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The group stood in front of the exit as they all sighed.
"What a tiring moment" Anka said. He and Aomine am had spent the time defying each other.
"Well anyways, we can now head to down town" Nijimura announced.
"Wait what happened to Shu" Seta asked as she eyed a half dead Haizaki.
"Don't worry he'll be fine in a while" Nijimura said as he pulled his friend by the ankle.
"Hey Seta-chan, you've got something on your neck" Seta felt herself stiffen as Midorima stifled a laugh.
"A-Ah an insect bit me" she said almost glaring at Midorima.
"Well it looks a lot like a hicky to me" Orenji said.
"Your right, I think that insect could've been a wasp" Ritsu said.
"A wasp at this time of the year is rare" Momoi commented.
"Are you sure it wasn't a bee" Ereina asked. Seta looked away as she glared harshly at Midorima.
"Must be a seriously shitty bee than" she said. Midorima ignored her words as he tried to restrain a smile or smirk.
"You really were unlucky today Seta" he said. She nudged his side harshly as a vein popped on her temple.
"You shut up green Megan" she growled. The group sweat dropped at the two.
"Whats with the two today" Kise asked.
"Do know" Ritsu said.
"They almost look like a couple" Ereina giggled earning a nod from Kuroko.
"Heck no! I'm not letting my sweet Seta with a carrot megan like him" Chaza yelled.
"Aren't you overreacting" Aomine sweatdropped.
"Not at all" he replied.
"Yeah sure, you know you should let her be, she looks happy" Orenji said.
"Its been awhile since she was like that" Ereina said.
"What do you mean she's always like that" Kise said.
"Well it's complicated but Seta has been sad since she was 6" Ritsu chuckled.
"Whys that" Murasakibara asked.
"Eh, well I don't know if you should know" Anka stated.
"Its fine tell them" Seta said.
"Are you sure" Chaza asked.
"Yeah," she smiled.
"Well first, it might be better to discuss this somewhere else" Guren stated.
"Lets stop by the Maggie Burger" Nijimura said.
At the said fast food they each got seated.
"First of all, you must already know a bit of it" Seta said.
"Don't deny it I know you were their when I told Satsuki and I don't mind" she smiled.
"Then what do you really want to know" Orenji asked.
"Well," Aomine started.
"What really is it with your clan" Kise finished.
"Heh well, let's says each heir had to fight for its place" Chaza said looking down.
"What does that mean" Midorima asked. The cousins looked at each other nodding. Ereina and Ritsu pulled their sleeves up as Guren, Orenji and Anka pulled their pants up to their knees. The Teiko players watched in horror as each had a mosaic of bruises and scraps.
"Oh my god" Momoi said when she saw Guren's bruises.
"To become heir the elders put us to fight every child of the family, the six best are the ones that beat the rest at it" Ereina said.
"What kind of elders let their children do that!?" Kise yelled.
"Ryouta calm down" Ritsu said as she pulled her sleeve down. Kise bit his lip as he sat down.
"Wait if that's the rules than it means" Midorima looked at Seta, Haizaki and Chaza who sat quietly. Chaza and Haizaki pulled their shirts up to reveal a huge gape and a few scratches on Chaza and stitches on Haizaki.
"Well the results are horrid but the good side is its only once in your life" he sighed. Chaza glanced at Seta who nodded as she took her shirt off. Luckily she had a tank top under bit her bruises seemed more than horrid. She had numerous bruises sure but what caught their attention was when she pulled her socks down to reveal her scratched legs. When she turned her back a long scare was seen.
"How is it that yours seem more extreme" Midorima asked. Seta put her shirt back on as she looked at them.
"Well, had to fight twice" she said.
"The first was during the Heir Test, and the second" she stopped a she breathed in.
"Was when I fought my sister," she said. Their eyes widened at that.
"As you may know, in the family we used to be three and not two" Haizaki said.
"Her name was Maisaio, she was the second child," Seta than turned to Akashi.
"Sei you remember the picture you were staring at it was her on the pic with me" she said shocking the red head.
