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The next days passed fast as the boys started getting used to the weights and were able in a week to walk normally without anyone noticing. They were now able to move on to the next step.
Some random day during practice camp they woke to the noises of basketballs and squeaking sneakers. As they got up and headed onto the court they were met with Seta going against Orenji in a heavy match.
"Wow what's going on here" Momoi and Ritsu looked behind them and greeted the now awake boys.
"Oren challenged Seta again" Ritsu said grinning.
"It's already been hours and none of both are giving up, the score is in favor of Seta, 45-40" Momoi noted. Seta had also asked her to note any strength or weakness she'd see. So far Momoi only had straights but as they continued she started realising Seta wasn't moving normally.
The boys sat watching the game intensely.
Seta caught the ball that was thrown in the air again by Ritsu as she landed swiftly. Her eyes widened as she saw a blue blur pass her. Orenji dribbled the ball to the hoop only when she was about to score did the ball get snatched away. Seta jumped over her head using what she called;
"What a Sky Jump!?" Orenji yelled as she dashed back towards Seta jumping up to block her but failed as the ball went through her hand.
"Misdirection Shoot level 1" she muttered as the ball went in.
"Damn it" Orenji cursed.
The ball was thrown again this time Orenji was using her technic.
"Pause Jumper" she ordered as Seta was unable to jump this time as if she was glued to the ground. She cursed as she slapped her cheeks running after Oren who was way in front. She arrived in time to block her shoot.
Momoi blew the whistle signaling the end of the time.
"Already over, damn" Orenji muttered as she was sweating a lot while Seta didn't seem as exhausted.
"Sugoi, Setaicchi your so strong" Kise praised making her blush a little.
"Ah eh thanks Ryou-kun" she said scratching the back of her head. As she said next to the boys she cringed from a pain in her chest which Orenji and Haizaki realised.
"Hah, now guys your turn, the rest of the time here will be concentrated on your strengths" Seta said. They looked at her in confusion.
"Ritsu, Anka, Guren will go against Daiki, Ryouta and Kuroko" she got up nodding at Momoi who handed her a binder.
"Next will be Seijouro, Shin and Atsushi against Orenji, Anka and Ereina" she looked up to her left.
"Wait what do you mean" Akashi asked. Seta grinned as she leaned close to his face maybe too close.
"I mean Roro-kun that you guys are going against high classed players" she then looked to her right.
"What do you guys think" The other group nodded as they got ready.
"Wait where's Ereina" Aomine asked.
"I'm right next to you" a voice said. The team yelled in shock except Akashi and Kuroko who yelped in surprise.
"Since when have you been here" she smiled.
"I've been here the whole time you guys just didn't notice" she replied. For some reason this sounded oddly like deja vu.
"Sounds like what Kurokocchi would say" Kise said. Ereina cocked her head to the side in question.
"Kurokocchi" she asked.
"That'd be me Ereina-san" the crowed yelled in shock.
"Goddamn it Tetsuya we already have Rei so please" Ritsu stated holding onto her shirt.
"I never knew someone would have the same ability as you Erei" Orenji said.
"Me neither" she muttered smiling at the blue head.
"Now let's start this" Nijimura said.
"Wait why aren't me and Captain playing?" Haizaki asked.
"Cause you're against me" Seta replied. They paled in anticipation.
"Now first teams on the court!"
The match started in favor of Ritsu's team making the guys struggle.
"Anka!" Ritsu yelled as she threw it over at the butler who caught it and did a three pointer. Before the ball went in he was already walking forward.
"What the isn't he gonna see if it goes in" Kise asked. Titus grinned shaking her head.
"Anka never fails a shoot especially one like this" the others looked at the hoop to see the ball going in without touching the rims.
"Hows that" Aomine asked wide eyed. They walked back to the middle as this time again Aomine stood against Ritsu. When the ball was thrown up both jumped but Ritsu was the first to catch it as she dashed for a funk with Aomine close behind. She cursed as she did a quick turn on her foot as she countered him and doing her special.
"What the!?"
"A meteor jam from this far!?" The Teiko team was amazed as the white haired girl dunked her ball easily a few meters away.
"2-0" she grinned giving a piece sign.
"Damn it" Kise said.
The game went on with the Teiko boys still struggling. Soon it was already the last quarter as they were close to giving up Seta called them out.
"Time out" she yelled. Ritsu gave her team a node as they went for a break. On the other side the boys felt frustrated. Seta sighed as she started folding her long sleeves up. She then took a deep breath in and...
"Ouw!/Itai!" They yelled as they got bonked hard on the head.
"Guys I think you three are getting ahead of yourselves and forgetting the meaning of this match" she said her arms crossed.
"I know you can't beat my cousins guys but the meaning of this match isn't to win,not all matches are meant to be won anyways, the most important thing is rather to not give up on the match"
The next quarter was spent wisely as it was the last. The Teiko team was now pumped from Seta's words and could be seen on the court as they played. Kise and Aomine went all our using the technics Seta had taught them so did Kuroko. As the tanned boy was about to shoot the ball Guren jumped before him. Aomine breathed in as he the hand that had the ball behind his back and shot it. The ball went in swiftly.
"Hows that!?" Guren eyed the shot that looked similar to his.
"Ha! Your not the only ones to have secret talents" Aomine boosted.
On his side Kise was analysing each of the opponents to get a move when he did he used it against them. He redid Ritsu's shots analysing every one of them.
"Left then right and dunk" he repeated her special dunk as he scored.
"Heh, nice one Ryouta" Seta smirked.
The ball was passed to Aomine as the game went on when it suddenly changed directions.
"A ghost pass" Ereina muttered. She glanced at Seta who sat calmly grinning.
