Meet Again

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Seta sighed as she heard the announcement. Now was the hardest part of the patrimony. She looked at her watch then back at the field. 12:05 am. She sighed again.
"The representing Heirs from every clan shall come"
The said people jumped down as they formed a circle. Seta gazed at her opponents. Most were newbies having signed up for this. The most dangerous once a were the senpais. She was one of them. The elites that killed without mercy with such bloodlust. She breathed in as the elder order them to start. Yells and screams sounded as the elites cut down all the newbies. They had agreed to not kill any of each other. Since they were elites they had equal power. Seta sighed as she sat down closing her eyes. At a moment a newbie raised his sword to stab her but he fell to the ground coughing blood. Seta didn't even flinch. Every one who approached her ended the same way.
"What the" Aomine muttered. They watched most kohais die.
"That's Seta's fastest move" Anka said smirking.
"What that?" Midorima asked.
"Silent Needles, she places needles around her and sits down awaiting her preys the minute they step too close to her dead line they step on those poisoned filled needles, that the Haizeka's most praised weapons along with the wolves" he explained.
"Wait wolves" back on the field a low growl was heard. Dust shielded their vision but they all heard it. Suddenly a black wolf with white eyes lunged at the newbies.
"Kiodakea, the Haizeka's wolf head leader" a newbie yelled.
Soon the cries died out. Seta's eyes widened. She whistled calling Omega. He prospectively stood growling at the other.
"Nice to meet you again Shiro" a voice said. The elites jumped back from the dust. The ones still standing were only elites.
Richard Haitsuya
Rachelle Haitsuya
Olga Hanamo
Olay Hanamo
Suteiko Mayuzumi
Chandra Mayuzumi
Yun-gi Haizaki
Seta Haizeka
Makoto Hanamiya
And finally the one most dreaded.
Maisaio Hanamiya
Most glared at the raven others had their eyes narrowed all except Makoto who stood beside his sister smirking.
"Kio you bad boy, you stained your fur already" Makoto said faking a hurt expression. Kiodakea ignored him going toward his mistress.
"Maisaio," Rachelle said. Maisaio looked up smirking.
"Raicha-chan~" she cooed Rachelle lifted her gun as she shot her. Maisaio dodged.
"You prick" the other muttered.
"Nice to see you too," she then turned to Seta walking over. Metallic sound was heard from her foot under her high boots.
"So I heard you replaced me how sad but that's not what I'm pissed about," she said. Her smirk faded. As she raised her gun aiming onto her right.
"Guys why is the gun pointed towards here" Kise asked.
"Your just being paranoid" Aomine said. Akashi and Anka followed the guns direction to seeing it was aimed at Midorima.
"What I'm mostly pissed about is the fact he is here" she looked away from Seta to the stand. The rest followed her gaze.
"Arcana has brought us visitors, sadly they won't leave this place alive" she said pulling the trigger. Seta's eyes went wide.
The bullet came their way as thing seemed to go in slow motion.
"No" she whispered. In a flash she stood before Midorima the bullet going into her shoulder.
Maisaio cocked a brow.
"Wow, I knew you were fast but to the extent of interference," she walked over to the girl but someone stopped her. She looked at her arm to see Chandra's whip holding it back.
"Don't you dare, your not an elite so I could kill you" she threatened.
"Go ahead," she replied emotionless. Chandra's eyes widened. Maisaio smirked walking off.
"I've studied everyone if you, none of you have the guts to kill that's why you prefer to go for head title" Seta growled lowly.
"So what you want us to kill each other" she asked getting up.
"Regardless, even though we've split up, we still were teammates I won't touch any of you well except maybe" she gazed at Seta then at Midorima.
"I still have a grudge against you" she said pointing at Midorima. Seta rolled her eyes. Before she could reply a voice interrupted them.
"That's enough Maisaio" an old man with grey hair stood. The Heirs stood eyes wide as they keeled in respect. Makoto and Maisaio did the same halfheartedly.
"Sir Shikai" she greeted. He nodded as he walked over to the still standing Teiko players who didn't understand one thing. He analysed everyone of them when his gaze turned to Midorima. Seta turned to him in confusion.
"Shiroko you can go heal" he said.
"Thank you sir" she bowed. She threw a glance at the others knowing that'd be an explanation for later. She walked away but was stopped.
"Shiroko, your friends can follow the patrimony is over" he said. Maisaio's head jolted up in shock.
"What!?" She growled. The others were surprised too.
"Thank you very much Shikai-sama, I'll forever be grateful" she gave a nod to the others as she lead them away from the field.
She stopped in an empty living room as she let them sit on the couches. She leaned her back on the wall sighing.
"That was close, what are you guys doing here" she asked.
"We came to check on you" she sighed.
"Thanks, but I'd appreciate a text more you know of it wasn't for Shikai-sama you all would've died" they shuddered.
"Damn your family is creepy" Aomine said earning a wack from Momoi.
"Itai-but it's true" Momoi whacked him more.
"Let it slide Satsuki, he's right" she smiled. The door then opened revealing the whole elite team. Chandra marched to Seta.
"YOU DUMB ASS COULD'VE TOLD ME YOU HAD YOUR FREAKING FRIENDS HERE!!" She kept yelling as she shook the other violently. Rachelle stood hands crossed as she nodded towards Ereina to go heal Seta. Ereina walked over to the two as she pulled Seta away.
"Chandra-san let go she need to get healed" Chandra let go after a while. Ereina sat the other on the couch by Midorima as she pulled out her needles.
"Wait aren't you gonna heal her" Midorima said with worry. Ereina smiled nodding her blue eyes went green as she lift her needles. She inserted a needle in every vein near the others wound. She then took out a scalper and started to take the bullet out. It was at that moment some of the boys fainted from the amount of blood.
"Doesn't it hurt" Midorima asked gulping. Seta shook her head.
"The needles in the veins make it so the pain doesn't affect me and I know Rei she's our best medic" she grinned. Ereina took out another needle as she started to stitch up the wound. Soon it was over.
"There," she sighed picking out the needles. Seta smiled.
"Thanks Rei" Ereina nodded getting up.
"Okay now everyone of you out I need to talk with my team" Seta said pointing at the door.
"Ever heard of courtesy" Richard said. She stuck her tongue at hi making him roll his eyes. Rachelle's eyes scanned the boys and Momoi as she narrowed them.
"Raicha?" Ritsu asked seeing the look her sister gave the boys.
"Lets go" she turned to leave Ritsu shrugged as she turned to leave and waved at Kise. Julie glanced at Aomine and smiled slightly seeing he was fine. A whistle was heard as Orenji called her two wolves who had been next to Seta over. Omega and Alpha jolted walking after their mistress. She glanced at Murasakibara then walked out.
The door closed as they left. Seta sunk in the chair sighing. Ereina was the only who hadn't left. She stood by Seta eyeing her worriedly. Seta was about to talk when she felt a pang in her chest. Ereina gasped as she saw her clutch to her shirt. She pulled out a black needle as she stabbed it in a vein on the struggling girl's back. Seta gasped as the pain started to fade.
"What the heck is going on" Aomine asked.
"Nothing too serious just tired" Ereina looked at her cousin as worriedly but chose to not talk.
You should be careful with you choices...They might be your mistakes...
To be continued...

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