"She was the first to start the club and was also the first coach and manager alone with the best player," Haizaki Said.
"She was the one to teach me everything I know" Seta smiled.
"The first one to own the jersey number 3, in one word she was my mentor. I looked up at her for she was my example to follow," she looked at Kuroko.
"If Aomine was Kuroko's light Maisaio was mine" she stated.
"But, it all changed once,"
"An evening our Grandfather and the Hanamiya Elder came to the mansion..."
Flash back...
The four kids were playing basketball on the court as Seta's mom sat watching them. The bell then rung stopping them. The children panted as they looked at the older woman who motioned them inside.
"Come on children lets go see whose at the door" she said.
Seta ran up to grab her mother's hand as Haizaki went for the other. Maisaio and Nijimura scoffed at the two.
"Those two are real babies" Nijimura said.
"I know right" Maisaio said as she ran to them Nijimura behind.
As they went inside Seta rushed to the door and opened it. She looked up to see her grandfather and a man she didn't know.
"Hey their sweety" she jumped on her grandpa.
"Seb-ojii" she squealed.
Her mother soon came looking at the two old men.
"Good evening Setomi" Sebastian grinned. Setomi narrowed her eyes when she saw the one next to her father.
"Good evening Tou-sama and Makiso-kun" she replied. The two walked in. Seta was put down as she then turned to the man who was glaring at her. She stared at him more and giggled making the man frown.
"Okaa-san Oji-san's friend looks like Makoto-nii" she said. Septum narrowed her eyes more.
"Yes hun I know" she said.
"Okaa-sama is there a problem" Maisaio asked. Septum looked at her smiling.
"Not at all" she then turned to the two men.
"What is it you need, Shang isn't here" she said.
"We aren't here for him but for Maisaio" the second man said.
"Me" she asked looking at the man frowning. The other man walked to her as he keeled down.
"Maisaio, or should I say Makiyo you are my granddaughter" he said. Seta and Haizaki looked at him in confusion. While Setomi stared in shock.
"What do you mean" she asked eyes wide.
"Well I-" Setomi stepped in front of him shielding her daughter.
"Get away from my daughter Makiso-kun" she growled her eyes going white. He looked up as his left eye went red.
"Are you sure she's your daughter Setomi," Maisaio looked at him in question.
"What is this all about" She asked frustrated. Her mother flinched advise looked to her side to see Maisaio looking at her with the same white eyes.
"Maisaio hun'" she sighed as she looked at Haizaki.
"Shugo go upstairs with Shuzo and the girls" he nodded hesitantly as he went to get Seta and Nijimura grabbed Maisaio's hand.
"No!" She yanked her hand away.
"I want to know the truth!" She yelled. Suddenly a slap sound echoed. Maisaio stood her cheek red. Septum looked down in sadness. Haizaki stood his hand up.
"Stop being so stubborn Mai" he yelled as he grabbed her hand dragging her away.
Setomi sighed as she faced them.
"Are you happy now what do you want" she asked.
"We aren't here to pick a fight Setomi, right Makiso" he hmmed.
"Than what is it"
"Well we have went searching into Maisaio's birth certificate and we've found out who's her real mother" her father said.
"Its your sister Katrina she had an adventure with a man from the Hanamiya clan" Makiso said. Setomi's eyes widened. Be fire she could reply the doors opened to reveal her husband.
"Seto what are they doing here" he asked as he eyed the two men.
"We know who Maisaio's mother is" Makiso announced. Chang's eyes widened.
"Its Katrina" he eyed his wife who seemed like she was about to faint.
Originally in the Haizeka clan their were two heirs the second one was Katrina. She had in the past been killed in a car accident. The truth is she was assassinated for marrying someone outside the clan. That was the punishment for anyone who did so. The Haizekas were to marry a Haizaki not a Hanamiya.
"I came here the minute I found out, I'm here to get my granddaughter back" Makiso said as he walked passed setomi. Suddenly he felt pain on his arm.
"Don't you touch her" she growled.
"Let him go Seto" Sebastian said. Setomi ignored him.
