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Hoseok's POV

"Are you sure this is for free?" I was uncertain. We were finally inside the establishment.

"Yep." With a popping 'p' at the end.

"Welcome," Nanami stood at the middle of a flower paradise, "to Shikisai no Oka."

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She spread out her arms, the wind kissing her rosy cheeks. Her dyed highlights as well going along with the flow of the comforting breeze. Nanami was beautiful, I thought that moment.

But never will be as beautiful as Haejeul.

"What are you waiting for, Jung-san?" She asked, waving her arms in the air.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm right here."

"Looks like you were staring off into nothing back there." Nanami chuckled, taking notes of the scenery surrounding us.

There she was at it again. Never letting anything get in the way of her work. "I guess. The place is"

Suddenly, she said something that shook my whole perception of beauty. "People choose to look at only one tree."

I waited for her to speak. 

"...that they don't know that there's also a huge forest waiting to be looked at too."

Hope Less || JUNG HOSEOK ✔Where stories live. Discover now