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The Inter High was now over. Teiko had won. It was a warm Monday morning as everyone in the Haizaki mansion was busy getting prepared for the awaited ceremony. The Heir Patrimony.
Seta had decided to leave until they'd finish so here she was with her team walking around the city.
"Well where should we head out to" Kise asked.
"How about the mall" Momoi suggested. They agreed heading out. At the mall they split in two groups. One that be heading to the clothing area and the other to the shoes. Seta was with Midorima, Akashi and Murasakibara heading towards the shoe area. As they were looking over a pair, Seta spotted a familiar hooded stranger. She looked over the Adidas stall as she followed the stranger. Suddenly she spotted a strand of red and black hair with Iran fish red eyes. She gasped dashing over to the stranger she'd met back at the sports festival. She grabbed its arm making the stranger turn around.
"Maisaio" A black and red shoulder length haired girl stared at her. Her right eye went blue. Seta's eyes widened.
"Shiroko," her cold voice replied.
"Seta what are you doing" Midorima said walking up behind her making her flinch. Maisaio looked up at him her cold gaze narrowing.
"Shintaro Midorima, the new shooter of Teiko" Midorima looked at her in confusion.
"Who are you and how do you know my name" the red head shrugged.
"Who knows," she said walking away. Seta froze trembling as she watched her walk away. Midorima looked at Seta and before he could say anything her phone rung. She snapped out of her daze picking it up. She looked to see it was her alarm signaling the start of the patrimony. She sighed.
"Shintaro, tell the others I had to leave" he nodded reluctantly but before she could leave he pulled her back landing a or k on her lips. She blushed at the action glaring at him only making him chuckle. She turned away leaving.
At the mansion she headed to her room where she found her patrimony gear to wear. A pair of black trousers and a black tank top with her usual white wrist bands and her initials carved into the back of a hooded jacket. She started changing. When she finished she tied her hair up. She stared at the reflection. It had been years since she'd done this hair style. During matches she loved to have her hair in the way. She had thought about cutting it but didn't it made her feel closer to her mother. She frowned at the memory then headed out to the ceremony.
In an area of the mansion was a huge field with stands and seats like a stadium with an open able roof. She walked to her seat by her brother and Ereina who'd be representing the Haizaki Haizeka clans. Their grandmother was seated in the front at the balcony with the rest of the elders. Seta looked around seeing Ritsu and Rachelle along with their cousin Richard to their right after them on the near balcony was the Hanamo clan and then on their left side was Julie and Julia with their cousin Chaza representing the Hugo clan and then Chandra, Suteiko and Chihiro Mayuzumi from the Mayuzumi clan. And finally on the last balcony was the one called the Bodyguard clan. The Hanamiyas Guren and Orenji stood alone for the moment but it was a matter of time for the duo to come.
"Dear, heirs and Heiress" the headmaster also known as the Hanamiya head called.
"As you all know we've been regrouped here for the celebration and reminders of the heir titles" he announced.
"As the rules are the one that'll be still standing will be heir or heiress of his or her clan"
"Now may begin the battle for the heir title" the newbies who were the first to pass shivered in fear as they were given advice by their parents. Seta inhaled the scent of metal as she got her blade out.
At the mall the team was over with the buying stiff so they halted for lunch at a near by fast food.
"Hey Midorima where'd Seta st a she'd go" Aomine asked.
"For the fifth time Aomine I don't know she only said she had to go" he replied irritated.
"I know but didn't she say where" he asked.
"Daiki, stop this if she had to go somewhere let her be" Akashi said. Aomine sighed leaning back.
"Aominecchi's right what if she's in trouble" Kise stated.
"See I'm not the only one" Aomine yelled. Akashi sighed rubbing his temples.
"If you say one mor-"
"Wait last time I heard her speaking about a ceremony with Nijimura-kun" Momoi said. They all faced her.
"Are you sure of that" she hummed.
"She said something about Patrimony and title" Midorima's eyes went wide as he jolted up.
"Thats the event that she told us about," they looked at him in confusion.
"What do you mean" Kuroko asked.
"The Heir title event when she talked about her past," he said recalling the time she confessed her past.
"We should go see just in case" Akashi said calling his driver. They all got up hoping into the black limo as they headed  bto her house.
The limo stopped in front of the mansion as they all stepped out facing the huge palace. They walked to the door knocking as it opened to reveal Anka. He looked at them surprised.
"What are you all doing here" he asked.
"We need to check on Setaicchi" Kise said.
"I regret but that's not possible" he replied.
"Whys that" Akashi taunted. Anka roomed looked down at him clenching the door handle.
"She's occupied for the moment" they didn't looked convinced.
"Then let us ask Rei" Aomine tried.
