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Days passed since the boys found out about the patrimony. Everything was going fine well that'd what it seemed like. An evening after practice Seta received a text message from her father asking her and her brother to come home. Seta looked at it curiously but still told Haizaki about it. That day Nijimura had had to leave and go see the club responsible. Seta left the practice in charge of Akashi that day leaving the others perplexed.
As the two arrived home they were met with cold and silence. They didn't mind it thinking the rest were busy until they were called by their father into their mother's room.
Shang sat on the chair in front hi a back facing them. They looked confused at their father's reaction.
"Shiro, Shugo" hi A voice was cold. They flinched at the unfamiliar tone.
"Father what's wrong" Haizaki asked. The elder man stood up.
"I have bad news for you both" he said grimly. Seta glanced at the bed whose sheets were covering something. She frowned.
"The operation is over, it was a success only" he stopped his voice cracking.
"The doctor said her body couldn't take the pain, as soon as she had awoken she had died right after only able to leave a few words" Haizaki froze as his sister almost collapsed onto the floor. Seta stumbled as she held to the wall a hand on her mouth.
"Mother is" Haizaki started but wasn't able to finish as he started crying. Shang walked towards the two sobbing children as he hugged them tight.
"It's only us now, I swear to protect everyone of you till the end" they sobbed into their father's arms. Seta hadn't realised her phone vibrating signaling a text from Nijimura.
From: Shuzo-kun
My father's health has been going worse I'll have to leave to get him curried in another country. This is my last time talking to you. Say by to Shugo for me
The next few weeks Haizaki started skipping practice. Seta always argued with him about that ending up in them soon getting into an argument.
During practice once. A ball was thrown onto the gym floor making the others halt.
"I've had it!" Haizaki yelled. Seta flinched at the sudden yell.
"Shut up! Your constantly on my back! Can't you mind your business for once! How does it affect you if I wanna skip practice!?" She clenched her hands looking down.
"You can't get lost with your sickening nice sister act I've had it"
"Shugo I-"
"Shut it, I don't wanna see you again get lost" he said looking away. She clutched to her ball throwing it at his face.
"FINE! You can do what ever you want you dumb ads" she cried running off. He growled lowly as he walked away. The rest watched the two leave in silence.
"What should we do" Momoi asked. Midorima looked at where Seta has left about to get up when Akashi got up.
"I'll go see how she's doing" he said not awaiting an answer. Midorima stared as he left. Something in his chest tightened at the thought of the tow alone.
Akashi walked around the campus looking for the white haired girl when he decided to go check in the music room. As he approached he heard a faint music. The closer he got the clearer he heard. It was a very hard partition that was being played.
He stood before the music room looking from the window he saw Seta playing violin. He breathed in walking in. Seta flinched hearing the door open. She looked up to see Akashi.
"What's the name of the partition" he asked. She looked at the violin smiling.
"No. 23 'Il labirinto armonico'" she replied. His eyes widened slightly at the mention. One of the five hardest violin solos.
"How are you able to play it" he asked. She chuckled then her gaze turned sad.
"My, my mother was a professional violinist one to be called Litz Jr" he nodded. Then something clicked.
"Wait, was" he asked. She nodded looking away her bangs covered her face but he could see her lips quiver.
"Sh-She, she passed away" her voice cracked as she clutched to the instrument. His eyes slightly widen. He moved closer as he hugged her. She clutched to him crying her eyes out. A few minutes later her cries started to fade into sobs.
"Seijouro, promise me one thing" he hummed.
"Take care of the team please" she said. He nodded.
"I will" he said. She smiled.
Cause I won't be here to look after you all...

To be continued...

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