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It's been awhile since the notes and rumours on Sera have gone running. Now the routine would be her coming to school hearing murmurs of rumours get to class where her seat was stuffed with words and thrashed. Haizaki and Nijimura tried to make her tell the principal but she refused. Sometimes during lunch someone would dump food on her head of she was talking with Kise and Aomine or when she and Midorima were at the library a random girl would make a stack of books fall on her feet. There was this time when she was walking in the hall with Murasakibara and someone threw a large pebble at her luckily Murasakibara caught it.
It was now lunchtime and Seta was getting ready to leave when someone called her.
"Shiroko" she looked up to see Akashi. The rest of the class stared at the red head who had called their classmate.
"Oh Roro-kun what's up" she greeted smiling. He ignored the nickname as he walked to her.
"You said you'd teach me a special move before the training camp" he replied. She owed remembering as she grabbed her bag and his hand walking out earning a glare from the girls.
"What a slut" Akashi glanced at the group near them then back at Seta who kept smiling as she pretended not to realise.
When they got to the gym after changing Seta got them a ball.
"This might be easy for you I called it Knee Break" he nodded getting ready to defend on her. She activated her eyes as she pretended to go to the right Akashi followed as she then went left and again right making him fall on his butt.
"Your fast Roro if it had been someone else they would've feel on their knees" she giggled at her own pun. Akashi sighed getting up. Seta handed him the ball telling him to try it. He failed a few times but then managed to get past her but Seta would always catch up. As they practiced Akashi found himself enjoying it more and more soon smiling when she'd catch up. Seta too was enjoying it because Akashi was maybe the only one able to keep up and cause he wasn't giving up.
Soon they stopped to take a break. As they sat panting Akashi looked at her.
"Shiroko why are you letting all of them do that" he asked.
"I don't know to me fighting them isn't worth it and anyway they'll soon get over it right?" She grinned at him. He narrowed his eyes as he couldn't understand her reply. He sigh getting up.
"Lets go then, but I still think you shouldn't let them go that far" he replied. She hummed getting up. The two walked up to the roof meeting the rest of the re.
"Ah there you are why re you guys only showing up now" Haizaki asked mostly glaring daggers at Akashi.
"She was teaching me new moves" he replied sitting down next to Midorima and Murasakibara.
"Eeeh!? Why can't you teach me some Setaicchi!" Kise wailed. Seta chuckled at him.
"Don't worry Ryou-kun I will teach all some" she said. Kise smiled in excitement as he launched to hug her.
"Oi Kise let go!" Midorima.
"No! At least Setaicchi doesn't find my hugs" he pouted. They all sweat dropped.
"That's cause most of the time you suffocate people and I'm surprise she isn't blue" Aomine deadpan.
"Aomine-kun's right Kise-kun your hugs are deadlier than Momoi-san's" Kuroko added.
"Kurokocchi is so mean Setacchi's nice" he pouted as he went sulking in a corner.
"There there Ryou-kun no need to go sulking" Seta said patting his head.
"Do you want a comforting hug" Kise turned around dramatically as anime tears streamed down his face. He engulfed her in a hug before she could even react.
"How can you offer something so easily" Nijimura asked sighing at the scene as Kise wouldn't let go anymore.
"Well it's normal since we're friends right Ryou-kun"
"Uwaaah! Setaicchi is so innocent" Seta sweat dropped at him.
"Kise really" Aomine said.
"Don't be jealous Dai-chan" Momoi said.
"I'm not!" He yelled blushing.
"Daiki you can have yours too" she offered opening her arms up.
"No I was here first" Kise stated.
"Really Kise, that just childish even from you" Midorima stated.
"Shinshin done be so grumpy, have you eaten well or is it jealousy too, you know Ryou-kun can give you a hug too" Midorima popped a vein at that. Nijimura and Aomine stifled a laughter while Haizaki was laughing it off like a maniac.
"I'm fine thanks Shiroko" he growled.
"By the way could you all stop calling me that I prefer Seta" she said smiling. They nodded understanding. They continued to chat the rest of the time before lunch was over. They all left to go to class so did Seta as she walked alone to the class. As she walked pass the stair case she felt a presence behind her. She looked up about to turn when she felt someone push her. Everything turned black as she felt pain rush through her muscles. The last thing she heard was someone's voice.
"Good for you bitch"
Haizaki walked down the hall with Nijimura when a shoulder haired girl ran past them chuckling to herself. Nijimura didn't mind her but Haizaki didn't feel good about it when he suddenly felt a pain in his chest.
"Argh" he held onto his chest as the pain grew Nijimura stared at him in confusion.
"Whats wrong?" He asked kneeling next to him. Haizaki looked at his eyes wide.
"Seta's in trouble" he said getting up. He stumbled a bit coughing. Nijimura helped him as they dashed towards Seta's class.
When they arrived Nijimura asked for her but no one had seen her since Akashi came to get her. They then headed off to Akashi's class. He neither didn't know where she was. They all decided to contact the rest as they searched for her.
