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Seta lay on her bed eyeing the proposal ring. She smiled to herself. Midorima loved her. And she loved him. They were a couple. And now finances. She blushed at the idea as she shook her head getting her bag and heading off.
Today they were against a tough team so she had to get a plan ready.
When she arrived the team was doing warm ups. She sighed walking over to Momoi discussing the plan attack.
"Okay now guys listen up" Momoi called.
"The team were against today is a tough one, they're not like the ordinary one we've met these ones are the ones that people call the Forest team. According to the database they're strategy is..." Momoi paused.
"Is what what's so special about them?" Kise asked.
"It's unreadable, sometimes it's run and gun other times it's all in the defence they change at every match" she said.
"How's that even possible" Midorima asked.
"I myself don't know," she replied.
"Wait what school are they from" Nijimura asked.
"Okaido High" she said. Seta looked at her curiously. She hadn't gotten the time to check the database so she didn't know their opponents school nor men ever names.
Suddenly the crowd cheered as their opponents made their way in.
"Here they are!"
"The amazing Forest Team"
"With the inflaming duo"
The Teiko members turned to meet with six players in black and blue jerseys. What really caught their sight were the look alike twins in front. Seta and Haizaki shared an uneasy look.
Aomine stood up recognising the one he'd met the day before. Juliette stood next to what could be assumed her twin sister.
"Kyaaah! Shugo!" The look alike girl yelled launching at Haizaki. The boy grunted pushing her off. Juliette walked behind her when she noticed Aomine. Her face flushed.
"A-Aomine-kun" she stammered. Seta cocked a brow at the two then grinned smugly.
"Julie you never told me you were hitting on my teammate" the said girl flushed a deeper shade shaking her head frantically.
"N-No I"
"Relax I'm just kidding" she giggled.
"You know each other" Kise asked.
"Well I met her yesterday" Aomine explained looking over at the girl. She didn't have her glasses making her look more angelic in the tanned boy's eyes.
"Ah," Kise followed his gaze and chuckled when he saw the look Aomine gave the girl.
"But how do you guys know them" the girl who'd launched at Haizaki smirked as she held out a blue crescent medallion while Julie held a star shaped one.
"We're cousins" the two choruses.
"Names Julietta Song Haizaki and this is my twin sister Juliette Song Haizaki" the one with red eyes said.
The opponent's captain approached. He was as tall as Murasakibara and had honey brown hair with green eyes.
"Julietta stop bugging the others and get your ass moving" he said. She pouted letting go of Haizaki as she walked back.
"You must be the captain of Teiko glad to meet ya I'm Rinkaru Kaijide" the brunette said extending a hand to Nijimura.
"Nijimura Shuzo nice to meet you," Rinkaru nodded in acknowledgement.
"You grumpy ol' captain, couldn't you see I was in the middle of something" Julia said pinching her captain's cheek. A vein popped on the side of his cheek as she did so.
"Um, Julietta, i-it may not b-be a good idea" Julie said.
"She knows just let her take the hit" the captain raised his hands to Julia's face as he pinched hard on her cheek making her yelp as she jumped back. At that moment the Teiko team could've sworn they saw her use only one foot as she ended on the other side of the court. Seta sighed facepalming.
"Good now go warm up you too, Julie" the said girl nodded rushing over to the other side as the captain followed.
"What was that?" Nijimura asked.
"That was Lièvre Blanc" Haizaki said.
"Lieve what?" Kise asked.
"In French it's the White Haier" Seta explained.
"Julia is a professional catcher while Julie is a gymnastic pro, the two are called Les Lièvre Noir et Blanc" Momoi stated reading off the data she had.
"That's not all, in their part of the family they're taught into stamina lessons since they're 5" Haizaki hissed.
"In other words those two can jump higher than normal teens" Seta finished then looked up serious.
"Todays match might be the toughest we'll ever have but if we don't go through this we might never be qualified for the title of number ones of Japan" the boys stared in determination.
"You guys know what that means right?" Nijimura asked grinning. They all nodded.
"This is our chance, our ticket for the finals and first place" they all stood pumped up. Momoi and Seta smiled.
"We have to win this"
"HAI" They replied.
