-Chapter Thirty-Three-

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Derek pitied himself as he sat on a bench in the police station. His wrists were already hurting from the tightness of the handcuffs and his mood was plummeting. Slowly and surely, he was losing confidence in his partly fake alibi where Stiles was concussed and kissed him. Despite in reality, Derek and Stiles were guilty as charged for dating each other or having 'romantic relations'. He popped his head up at the sight of the Sheriff entering the building.

The Sheriff gathered Parrish for a run-down of what was going on, despite knowing exactly what was happening. Derek grew impatient.

"Will I be sat here all night?" He asked out loud, hoping the officers would hear. "I have classes to teach tomorrow." His eyes fixed on the Sheriff and Parrish, he watched as Parrish nodded and rotated. Parrish's long legs bent as he sat next to Derek.

"Listen," He grunted as he leaned back and whacked his head on the wall. "The Sheriff thinks he can sort this out. He said tonight may be your get out of jail free card...But he also warns that this is the first and last cover up he's doing for you." Parrish sighed loudly and knotted his hands together. "This job is too demanding."

"Thanks, Parrish." Derek sighed exasperated, despite the fact that the night had only just begun. "Do you think you could take these off?" He raised his arms, which were locked together still by the cuffs.

"Sorry Hale, no can do. I'm obliged to follow protocol." The pair sighed simultaneously.


Shortly after Stiles' crying session and freak out that he had ruined Derek's life, he headed down the stairs to his dad. The Sheriff was receiving a call via his walky-talky and Stiles listened intently to it, holding his breath.

"Sheriff, we've arrested the man in the image with your son. He's in the station, shall we hold off until you get here for questioning?" The voice belonged to the short and plumpy officer who never seemed to be happy.

"Yes hold off. I'll be there ASAP." Sheriff responded, his forehead wrinkling, knowing that Derek was the man they were referring to.

Stiles bit his bottom lip, tears falling quickly down his cheeks.

"Is he going to be okay?" His voice quivering, Stiles thought of the worst scenario he could. Derek being locked away forever being abused by his inmates for pedophilia and himself being lonely.

"Stiles." His father warned. "You know I don't like you listening to my calls."

"Dad-" Stiles broke down, slumping to the floor in an emotional heap. The Sheriff walked over to his son, reaching down and squeezing his shoulder.

"I will try my best, okay?" On that note, the Sheriff left for the seemingly urgent call of Derek's arrest.


"Okay send him in." The Sheriff said, slapping a hand on his desk whilst talking to his fellow colleague. The officer nodded, heading to where Derek sat looking like a depressed puppy. Derek was yanked up by the officer and pushed into the Sheriff's room by him too.

"Derek, take a seat." The other officer left the room, closing the door behind him. The Sheriff waited until the other officer left to speak further. "You're going to break my son's heart."

"Sir, I-" The Sheriff's raised palm stopped Derek who was about to ramble about how sorry he was.

"I don't want to hear it, Stiles told me what happened. I saw the photo." Even though the Sheriff was trying to make eye contact with Derek, he was having none of it, his eyes remained glued to the dusty brown floor of the Sheriff's office. "I think we might be able to get you off the charge. Just this once."

Next came the recorded questioning. Derek sat in a meeting room, with around 3 police officers and the Sheriff. A bright light shone down at him and made him squint.

"Mr Hale, are you guilty of having romantic relations with the minor and your student Stiles Stilinski?" One asked with a straight face. His eyes burned into Derek's.

"No." Derek said simply, his heart pounding harder than he thought was possible. At that moment, he was glad none of them were werewolves that could hear his lies.

"Do you accept or deny that this is you in this picture?" Another officer slid the image across the table, Derek studied it briefly before answering.

"Yes, that is me."

"So you kissed Mr Stilinski?" The third officer clarified as Derek felt as though he was burning under the intense light.

"Incidentally, he did yes." Derek hated this. Blaming Stiles for this when it was the both of them in the relationship.

"He?" The first officer raised his eyebrow at Derek's word choice.

"Mr Stilinski," Derek confirmed eying the Sheriff, who was seemingly ignoring him. "had banged his head several moments before this and that is all."

"So you believe he was concussed?" Derek simply nodded, whilst trying to keep his heart from pounding furiously.

"I see...Had Mr Stilinski ever made any bold moves alike this?" The officer pointed to the image, which Derek was now refusing to look at.

Derek's mind sprung back to many bold moves that he and Stiles had made.

Stiles grinned, letting his hands undo Derek's belt buckle.

"Woah what-" Stiles shushed him with his lips, then pulled away slowly.

"You'll enjoy this." Stiles pressed his lips to Derek's again, unzipping Derek's pants and pushing them down to his ankles, where they bunched up.

"Mr Hale?" Derek's long pause had the Sheriff concerned, so he intervened finally in the interrogation.

"No, Stiles hadn't".


Several hours later, after the deep grilling from many police officers and a statement from Mr Grimby, Parrish finally relieved Derek of his handcuffs.

"Sorry Derek, I'm not allowed to let you leave yet but I can take this off."

"When can I leave?" Derek asked, staring longingly outside of the deputy's department window.

"Sometime after Stiles has given his statement."

"Stiles?" Parrish pushed on Derek's shoulder, meaning for him to sit down. They sat together.

"We have to hear his side of the story before we can even think about letting you go." Parrish squeezes Derek's shoulder as Derek tenses. "Listen, I'm sorry to say it but you may be stuck here a while."

No, Mr Hale. [Sterek] (Boyxboy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz