies showed up out of nowhere, the necklace lit up and next thing I knew Jax started beating the shit out of everyone."

A crack was heard, followed by a scream. Jax was now on his knees holding his arm that was about to be ripped from his body by Sam. I stepped forward but Niasha raised a hand, shaking her head. Sam broke Jax's hand again after realizing it was useless trying to pull it off his body. "Listen here boy, next time you want to fight me try and have some more skills first." He kicked Jax in the face repeatedly. With the force he was kicking, I figured any normal creature would've had it's neck broken already. "He doesn't recognize him." Niasha's Dad whispered. Just when I thought it wouldn't happen, Jax's head snapped back at a weird angle and his hand pulled off his body with ease. Stasia screamed out, she was the only person who was freaking out. Mom walked over to her and placed a hand over her mouth meanwhile everyone else just stood still.

The mother figure of this boy didn't attack which was in itself very weird. Sam turned as he finished and bowed, letting Jax's body fall into the dust. "My King, I'll like to ask for the princess's hand in marriage. As you just witnessed, I was challenged and won." I smirked, had a feeling that he wanted something like that. He had his eye on her since that last incident. I was waiting for him to say something. "Sure." He smiled and got up but before he could go anywhere I said, "However, are you sure you want to do that?" Pointing behind him as Jax's body pick itself back up, his neck popping back into place and his arm reattaching itself to him.

Sam fell down in disbelief and fear, even I didn't know he had that ability. "Next time you want to fight me try and have some skills." Jax mocked Sam as he stood tall. Looking at the boy now, he was way taller and buffer ,not to mention he looked more like Niasha than his own blood father who wasn't even related to her. "Did you not see your 'little sister who you love so much' here?" I voiced as Sam turned, shifting a bit Niasha stepped forward and smirked. "Sis, sis save me. Please I'm sorry I didn't realize. Please I'm begging you. You wouldn't let him kill me. It's me." Niasha turned and walked away but not before giving a nod to Jax, I walked after her while everyone stood watching. "Niasha! You bitch! Save me!" Sam shouted angrily. Niasha stopped and turned back, I sighed sadly now feeling really bad for Sam. The man doesn't know what he just did.

Sam's screams were heard faintly from the castle as we entered. "I had just discovered that Anastasia was gone before you came so how did you get here so fast?" I asked Niasha while walking inside the meeting room. She said nothing and sat down, looking at me while crossing her legs and resting back in the chair as I await her answer. A guard came in, "My King, the wasteland in the south suddenly turned into a village. We sent some scouts and found out that it was over a thousand rogues living there." I nodded. "What form of action did you take?" The guards lifted his head with a smile. "Captain Lionus and two thousand of the warriors have surrounded the village and await your command, sir."

Turning to Niasha, I chuckle. "Try not to kill Lionus, okay?" She stood up, walked up to the guard and sliced his throat open. She didn't even hesitate spilling blood. "You just had to, didn't you?" She shrugged and walked out the room.

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