The players headed off to line up. As they stood before each other Aomine looked down at the trembling girl.
"Yo Lie what's wrong?" Julia asked her sister.
"M-Maybe I should stay on t-the bench," she muttered. Julia stated emotionless before a smack noise reasoned.
"Don't be stupid your one of our best players what do you think I'd be without you" Julia said scowling.
"B-But I"
"No buts young lad' get moving" Julia said running to the front. Julie stood behind before a smile cracked on her face. She adjusted her medallion before running into position.
Julie and Murasakibara stood in the center as the referee threw the up. They both jumped as Murasakibara got it.
"Damn it" Julia cursed as she ran to intercept the pass catching Murasakibara off guard.
"Julie au pas d'charge" she yelled in French. Seta narrowed her eyes.
Julie ran up to their hoop as she climbed up confusing the others. Julia jumped aiming their hoop as Julie caught it sitting on top as she shot it across the court shocking the Teiko members except Haizaki and Seta.
"Instinct Animal" Seta muttered. Momoi looked at her confused.
"Whats that" Seta looked from her to the court.
"Those two are using the cheapest tricks they've got, if we can't beat those tricks we'll never make it." She explained making the pink head worry.
On the court the team struggled. Every pass they made was intercepted by Julia. The girl was fast very fast. Julie was always behind her pulling a small trick once in a while. The more it went on the harder it got until.
Aomine held the ball looking around as he scanned the area Nijimura gave him a nod to go for it. He did as he remembered the moves Seta taught him as he redid them his teammates blocked Julia. She cursed under her breath. Her eyes widened as she saw Aomine getting closer to Julie's rang. The other girl stood paralyzed. Julia breathed in before yelling at the captain.
"Rinka get your ass up" the said guy smacked the ball away from Aomine as it bounced over to his teammate who scored.
"Wha!?" Julia sighed in relief.
"Whats going on here" Kise asked.
"Is it me or that Julietta girl doesn't want anyone near her twin" Akashi asked.Haizaki nodded.
"Julie is anti social she's got a huge phobia of people, it's gotten better since she was 6 but she doesn't like people getting too close or she goes aggressive" he said.
"Is that so" Aomine muttered.
"Shouldn't we us that to our advantage" Midorima asked.
"I'd rather not, when panicked we never know what an infuriated rabbit can do" Haizaki stated.
"We might just pin the others then" Nijimura stated.
The match started again as the defense seemed tighter with Teiko. Three of the players were on Julia making it hard for her to pass. Rinkaru was in a difficult position too as he had issues shooting from where he was leaving it up to Julie who seemed to struggle. The ball was passed to her as she caught it. Her eyes widened. She saw Midorima running to get the ball and felt her body freeze. The closer he got the more she tensed.
"Julie!" Her sister yelled. At that moment her vision went red as she ran off. She dodged everyone trying to get the ball. As she got to the hoop Aomine tried to stop her by jumping but bad idea. She did a back flip over his head dunking the ball as she stood on the hoop. The referee signaled a time out. The minute she got to the floor Julie fell in her knees coughing. Julia and Rinkaru ran to her side. Julia looked at Seta in fear and worry then back at her twin sister. Seta sighed.
"Alright since you might all be struggling we'll change" she said when they came to rest.
"Shin, Sei, Atsushi and Tetsuya on the court the rest have a break for now" Aomine jolted up.
"Hat but why!?" He yelled. Seta looked at him smiling.
"Don't worry I want you all ready for the second quarter so just calm down and relax" he hissed sitting down. Seta sighed again as she took her shirt off revealing a jersey. Haizaki stood up.
"Seta don't" she smiled at him.
"Its okay I have an hour right" she said.
"But you" he stopped glancing at the others before sitting down in quiet.
"I'll be fine" she stated waving.
Back on the court Seta instructed to everyone what to do.
She stood in the center against Julia who had her eyes wide.
"Are you insane what if you" Seta hushed her.
"It's okay, and don't be so loud we never know whose listening" she said murmuring the last part. Julia looked unsure but didn't reply.
The ball was thrown up as Julia jumped but Seta didn't. She stood their when.
Akashi caught the ball in shock as he jumped doing a three pointer.