"If you dare move" she growled.
"She isn't your daughter Setomi so let me bring her to her real family" he stated. Before setomi could reply running was heard as yells too.
"MAISAIO WAIT" Maisaio came running down the steps as she crashed into Makiso. She looked up her eyes teary.
"Is it true" she asked.
"Maisaio go to your roo-"
"No! I want to know is it true" she said again. Seta and Haizaki came down the stairs with Nijimura behind them.
"Yes honey it is" Sebastian said. Maisaio's eyes widened then she looked down. Makiso sighed as he took her hand.
"Lets go Makiyo your brother and father are awaiting" he said. At that moment Seta was the first to react as she dashed to block the door.
"No!" She cried. Makiso gritted his teeth.
"Move now before I hurt you" he exclaimed. Shang pulled Seta away as he held her. Seta tried to get out of his grip as she struggled.
"Maisaio!" She cried tears streaming down her white eyes. Maisaio turned around as she eyed Seta. Her gaze grew cold as she turned back.
End of the Flashback...
The group sat in silence as they looked down.
"Well at least now I'm fine" she grinned.
"How can you be so joyful after something like that" Kise asked. She looked at him.
"I just learned to live with it, even though I was depressed until I turned 9," she replied.
"But you did lose a family member" Akashi said.
"Yeah, but I also chose to respect her will to leave" she said. She then clapped her hands together.
"Now that's settled let's head of to the theater" she said. They all nodded.
At the movie theater they ended up sitting in the same groups they had done when they were at the amusement park.
As the movie started they realised it was a horror movie. During the movie Kise and Chaza kept yelling in fear.
On Momoi and Guren's side Momoi was clutching to him like he'll. So was Orenji with Murasakibara. Ereina and Kuroko didn't seem affected even though Ereina would often jump or hide her face in Kuroko's shoulder. Haizaki and Nijimura found themselves sleeping half way through while Ritsu and Aomine were having an arm wrestle with Anka watching. Chaza and Akashi were maybe the only ones paying attention along with Seta. Midorima kept teasing her silently as he would of tickle her or he'd whisper something in her ear like how she smelled like cherry and mint or how her hair was so silky. He also would make a comment on her hicky once in a while.
When the movie ended they headed off towards down town where they looked around at the shops. They soon passed by a crowded place with a banner that said 'Basketball Tournament'.
"Wow how about we go check this out" Aomine offered.
"Yeah good idea" Ritsu said. They followed the two towards a match going on. They watched as different teams played. Soon a group of four people passed next. Seta eyed them curiously especially a short guy with a green and black with Kirisaki Daichi on the back of the hood who seemed fast very fast.
"Wow this dude is fast as hell" Kise said. Ritsu stood by him frowning. Orenji approached the side as she sniffed the air.
"What the heck?" She said.
"Whats wrong" Ereina asked.
"That dude doesn't have any scent it's like he's invisible" she said. Seta looked mesmerized by the stranger's way of playing. Midorima eyed the look she gave the guy on the court, he suddenly felt a ting of jealousy.
"Hey look up at the score" Anka said. They looked up to see it was 170-15. The stranger's team had won.
"That's incredible," Guren said.
"A score like that," Akashi said
"I'd hate to be against them" Chaza said.
"I need to check something" Seta said as her eyes went pale and she grabbed a pebble. She stared at the stranger before she threw the pebble at him.
"What the" Kise yelled.
The stranger caught the pebble as he stated at it then at Seta. He crushed it as he gave her a peace sign showing a white and green medaillon. Seta stared in shock.
"That sign" Ritsu said. Before she could speak Seta jumped over the railing and ran towards the stranger.
"Seta wait!" Orenji yelled. Seta didn't listen as she caught up to the stranger and pulled the hood down to reveal a girl with golden eyes. The girl yanked her arm away as she walked off disappearing in the crowd.
"Seta are you fine" Orenji asked when they approached her. Seta turned around slowly as her right eye was red but her left eye was white with a year rolling down of it.
"That....That was Mai" she said. Orenji sighed as she massaged her head.