"Seems like the training payer off" Kise said as he shot the ball.
"Yeah didn't know we'd see the results now" Aomine replied.
"It was to be expected from a regime like Shiroko-san's" Kuroko stated.
The match ended a while later with equal scores.
"Awesome guys, even though it an equal score you haven't given up!" Seta cheered.
"Thanks to your training Setaicchi" Kise replied hugging her.
"I know Ryouta" she giggled not minding his suffocating hug.
"Ok, apart from that now it's our turn" Orenji got up taking her butler outfit off to reveal a purple tank top and black trousers with a black sweater around her thighs.
"Damn its been awhile since I played!" Chaza said revealing a red jersey with the number 6 behind and a pair of black shorts.
"This will be fun" Ereina giggled as she threw her dress off. Under the dress were a pair of black shorts and a turquoise shirt with a Jack written behind it along with the number 10.
"Lets have fun" Chaza grinned.
The ball was thrown up as Orenji and Murasakibara jumped. Orenji caught it surprising the taller purple head passing it away to Chaza who dribbled it to the hoop when Midorima blocked him.
"Heh time to show some moves" he muttered. Suddenly Midorima felt himself fall to the ground as he stared into Chaza's now Orange eyes.
"What the!?" Murasakibara and Akashi stared as Chaza put Midorima on his knees dribbling of to score the first point.
"That's a Leg Break" Akashi stated.
"Indeed, Seijouro was it? I see you've heard about my ability" Akashi frowned slightly.
"Compared to you I was able to master it in no time" Chaza grinned walking away.
"Isn't he going overboard" Haizaki asked.
"Chaza knows what he's doing, he knows better than anyone what it's like to fail a technic this hard so he'll do anything to help someone who's struggling like he used to," Seta explained.
"I feel like it's working well" Nijimura stated as he eyed the fuming redhead.
As the game went on the boys from Teiko kept getting points taken again and again.
"This is getting annoying" Murasakibara said in between pants. They were almost at the last quarter and the gap was beginning to grow large.
"We need get organized," Akashi stated. Since they had started he had been going on a one on one with Chaza analysing his way of doing but the grey head was too fast.
"Right" Midorima said as he looked back up.
The ball was thrown up again as Orenji caught it. She went as usual towards the hoop where Murasakibara blocked her. The purple head stared down as he remembered Seta's words.
"Atsushi, you should be more active" Seta said looking at the purple head.
"What do you mean" he replied.
"I noticed how uninterested you were during practice," she smiled.
"Well it's boring and tiring" he said lazily. She rolled her eyes.
"I have a friend like you, she's on defense just cause she's lazy to go anywhere else, I could teach you a technic like hers," she offered. He hummed in reply nodding.
"Well first off for me as soon as no one scores into our hoop you can stay in defense, so I have two moves for you"
He took a deep breath as he eyed her way of moving when she jumped to score that's when he smashed the ball away.
"The first one is to smash the ball away when the opponent is about to score, you have to be careful to do it when they expect it least"
The ball was thrown to Midorima who stood eyeing the hoop.
"Shinshin, you have to be less stressed" Seta stated.
"How every time I try the move I fail"
"First off you need to be calmer and concentrate on nothing but the hoop"
The green head jumped as he positioned his hands to score.
"Then you finalise it by shooting"
The ball swiftly left his Palm as it went to the hoop and...
"In it goes see" the ball went in with no difficulty.
The team eyed their players from The bench.
"Well seems they made it"Nijimura stated.
"Hell yeah! Nice one guys" Seta cheered.
"They really did it" Momoi stated wide eyed.
On the court the opponents seemed surprised but none the less as they continued. Samadhi was still the only one to be struggling.
As he was going against Chaza he felt the world slow down.
I can't lose this game. Even though it's not an official match, I don't want to let the ones that count on me down. I need to be worthy of Shiroko's training.
Suddenly Akashi looked strait ahead as his right eye changed to an orange color.
"What!?" Chaza exclaimed he felt himself fall on his butt as Akashi passed him to the hoop.
The sound of the ball entering the hoop echoed.
Seta stood up in alert as she felt something change.
"You felt it didn't you" Anka asked. She nodded.
"I think I made a mistake," she stated.
"Let the match end first" he replied. She looked down sitting.
The match soon end re with Teiko ahead by a point.
"That was a close one" Aomine said.
"Tell me about it" Murasakibara stated sitting down on a bench drenched in sweat.
Seta stood before them as she smiled sadly. She turned to Akashi who was staring at the ground. She sighed as she looked at then all.
"I think it's fine for today you guys can go have a break, later we'll head out to the Ounsen" They all nodded leaving. She grabbed Akashi's wrist before he could leave.
"Seijouro I need to have a word with you first" he nodded as he sat back down.
When the surroundings were calm she sighed.
"What is it Shiroko" he asked.
"Who are you" she asked. He looked at her in confusion.
"What do you mean"
"You can't be Seijouro, the Seijouro I know wouldn't hide like that" she stated. Akashi's eyes widened as he looked away.
"How did you" she smiled as she looked at him.
"Sei, theirs nothing wrong in losing once in awhile, I'm glad you made the technic work but I prefer when the real you does it playing his own basket" Akashi looked down in shame as tears streamed through his face.
"Its okay Roro-kun, I know how hard it's been since Seiyuri-chan passed away" he looked up in shock.
"How did you know" he asked.
"I know a few thing Roro-kun, and I'm sure it's not your fault" she said bending to his height as she hugged him in consolation.
All the while Midoirma stood watching the two. He was too far to hear what they were saying or see the tears in his friend's eyes. He felt a swirl of jealousy a and pain when he saw Seta hug Akashi. He sighed walking back to his room.

To be continued...

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