"How did she" Momoi smiled. Kuroko stood in a passing position. The moment Julia has jumped down he had smacked the ball away. Seta smiled.
"It wasn't her it was Tetsu-kun" Momoi stated.
Kuroko panted as he sat sweaty on the gym floor. Seta keeled next to him.
"Not bad you almost mastered that, just try to get it at the last moment" she advised. He nodded.
"Yes" he said getting up as Seta born in position again.
End of the Flashback...
"That training really did it right Tetsu" she hummed.
"Indeed" he said smiling. Julia looked at the boy in interest.
"Of someone had told me I'd meet a guy with the same attributes as Rei" she muttered. Julie stood nodding.
The game resumed as this time both Seta and Julia jumped for the ball. Seta caught it landing swiftly as she passed it to Murasakibara who dunked immediately. All that before Julia could react.
"What the hell!?" She yelled. Julie frowned. Seta smiled giving a piece sign. The game went on as every time they got the ball they did a shot. Either Seta passed it or she shot herself. Their technic worked until Julia had enough.
"I've had it!" She yelled her left eye going blue as Julie's right eye went red.
"Julia wait" Rinkaru yelled. She didn't listen as she went for the hoop. When she was about to dunk Seta jumped before her making them collide. Seta fell to the ground with the referee signaling a foul. Julia's eyes widened. This, this was...
"The trick you used in the NBA remember?" Seta asked getting up.
"Why you-" a whistle was heard signaling a change of players. Julia looked up. Rinkaru looked ahead.
"Julia out" he said sternly.
"What?" She asked. She marched to his side about to protest when she saw Julie on the bench breathing heavily. Her eyes widened going back to normal.
"I think you've forgotten what you promised at the beginning of the year" the captain said crossing his arms.
"Rinka I'm okay" Julie weakly said.
"No your not, don't even try to speak" he snapped making her silent.
"Julie," Julia muttered biting on her lip. She passed the captain as she sat down looking at the ground.
"You'll come back when you'll be more careful" he said heading back. Julie got up looking at her twin frowning before she got called over.
The ball was thrown up as this time Rinkaru was the one jumping against Seta. Seta smirked as she activated her eyes. Rinkaru froze looking at her in the eyes. When he came back to his senses Midorima had scored. He cursed himself for being so careless when he felt someone pat him. He looked to his right seeing Julie smile at him.
"Let me do this please" she said more like demanded. He eyed her about to say no when he saw the look she gave. A black rabbit with a star on the forehead with blue glowing eyes stood behind her daring him to refuse. He felt himself stiffen as he could hardly talk.
"Yes" he weakly said. The figure disappeared.
Seta stood confused. She eyed Julie who had an unsure look but a faint determination. When the ball was thrown Julie keeled down. Everything seemed to go in slow motion as she remembered how she ended in the club.
A younger Julie stood watching her sister get the award of music. She was happy for her sister and never minded being in the shadows.
Back at home when they arrived Julia rushed to her sister showing a catching poster while holding two sign up cards.
"Julie lets join the catchers club!" Julie frowned slightly.
"But I don't like it" she muttered.
"Don't say that it'll be fun," Julie hesitated but still nodded.
A year went by as both were known to be a great duo. Julie still didn't like the said sport put still went with what ever her sister wanted. During a match once she was wresting against a tougher girl and got severely injured with two broken ribs and a broken arm. She was at the hospital for two months. When she came out Julia suggested for her to quite. Again accepting what ever her sister wanted. Julia put her in a gymnastic club. Julie appreciated it but never really enjoyed it.
During the year of tournaments once Julia offered to start basketball. Julie didn't mind. Years went on as she started to like the sport until it became her will. Even when she found out she had cancer she didn't stop. This was her will to be a basketball player...
End of the Flashback...
She crouched lower then jumped. Seta's eyes widen. Julie had jumped over her head catching the ball.
This is my will... She thought heading for the hoop. When she aimed to dunk she was confronted to the emperor. She breathed in before her eye turned red. She sighed. Akashi tried the ankle break but before he could she had dived under his feet and in between. She jumped dunking it.
"I won't let any of you win this" she muttered. Seta smiled. Now the real game would start.
"Timeout for Teiko" the team walked off to the benches.