"Seta let's not get too high on expectations," she said as she grabbed Seta's hand. Seta looked back at where the stranger was she recalled the look in her golden eyes full of hate and coldness. She sighed as she turned back.
"Your right let's go down to the festival this evening" she offered. They agreed as they headed back to the inn to get ready.
As they went into the osen area each got undressed before they walked towards the hot springs.
"So good" the guys chorused as they entered the hot water.
"Hey wait a minute," Aomine said.
"Where's Kuroko" Kise finished.
"I'm here" they all yelled in shock.
"Damn Tetsuya" Chaza yelled.
"Could you not do that" Midorima said.
"Do what" he asked.
"Appear and disappear like that" they all said. Suddenly giggling was heard.
"Hey be quiet"Aomine shushed them as he approached the wall. He heard voices on the other side as he listened.
On the other side the girls were entering the water.
"This feels regenerating" Ritsu said.
"I know right" Momoi agreed.
"Hey you know what we should go see the fireworks" Ritsu offered.
"Why not what do you thin-eh Seta why're you behind that rock" Ereina asked as she looked at the white haired girl. Orenji sighed.
"She's not willing to show her chest" Orenji said bluntly.
"Come on were all girls" Momoi said.
"Except some here are as busted as watermelons if you see what I mean" she yelled.
"What are you saying there, I'm only a C cup" Ereina said.
"I know but these three all D cups" she argued pointing at the three others.
"Anyway how about we play Truth or Dare" Ritsu offered they all seemed to agree except Seta.
"Okay now, Ritsu truth or Dare" Orenji asked.
"Dare I'm not a weakling plea"
"Go to the other side and yell your cup size" she said.
"Truth" she said dryly making the others stuff me a laughter.
"Whats your opinion on Ryouta" there was a silence as Ritsu flushed red.
"Well he is a nice person" she muttered looking away.
"Well now Oren truth or Dare" Ereina asked.
"Truth" she said leaning back.
"Who gave you the plush" Seta asked. Orenji looked away as she fell silent remembering when he gave that plush to her.
"A-Atsushi" the girls stared in shock. Ritsu whistled in glee.
"Wow never expected that answer" she turned to Ereina and grinned.
"Ne Rei truth or Dare" Ritsu asked.
"I know where this is going truth" Ritsu's grin grew wide at that.
"Do you like Tetsuya" she asked. Ereina cocker her head to the eight.
"Of course," there was a pause as the girls all yelled in shock.
"Rei-chan how can you say it so easily" Momoi asked.
"What he's my friend so it's normal for me to like him" she replied.
"Wait Rei you mean you like him as a friend or as a crush" Seta asked.
"Whats a...crush?" She asked. They all facepalmed.
"Lets leave that aside do you enjoy time with him"
"Yeah I do" she replied joyfully. Orenji and Ritsu snickered in a corner.
"Well now your turn Satsuki" Seta said.
"Eh,well I chose dare I guess" she replied.
"Ahah, when we get out I want you to..." she leaned in whispering something in her ear. Momoi pulled back stuttering as she blushed.
"WHA-but I" she stuttered.
"A dare's a dare,now last but not least Seta" Ritsu turned her head to the still hidden girl.
"Yo,Seta truth or Dare" she asked.
"T-Truth" she replied unsure.
"Then, tell me are you in a relation with any of the boys in the inn" Seta looked at her unsure.
"Yes," she replied.
"Who is it" Orenji asked.
"Its only supposed to be one question" She argued.
"Okay okay, let's do it again truth or Dare" Ritsu asked Edwina.
"Truth of course" she said.
"Hm, Rei what's your kind of guy" Ereina looked at her in confusion.
"What do you mean" she replied.
"I mean the kind of boy you'd like to spend your time with" she said.
"Oh,I don't know I think someone like Tetsu would be good" she said. They sweatdropped at her.
So damn reckless... They chorused.
"Okay...Um Ritsu"
"Dare, I'm not falling for it" she said.
"Well if that's so yell the first thing you think of when you see Ryouta" Ritsu smirked as she took a deep breath.