"She's busy too, he replied.
"With?" Kuroko asked. They yelped at his sudden appearance.
"I can't tell you it confidential" he then looked at his watch then back at the team.
"What does that mean" Murasakibara asked.
"That I have to leave" he said closing the door but it was stopped as Akashi set a foot.
"Seta's our teammate so everything that concerns her concerns us too" Anka stared at him for a while before sighing.
"I'll lead you to her at a few conditions" they nodded.
"One don't leave my side, two wear these" he gave them six hooded coats to wear.
"Three don't make any noise or talk in whispers"  They nodded.
"And four what ever you see has to be kept secret" they looked perplexed but still agreed none the less. Anka sighed as he lead them in down to the patrimony.
On the field Haizaki was fighting against a newbie as he hit the other in the gut sending him flying out the field unconscious. He had won his second fight he walked back to his sister as Ereina went to heal his wounds with her needles.
"Winner of the round Shugo Haizaki from the Haizaki Mansion" an elder announced.
"Next up is Orenji Hanamiya from the Hanamiya Guarding Dynasty against Rutherford Hanamiya from the Hanamiya Guard Formation School" Orenji jumped down the railing landing swiftly and easily as the other before her smirked a woo in hand. Orenji sighed as she got her sword out. A thin blade and a green and orange handle. Takeade the legendary Hanamiya sword given to the best swords men of the family.
"Be ready to lose young guard" Rutherford said. Orenji rolled her eyes.
"Ready set, go!" They launched at each other weapons out.
The Teiko boys were lead out on a near stand where Anka gave them seats.
"So what does all this have to do with Seta" Aomine asked. Anka pulled the sheets up revealing the field where Orenji's fight was going on. There eyes went wide.
"This is what it has to do" he said looking at the field.
Orenji jumped away as a bomb exploded. The moment she set a foot she felt a sharp pain in her back she looked behind her to see Rutherford a knife in hand as he stabbed her. She grunted sending a kick his way as he went flying. She pulled the knife out blood oozing from the wound. The boy got up blood drifting from his head. He looked at her pissed raising his whip as he aimed her feet. She dived under the sharp weapon we she threw a round object at him he gasped running only to be pinned by her. She looked down at him. She rose her sword about to stab him when a memory of her last match came. She sighed getting off him.
"This isn't worth it your leg is already crushed you can't continue" she said walking away. He growled getting out a gun aiming at her. He shot it the bullet only a meter away when she deflected it with her sword as it went back at him full speed landing in his eye.
"I warned you" she walked away.
"Winner of the match Orenji Hanamiya from the Guard Dynasty" a man appeared behind the losing boy before he shot him in the head. Orenji bit her lip in guilt but continued.
The boys watched in shock while Momoi held her mouth tears flowing down her face.
"Whats the meaning of this" Murasakibara asked. Anka sighed.
"The Heir Patrimony is no legend or fantasy, it's all true, the winner lives while the loser dies" he replied. He looked back at them.
"Do you still want to stay or will you survive through the fights" he asked. They looked hesitant but still nodded.
On the field the next match was announced.
"Next is Ereina Haizeka from the Protection Family against Meiyo Haizeka from the High Classes Serve" Kuroko's eyes widened as Ereina came on the field. She was against a trembling girl.
"I'm really sorry" she said pulling out a set of needles. The moment they began the girl collapsed.
"I give up! I don't wanna die here!" Ereina looked down. Another man appeared behind the girl before shooting her.
"This is messed up" Ereina said walking back.
"In reason of forfeit the winner is Ereina from the Protection Family"
"Next is Guren Hanamiya from the Knights Academy against  Taylor Hanamiya from the Purgatory" Momoi gasped as she clutched onto the side of the stand.
"No" as he muttered seeing the grey head walk out with blades sticking out of his gloves.
He was against a black haired guy with an arsenal of bombs on a belt around his waist and chest.
"Begin" Taylor got out a bomb throwing it to his opponents. Guren dived under the bomb as he launched a punch at the other who dodged in time as a few hair strands were cut. He flipped back landing a kick. Taylor grabbed his ankle throwing him over to a near wall. Guren jolted up but fell back clutching to his knee as he pulled out a needle with some liquid on it.
"Poison of Tanzania, it could kill and elephant in less than two seconds" he said smirking. Guren grunted as he clutched to his head.
Momoi stood sobbing as she watched him die before him.
Taylor approached the dyeing heir as he raised his sword. An inch before he could stab him he  felt a sharp pain in his head. He clutched to it falling to the ground.
"That was strong one, quiet deadly huh" Guren's voice echoed as he sat up. His grey eyes were red as he looked at the paralyzed other.
