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Weeks passed as the team continued their way to the top. Everything was going great. But for some reason Seta couldn't help but feel uncomfortable thinking about their soon to come game.
When they were on the court at a moment she felt an uncomfortable feeling as pain struck her. She gripped onto her shirt. Momoi glanced at her.
"Seta are you fi-" before she could finish Seta started coughing violently alerting the manager.
"Seta!" The white haired girl grunted looking up. She gave a weak smile at the team.
"I'm okay just a col-argh" before she could finish she coughed up blood. The liquid splat on the court. The team's eyes widened as they looked back at Seta. Haizaki rushed over to her.
"Seta, you need to go see a doctor now" she looked up her view blurred. When she opened her mouth to speak nothing came out. Next thing she knew she had collapsed in his arms. She could hear the worried yells of the ones around.
She was brought to a nearby infirmary. Nijimura had ordered the others to continue leaving Akashi in charge. They reluctantly headed back leaving the three alone. Haizaki gripped to his sister's hand as if she'd leave if he didn't. He looked down guilt filling his heart.
"Haizaki," he looked up to see it wasn't Nijimura who'd called him but it was his grandmother.
A woman in her fifties stood holding a black stick with a white wolf head on it as she stood in a black dress. Her hair was up in a perfect pun as she wore a flower band aid to tie it. She looked sadly at both her grandchildren.
"Shugo-kun," she called. Haizaki looked down unable to look at her eye to eye.
"Miss Seyo" Nijimura greeted kneeling in a respectful manner. They'd met before since she was the one who'd help Nijimura find an adapted hospital for his father.
"Shuzo, I'm grateful to you, thank you for taking care of my grandchildren" she smiled.
"I'm the grateful one Herr, you've helped my family a lot," he said. She nodded walking over to Seta. She frowned placing her stick down as she took out needles. She implanted each in a specific vein of Seta's body before she hit a pressure point on Seta's chest. Seta gasped jolting up. Haizaki looked back in as he launched a hug at his sister. Seta hugged back when she noticed her grandmother.
"Obaa-sama" she said. Seyo smiled putting the needles back in her pockets.
"Shiroko, please be careful these needles can't bring you back every time" she stated. Seta nodded getting off the bed.
"Be careful dear, you know the deadline right" Seta looked at her grinning.
"No worries, Obaa-sama I'll be careful and thank you a lot" she said. Seyo sighed as she headed out but halted before leaving.
"And you two remember the meeting is on Monday" they both nodded before she left.
"So how's the match" Seta asked.
"I left Akashi in charge so it should be fine" Seta froze.
"You didn't do that did you" she asked. He looked confused.
"Seijouro, he doesn't have the courage, he-he can't its hard to explain but he's sensitive to things if he's scared to lose he'll push them all to win only" she tried explaining.
"What does that mean" Haizaki asked.
"That means, if we don't get back now we'll have a big problem" she said.
On the court the opponent looked devastated by the score as the opposing team stood almost emotionless. Kuroko who and Momoi stared in fear and shock. Their teammates. They weren't playing like usual anymore. They were only aiming first place for getting everything else.
The buzzer sounded meaning the game was over. Seta and the two other arrived. Seta turned to the score. 110-10
"The heck is this" Haizaki cursed eyeing the others. Usually they'd be cheering but they didn't seem fazed. Seta sighed.
"Setaicchi" Kise yelled hugging the girl. Seta didn't respond like usual. Kise looked at her. She had her face covered by her bangs.
"Kise, what does this mean" she asked.
"What do you mean" he asked realising she hadn't used any nickname or his usual name.
"Don't play stupid" she looked at him her eyes yellow.
"I've never taught you guys this"
"What are you blabbing about you should be happy" Aomine said. She looked at him eyes blue.
"Aomine, when did you start being careless about the matches" she asked. He flinched at the tone. She was pissed like hell.
"Don't be like that Set-chin" Murasakibara said munching on a candy bar. She looked up at Jim eyes now violet.
"Murasakibara, I've never seen you underestimate your opponents" he stopped munching looking away.
"What's wrong about expecting a win" Midorima asked pushing his glasses up.
"I don't even wanna talk to you" she said outraged. His gaze narrowed. Seta looked over at the red head marching to him.
"Akashi" she called. Her right eye went white while the other flashed a dark red.
"What do you have to say" he smirked.
"What does that mean, doesn't Teiko's mark say Winning is everything" she clenched her teeth grabbing his collar shocking the others.
"Your not Akashi Seijouro, who ever you are let me tell you the seijoiro I know isn't weak to the point of abandoning his love for basketball in fear of losing" she let go of his collar.
"I don't even recognise any of you" she marched away leaving them standing.
The next day at practice Seta didn't show up. The gym seemed silent without her prescience. After practice the bonus decided they'd go apologize. When they arrived at her house they were met with Ereina.
"What is it" she asked leaning on the door frame.
"We came to see Seta" Akashi stated. Ereina chuckled as she closed her eyes.
"Seta has been locked up in her room since yesterday she won't leave even to eat, I've been wondering what's wrong and..."
She opened them her blue eyes a glowing white as she glared.
"Shugo,told me about the match there so tell me why should I let you in when you've already disappointed her" a blue wolf figure snarled at them as she said so.
"We came to apologize" Kuroko stepped up. Rei looked at him with a disappointed look.
"I can't let you in even for you Kuroko" she had said his name with such hurt Kuroko himself felt guilty.
"Listen we know we've messed up we only want to pay her back" Amine said. Ereina looked at them all scanning their looks then sighed.
"Fine but I'm only letting one of you in,"They looked at each other nodding.
"Misorina you should go" Akashi said.
"What but" he didn't seem convinced.
"Why don't you go" he asked.
"Because she wouldn't listen to anyone but you at this rate" Aomine said. Ereina looked at the green head eyes narrowed.
"Don't be reckless or your dead" she said leading the way as he reluctantly followed. He was lead to a black door. Ereina stopped as she knocked. There wasn't any reply.
"Seta, you've got a visitor" she said. Still no reply. She gave a nod to Midorima as she took a key out and unlocked the door.
Midorima walked into a dim room only lightened by the cracks of sun lights through the curtains. He looked around to see a curled up figure next to the queen size bed. He keeled next to it as he touched it. It stepped away from him. He then judged it to be Seta.
"Seta" he called. The figure flinched.
"Midorima" her muffled voice called. He frowned. She didn't use his usual name.
"Seta, I'm, we're all very much sorry" he said sitting next to her.
"..." She didn't reply.
"We, didn't mean to disappoint you its just at a moment we felt like if we lost we'd be losing your trust," he said.
"We should've thought twice" he ended. He looked at her. He sighed lifting the sheets up. Seta sat smiling at him.
"I know how hard it is I should've expected the outcome" she said. She looked at him leaning in to hug him. Midorima wasted no time hugging back. He sighed inhaling her scent. How could he manage to live without it.  What he didn't know was he'd soon have to face truth.
To be continued...

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