Momoi ran down the hall as she and Kuroko searched for the white haired girl. Soon they approached the stair case. Lurk no didn't notice when the pinkette halted in front.
"Tetsu here" he ran back to the stairs seeing Momoi crying covering her mouth.
"What wron-" his eyes shifted to down the stair case where Seta lay unconscientious her head bleeding from the impact.
"Call the others quickly" Momoi nodded as her shaky hands tested to the rest where they were. She then looked back at Kuroko who tried to stopped the bleeding wound.
"Who could've done such a thing" she mumbled as she got down holding Seta's hand.
A beep sound was heard as they all stood in the room a heavy silence on them. Soon the sound of running was heard.
"Wait Miss you can't go in you"
"Get out of my way!" A voice yelled.
The doors opened to reveal a white haired woman with red eyes in a grey flower dress with frills and a black haired man with grey eyes in a black suite wearing black glasses.
"Seta-chan!" She rushed to Seta's side as grabbed her hand. The colourful group assumed her to be her mother.
"Excuse my wife's presence and attitude" he said to the group. He then faced Nijimura.
"Thank you for looking after Seta and Shugo Shuzo-kun I'm eternally grateful" Nijimura nodded glancing at the sobbing mother.
"You must be Seta's friends could I have a word with you all outside" they all nodded following him except Haizaki who stayed.
"Aren't you coming" Aomine asked. Haizaki shook his head the blue head shrugged walking after the rest.
Outside the room they all sat waiting in a private room. Soon the man walked in.
"First of all, you might have guessed it I'm Seta's father, I'm Shu Shang Haizaki, the woman you saw earlier is Setomi Shinjuko Haizaki
my wife and Seta's mother" they stayed silent processing the news.
"Now that its settled I'd like to thank you all for taking her here, I am very grateful to all of you" he bowed in respect before getting back up.
"Now if you don't mind me asking, how did this happened"
"Well sir, we think Seta might be victim of bullying" Aomine said. Momoi stabbed his side making him cringe in pain.
"Be respect full Dai-chan" she whispered. Shu chuckled.
"What he means is, she has been going through numerous issues with people if her class" Midorima rectified. Shu nodded understanding.
"Do have any names or any ideas of would do that" they all thought for a while before Akashi spoke up.
"I don't have specific names but I know a group of girl's that might be involved" he offered.
"Then if it's girls uptight just be a fan issue" Kise stated.
"What do you mean" Shu asked.
"Well in Teiko it's common for there to be popular guys especially in the team who get the attention of the girls, Seta spends a lot of time around us so they must've gotten ideas" he explained. Shu's look suddenly went serious as he thought. So all this was because of a bunch of jealous teens.
"I see" he muttered.
"This might be a little too much but could you young people look after her so she doesn't get hurt, meanwhile I'll try to get my hands on the responsible" they all haied before getting dismissed. They all headed back to the room where they found the woman and Haizaki still clutching onto Seta.
"Well, I guess you did all you could" she said as they walked in.
"Miss we're sorry" Nijimura apologised.
"Its fine and anyways, these things happen often," her eyes narrowed at Seta.
"But if only it could happen to someone else than Seta, she's already going through enough" none of them understood except Haizaki who looked down in shame.
"Seta," he whispered. Setomi looked at him smiling.
"Shugo, don't be sad, your the one that knew first and I'm proud of it" he didn't answer as he still looked down. Setomi sighed getting up as she bonked him with a baseball bat. They all gasped in shock except Akashi and Kuroko who stayed eyes wide. This strangely felt like deja vu...
"Stop mopping around Seta wouldn't like to see her own brother cry like a three year old" he looked up sighing.
"Your right" he sighed. Suddenly they heard a shuffle. They looked up to see Seta getting up.
"Ugh, my head what happened and where am I" she grunted.
"Seta!" Momoi and Kise yelled launching at her hugging her.
"Eh what up with you all and Shugo why's Okaa-chan here?" She asked looking around. The two pulled back to let her breath as Nijimura and the rest explained to her the situation.
"Hun, do you know who that might've been" Seta thought for a minute remembering the voice.
"I didn't see any one but I heard a voice before blacking out" she shifted her gaze to the silent Haizaki.
"Shugo, are you okay" he looked up smirking.
"Yeah, only tired"
"Well I can't blame you, when I get hurt you feel it too" she chuckled.
"What do you mean?" Midorima asked.
"Well they twins with that comes the effects, if one gets hurt the other will feel the pain as much as the other even if they are from afar" Setomi blurted.
"Okaa-san did you have to say it" Seta said. They all gapped at the news.
"You two are twins" the group asked except Nijimura who knew.
"Yeah is it that shocking" Haizaki asked.
"Yeah you look nothing alike except the hair color" Kise stated. Haizaki bonked his head in reply. Setomi pouted pulling his cheek.
"Mou~ Shugo stop being so mean to your friend" she grounded.
"Could you not do that in front of people" he asked. They laughed at his words as he felt embarrassed. The rest of day was spent that way with all of them chatting and Setomi occasionally embarrassing Haizaki.

To be continued...

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