"I don't know if you remember but back in the mansion all Hanamiyas went through a tough training. Once I skipped training" he chuckled.
"The punishment for that was awful, he injected twenty-five different types of poisons and I slept in a poisoned room for six months, I'll let you imagine how it was later" he replied getting up. He stared at the needle.
"Such a poison is dangerous even for pros, you must have a talent" he looked up his red eyes darting at the headmaster.
"May I request to have him as an assistant" he asked. Time seemed to stop as they glared at each other before the man gave in.
"Fine" he replied. Guren sighed as he got a needle injecting it to  a vein. The boy immediately got up gasping as he coughed.
"Your talent will be needed among the guard's your a prodigy in poison arts" he said holding a hand out. Taylor reluctantly took it.
Momoi sighed in relief sitting back down.
"Wow didn't know that was possible" Aomine said.
"A heir can take one or more students to teach so they can never have to fight but,not all elders are as reluctant as the Hanamiya one" Anka explained. He breathed in.
"Sadly only heirs and heiresses can do that" he stated.
"Next up are Munetsu Hanamo and Sozuko Hanamo from the Hanamo Bussness against Juliette and Julietta Hugo from the Hugo Dynasty of Sports" the twins jumped down from the railings as they glared at their opponent.
"Its been a while" one started.
"Julie and Julia,the ones who've"
"Stolen our title ready to"
"Give it back" their opponents grinned. On the left was a white haired girl who's front hair as dark grey shade with her hair up in a pony tail she had dark blue steel eyes. On the right was a white haired girl with the tips of her hair the same haze of grey as her sister's front hair. She had identical eyes they both had a black tank top with dark blue trousers the left one had a green amulet while the right one had a yellow one.
"The ones people nicknamed Tic and Tac, the devil girls" Julia stated her left eye icy blue
"Sozu and Mune from the 17th generation" Julie finished her right eye blood red.
"Refrain from the term"
"For we are"
"The best"
"We "
"Winers" they each finished each other's sentences.
"Begin" the elder announced. Munetsu got a snipper gun out aiming for the two as a blazer light struck from it. The second later the gun shot. Dust shielded the view as blood could be seen before the cloud.
"Metal titan bullets, nice" Julia said. The dust cleared showing Julie holding four bullets.
"They were fast" Julie muttered. Sozuko growled as she got out needles throwing them at the two an inch before it could hit Julie Julia blocked it. She held a red sword with a white cloth attached to it.
"Remember this, it's Gaikido" Julia grinned. Julie sighed as she pulled out a pair of fans. She threw one at Sozuko who just dived. The fan when shopping a concrete pol off. Sozuko stared in shock sweat falling from her cheek.
"The heck how can that fan be so" Kise asked.
"Its a fifty six ton fan with the end as sharp as a shark's teeth" Anka said.
"Wow remind me to never piss her off" they looked back at the field. Mune and Julia were going full out on a one on one as Sozuko and Julie battled. Sozuko tripped on a rock as she lost balance and fell losing her needles. Julie took it as a chance raising her fan.
"Sozu!" Things seemed tragically motion as Munetsu stepped in between the two. Julie stopped seeing the look she got.
"I can't" she stopped.
"What are you doing if you don't kill them they'll kill us" Julie looked at her sister. Her eyes then caught the back round as she saw Aomine and the others. She gasped.
"Aomine-san" she muttered. She clasped a hand on her mouth he eyes darting to the Hugo head. Her grandfather, Jean Stern Hugo. She sighed turning back to the two girls.
"Julia, let's just leave it" she said. Julia eehed.
"What!?" She marched to Her sister.
"Have you lost it, 'Lie if we lose you know what will happen" Julie looked down.
"Its not worth a life though" she replied.
"Fine" her sister got her blade up. Julie's eyes widen.
"Wait!" She called blocking the blade.
"We could recruit them" she offered. Julia looked reluctant. She looked at her grandfather. He smirked.
"I knew you two weren't cut out for the title" Julie rolled her eyes.
"Well if you can maybe manage to kill me then I could accept" Julia raised a brow snapping her fingers. Julie stood behind the man holding a gun at his head.
"Come again sir," she asked eyes heterochromic. The man froze feeling the suffocating amount of bloodlust in the air.
"Tch," Julie smiled.
"Winner by forfeit Juliette and Julietta from the Hugo Dynasty of Sports" the two sighed in relief.
The team sat watching in mild silence.
"So if they passed whose next" Murasakibara asked. Anka's eyes narrowed.
"Nows the head contest" he stated.
"What is that" Aomine asked.
"Look and watch, luckily this one doesn't consist in getting killed if you lose, you only get killed by your opponent" he said. They nervously looked at the field again.
"Next will be the fights for the title of head master"

To be continued...

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