"ADORABLE PUPPY" they stared at her in astonishment.
"What"she asked. They faceplamed.
"Anyways, Orenji" Seta faced her old friend.
"I'd go for truth" she said.
"What is Atsushi to you" she blurted. Orenji paused as she looked down at the water.
"He's a trustworthy friend" she said. For some reason she felt as if she was telling them lies since a part of her wanted then to be more than just...friends.
"Hm, then Momoi truth or Dare" Ereina asked.
"Truth," she replied.
"Hum, if you had to chose between Tetsuya and Guren who'd you prefer" Ritsu asked. Ereina glanced from her to Momoi. When she had said that a sudden feeling of jealousy hit her in the chest. She frowned slightly as she hated the feeling.
"E-Eh b-but I-uh...I'd say Guren-kun?" She replied hesitantly. Ereina sighed in relief for an unknown reason.
"Okay we really need to hurry now so Seta your turn" Seta gulped as she decided either to go for truth or Dare.
"Dare?" She hesitantly said.
"Well than when we get out I want you to go huge the one you prefer between the boys" Ereina stated. Seta felt her face flush as she fiddle with her fingers.
On the boy's side they had been hearing everything the girls said. Each had a different reaction as they either were touched by the girls' words or be sulking in a corner like Chaza.
Some stared at their teammates in amusement.
After that they hurried up to finish as each was handed a yukata to wear.
Outside the guys were awaiting like usual. Each wearing their signature color. He had fan like designs in white on his cloth.
Nijimura was wearing a black yukata with tipical sandals.
Haizaki on his side was wearing a grey yukata his hair slightly pulled back. He had rounds designed on his.
Akashi had dark red yukata while Chaza had a lighter red yukata. With a feather like design.
Aomine and Guren both wore dark blue yukatas with a wind design.
Murasakibara was wearing a dark purple yukata with chopsticks designed over. He had his hair tighed in a messy bun.
Kuroko had a teal cyan blue yukata with wave designs.
Kise was wearing a dark yellow almost sand like yukata as he had bird designs.
Midorima on his side had his dark green yukata with cloud designs. He was wearing a green bracelet on his wrist with beads like Seta's medallion.
Soon their talk was interrupted by the sound of giggling. They looked to the front to see the girls walking in their way. The guy stiffened when they saw them. Only Chaza's whistle was heard.
In front Ritsu and Orenji came up to them. Orenji had a light orange yukata with  a fan in hand. Her hair usually modestly combed to the back was today held up in a bun. Ritsu on her side had a yellowish brown yukata she had her hair this time braided into two pigtails.
Behind them were Ereina and Seta who were chatting as Momoi would sometimes join.
Edwina had a light blue yukata with branch like designs.
Momoi had a typical rose yukata as she had flower designs over.
Seta was the most outstanding as she had a white yukata with red blood like drops over it. She had her medallion tied around her forehead as her white hair was down flowing.
Ritsu nudged Momoi to Guren as she winked at her. Momoi blushed remembering the dare. She sighed nodding meaning she'd do it.
Orenji stood beside Seta speaking to Murasakibara about the foods that'd be at the festival. From the corner of her eye Orenji noticed how Seta was avoiding Midorima's glances. She chuckled as she slightly made a signal to Ritsu who pushed Seta over to the green head. Seta hit her head on the green Megan's back. She turned to Ritsu and glared.
"Ritsu you damn-"
"Seta, what are you doing" Midorima asked as he eyed the shorter girl with amusement. Seta flushed a deep red. She had issues uttering her words.
"Okay everyone's here? Let's go" she sighed in relief as she let go of the guy's cloth. As the others walked towards the city she felt someone pull her. She looked to see Midorima hand her a piece of paper. She opened it with curiosity.
I really miss you...She stared at it and breathed in. She knew Midorima was a tsunder and coming from him wasn't surprising.
He's always felt more comfortable with writing...
"Hey Seta you coming" she hummed as she put the paper in her side pocket.
"I'm coming" she called.

To be continued...

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