Dark Side of the Angel

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When she got back to school Seta didn't mind the still hate full words or glares when she walked around with one of the boys or with Momoi.
After getting her stuff together she left for the gym when she realised she didn't have it on. She cursed her self as she rummaged through her bag but failed to find it. She dashed to the locker as she looked for it more. She kept searching in the whole building when her phone vibrated in her pocket. She read the text message and her eyes widened.
Unknown Number:
I have your necklace, come meet me behind the gym,
P.S: if you tell the basketball players I'll break it
She felt her world stop as she finished it. She sighed walking over to the gym.
When she got to the meeting area there was a crowd of girl's before her waiting. She frowned in confusion but didn't speak. Someone stepped up to reveal the same brunette that had bumped into her who was also the one Nijimura and Haizaki had seen. She smirked as she stepped in front of Seta.
"Where's my medallion?" She asked. The girl snorted.
"Don't you get cocky because your in the club" she said. Seta lowered her gaze.
"We know what you really did to get in you know" one of them said.
"Aparently you used to be the manager and you had a friend who was the player number 3" the brunette started. Seta's eyes went wide.
"And for some reason you both got into a fight, ending in her expulsion and you taking her place" she continued.
"I think that friend of yours was too close to the guys so you must've gotten jealous, what a slut you are" she grinned disgustingly as she got the medallion out.
"I bet none of the guys know so here's the deal, we'll keep quiet and give this back if you quit the team" Seta looked up in fear as she was about to reply.
"Think twice I bet this thing came from the boys here as a welcome to the team and I know such a present is important even to a bitch" Seta looked down. The crowd seemed to get larger as some listened to the story.
"Whats wrong don't you wanna speak" the brunette shoved her earning no reply she started getting annoyed and pushed her stepping on her feet again and again.
"Where's that high attitude you had earlier lost it?" She taunted. Soon she shoved Seta hard enough to make her fall. As she tried to get up the brunette kicked her in the stomach then on the face again and again.
The boys were heading to the gym for practice when suddenly Haizaki halted holding his stomach in pain as he feel on his knees coughing.
"Whats wrong Haizaki!" Nijimura yelled. Haizaki suddenly looked up.
"Seta she's in trouble," he chocked out stumbling up.
"What does he mean," Akashi asked. Nijimura shrugged helping him up.
"Do know but the last time he said that we found her down a staircase so this isn't good" they nodded as they ran towards the gym.
When they arrived they were met with a crowd at the back.
"Whats going on here" Aomine asked. Murasakibara looked up his eyes wide.
"Someone is beating Set-chin up" he stated they looked at him in horror. Back in the center the brunette started getting enough of kicking Seta.
"This isn't worth it,if you won't leave fine but then I don't need this anymore" she threw the medallion on the ground and before she could step on it Seta grabbed her ankle.
"What the-"
"Don't you dare step on it" she managed to say.
"Hah so you still have the guys well watch me" the girl yanked her foot away as she redid her move but this time Seta pushed her away. The girl looked at her infuriated.
"You!" She yelled. She punched her sending her struggling on her knees. She then grabbed the medallion opening it as she teared the two pictures before breaking it. She laughed hysterically as she threw it at Seta's face. Seta sat as she tried to put the pictures together but failed. She looked down as tears started streaming down her face. The girl before her chuckled.
"So pathetic," she mused.
"You shouldn't have done that" Seta growled. She looked up clear white eyes drained in tears as she got back up. She clutched the pieces in her hand. The next thing the crowd knew was Seta disappearing before appearing in front of the brunette and punching her. The latter fell butt first as she lost a few tooth. Seta sat on her stomach punching her harder every time. Soon she stopped. She got up and grabbed the other by the neck as she slapped her hard. She kept her grip tightened on the pieces as she cried more gripping harder when she felt a hand on her shoulder.
"That's enough," she looked to her side to see Haizaki. She looked at him then at the girl she was gripping then let go. The girl fell coughing as she struggled for air. Seta stared at her hands in horror.
"ShUgo WhAt dID I dO" she shivered as she looked down at her actions. She looked around to see there was no one but the team. She looked down in shame.
"You did nothing wrong" he WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE DID NOTHING WRONG DID YOU SEE WHAT SHE DID TO MY FACE !?"The now seemingly fine brunette yelled. Haizaki glanced at her. He leaned next to her ear.
"My sister went easy on you after what you've done,if it were me you'd be dead by now so be grateful and get the hell away" she shivered at the calm coldness and rage in his voice. When he pulled back he looked at her in the eyes meaning to leave and she did as told.
"Shugo I'm sorry" he looked to his side to see her sobbing as she held the pieces in regret.
"This isn't your fault" he replied. She didn't reply as she sobbed more. He sighed grabbing her hand as they walked to the group.
"Set-chan, are you-"