"Okay now's the time, Daiki, Ryouta, Shuzo and Shugo on court" she said. Aomine immediately got up.
"Yosh!" He yelled. Haizaki looked at his sister unsure.
"Are you sure of your choice" Nijimura asked. She nodded.
"Of course you guys are good player-"
"I'm not talking about us, can you still play" Nijimura asked. She looked at him then grinned.
"Of course I mean look at these guns" she said showing the muscles she didn't have.
"You don't have any" Haizaki and Nijimura chorused.
"That's so not true" she pouted. The two sighed walking over to the court followed by Seta.
As both jumped to get the ball Seta got it jumping down. The second later she was assaulted by Julie who tried to get the ball. She had to jump back to not let it go but managed to pass it to Haizaki who jumped to make a three pointer like Midorima's but Julie smacked it over to Rinkaru who was marked by Nijimura. Nijimura smacked it away as Seta caught it running for the whoop. She jumped only to be stopped by Julie again.
She cursed under her breath as she ducked back shooting it. The ball going in swiftly. When they landed both were panting. Seta without realising had her white eyes activated.
"Nice one" she commented. Julie scoffed smiling
"I'm no match to you and Julia" she replied.
The match went on The two defying each other more and more. Soon Seta began to slow down her breathing becoming heavier.
"Damn it" she cursed. She twisted her hand up throwing it to Kise who wore a surprised look but still scored. The score was now 60-62 Teiko behind. Seta sighed as she ran next to Aomine.
"Yo Daiki," she called
"What's it?" He asked.
"Could you replace me and mark Julie" he eyed her then nodded not asking about her sudden exhaust.
Julie looked around in confusion. This time Aomine was marking her. She sighed trying to pass but for some reason couldn't. She looked at Aomine to see he had his eyes closed.
"Hey Dai-kun it might be better to rely more on your instincts sometimes" he remembered Seta's advice back at the inn.
"He can't be" Julie gasped when she felt a predator aura near. Next thing she knew the ball was gone. Aomine had it scoring in their hoop. She clenched her fists.
"Not again" she muttered. This was usual every time she was against someone she didn't know in a real game she was weak.
Aomine looked at her feeling guilt rise up but pushed the thought away.
The game went on until the last quarter. Aomine was winning against Julie making her frustrated. Suddenly in a last attempt she went for a technic that was defended to use.
"Wait what is she" Haizaki's eyes widened. Julie did a zig zag between the opponents before jumping while doing a back flip over their heads. She went to dunk it but Aomine jumped. Higher than expected catching her off guard. Julie faltered as she started falling.
She fell to the floor slipping on the ball. She fell on her side Aomine above her.
"What was that technic" Kise asked.
"A Barrel Dunk" Seta murmured loud enough for him to hear.
Aomine was about to turn when he realised she wasn't getting back up. He kneeled down.
"I'm fine" she said getting up only to fall back clenching onto her ankle. Aomine looked at her then at the ankle eyes wide. Their was a huge gap on it blood oozing our.
"Julie your ankle it's" she looked at him.
"Don't I'll be okay" she said pulling her socks to hide it. Julia soon ran to them asking if her sis was okay.
"Of course it really was reckless of me sorry" she said. Julia sighed getting up holding a hand out.
"Then up we go" Aomine looked at her in worry.
"She can't" he interrupted.
"What do you mean" Julie's eyes widened.
"Daiki, you don't have to" she muttered.
"She's injured" Julia looked at her sister in disbelief.
"I'm not saying that to make you lose a player but because it wouldn't be fair" he looked at Julie sadly.
"Your a great basketball player it'd be a waste to not take care of yourself" he grinned. Julie felt her face flush making her look down. Julia noticed and smiled helping her up to the benches.
The match soon resumed. Julia was the one on court as she went all out on them. Soon the buzzer echoed meaning the end of the game.
Teiko had won. The players cheered in glee as they celebrated their win. Seta and Aomine walked over to the twins. Seta shook hands with Julia as Aomine fist bumped Julie. As the two turned to leave Julie held Aomine's hand.
"Aomine-kun," she muttered. He looked down at her.
"N-Next time we'll win b-be careful" she stuttered.
"Heh I'll look forward to it" he stated.

To be continued...

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