"Momoi could you handle the practice for me today" Seta asked as she couldn't look at her friend in shame.
"Of course" she replied. Haizaki frowned as he walked her inside.
"Kise please get the aid kit" the blonde nodded scurrying off then returning with the kit.
"Does it hurt somewhere" Nijimura asked as he kneeled down. She looked away as she shook her head. He hummed as he started cleaning her wounds. Soon her was about to come to her bleeding ankle when she stopped him.
"Don't please" she muttered. He looked at Haizaki who nodded. There were her socks on the wound so he'd have to take them off which meant he would've seen the other wounds.
"Lets get back to practice" Nijimura said. The rest nodded as they headed onto the court. Momoi and Kuroko stayed by Seta's side.
"Seta-san are you okay" she looked at the guys nodding. Kuroko and Momoi looked at her in worry as she wasn't looking at them. Momoi sighed as she grabbed Seta's arm and walked out.
"Statsuki what are you-"
"Here," Momoi handed her a spare uniform. The one she wore was torn on the edges and full of dirt. She looked at it before taking it. Momoi smiled sadly at her. Seta started changing as she didn't mind the pink haired girl. Momoi's eyes widened when she saw the bruises on Seta's stomach.
"Satsu please don't tell anyone about this" she requested looking away.
"Seta-chan this could get worse" she said.
"Don't worry I'll be fine" she grinned.
"..." Momoi nodded unsure. They then walked out towards the gym again.
"Ne, if it isn't too personal could I ask you a question" Seta nodded already expecting it.
"What picture was inside the medallion?" Seta smiled down at her feet.
"Well you know before I entered the team I used to have a sister she was the original number 3 of the team" she chuckled.
"I was the manager back then, I was so shy and she'd always be there for me, only I'll tell you a secret,"
"In our clan basketball is only for boys girl's are forbidden to play no matter how good they are, when our clan members found out they made up a story about how her mother and my father had an adventure resulting in her birth, to keep it a secret they put her in the Haizeka clan even though she was a Hanamiya" Momoi stared in shock. Seta faced her her eyes getting teary.
"The saddest thing is it wasn't a lie, when she found out she felt betrayed by my family and left, its been years now since then and years went by Nijimura asked me to replace her and I did as said. It's now been 8 years since I've seen her" she sighed looking up.
"The picture in the medallion was the last photo I had of her and me being happy" She looked at Momoi who seemed on the verge of tears.
"I'm sorry I didn't know Seta-chan" she hugged her friend in a comforting manner as they stood their for a while. Neither of them realised the guys in the corner listening.
"You had a sister" Aomine asked in shock Haizaki popped a vein as he hit him.
"Step sister in this case" he said.
"This is shocking, what kind of clan are you in" Midorima asked.
"The kind where rules have to be respected or you get kicked out" he shrugged.
"Captain so you knew what was wrong with her" Kise asked.
"Yeah, I had agreed to not speak a word about it without her contentment" he sighed.
"Results of it rumours have gone around about the manager replacing a player" Haizaki said clenching hands.
"Wait I don't understand a thing then it means Seta's been kicked out" Aomine asked.
"No according to what we've heard if you don't get caught your safe" Akashi pointed out.
"But if they-"
"If they do she'll just have to leave Japan and get her title taken from her, she also will have to be reprogrammed to another clan where she'll be associated to a man she'll marry when she gets older" they hawked at Haizaki's explanation.
"That's completely unfair" Murasakibara pointed out.
"What do you think she can't marry someone outside the clan anyways that's for everyone" he shrugged.
"Damn can't she give up the title to someone else" Haizaki chuckled.
"It's been two years since we've tried that and it's always failed, getting the title away means finishing your days as a servant for the family but of you get someone else to manage your free to go, the issue is no one wants to go for that title"
"Whys that" Akashi asked.
"In the clan to be heir or heiress you have to fight all the oldest ones from each family, the winner is the one that survives"
"What does that mean" Kuroko asked.
"What other meaning does it have the clan's oldest children had to fight for the title" he said walking off leaving the rest gawking.
After practice they all decided to cool down at the Maggie Burger where they each got a separate meal. As they sat chatting about nothing and everything Seta kept quiet as she fiddle with her dark chocolate milkshake. This didn't go unnoticed by the green head beside her. Neither did it go unnoticed by her brother. Haizaki cleared his throat as he jabbed her side not too hard. She squeaked in alert at the touch which made the others stifle a laughter.
"Shugo, really" she glared at him making her look like she was pouting.
"It isn't respectful to play with food" he stated innocently. She rolled her eyes sipping her shake when something hit her.
"Wait isn't the camping trip in two days" they all silenced as they had all forgotten.
"Ah right" Nijimura said turning pail. He knew what kind of regime she'd give them.
"Good at least I didn't forget, the ride will be at 7 am in the morning and if any of you is late" Seta trailed off as she and Momoi giggled in a creepy way making the guys sweat bullets.
"Talk about hell" Aomine muttered.

To be continued....

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