Chapter 3

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It was a raining heavily but Suman somehow managed to get a cab for her. She reached her home lately. As soon as she entered she found a mess in her bedroom only of dresses.

"Urvashi...what's this?" Suman asked angrily. "We are going out for a dinner and I don't have a dress to wear" she said shoving another dress on Suman's face. "Seriously Urvashi you have a pile of dress and you....Umm wait a minute what did you say right now 'We' " she asked her. "Yeah we are going on a dinner with my friends they wanted to meet you so therefore get ready as soon as possible. Yes...I got my dress" she takes out a black dress for herself and rushes to washroom.

"Urvashi I don't want....." The door was slammed on her face. She literally felt to pull out her hairs at that moment. She was never used to this social groups. And the foremost thing she felt very uneasy with strange people. She very well knew that Urvashi will definitely gonna have a boys group too. And she never ever knew how to mingle with boys.

She facepalmed her self and then straightaway went to her wardrobe and took out a simple jeans top for herself. She was ready within 15mins and she very well knew that it was 1 hr yet to go.

About 1 hr later Urvashi comes out of the washroom and then they leave for the dinner. The rain had seized but yet the dark clouds did cover the dark nights of Delhi.

Suman's POV
"Meet her...Suman...Suman Tiwari my roommates." As she introduced me to her group which had two boys and three girls who looked at me as if I am one of the seven wonders. I just could pass a smile to them.

"She is extremely good at studies...and infact she was the topper in her college back in Mumbai and now here she has come up for internship in Law School of Delhi." I am never good at taking often made me uneasy and so was the situation now also. After some talks we settled down ourselves and started ordering foods...I just looked on the was terrible. I had never heard such names. I was good as cook but only in Indian dishes not these Italian or I don't know what.

I looked at Urvashi for help and somehow understanding my situation she took the menu from me rolling her eyes off. And ordered some stuffs.

They boys looked at me terribly. Their gaze just stuck on my chest area I just felt nasty...I hated these gaze and gosh I would always fall in these situation.

To make myself calm I rushed to the washroom even forgetting my manners. I went inside the washroom and just splashed water on my face.

As I was just wiping my face I found a guy enter the washroom through the mirror. I immediately turned and asked "Hey Ric it's Girls washroom" Ric was one of the Urvashi's gang.

"It's okay babes...It happens. Well..." He neared me dangerously. "Excuse me.." I was about to leave when he holds my hand. I turned immediately and slapped him tight. "Don't you dare" I freed my hand and rushed outside the hotel leaving everyone behind.

I rushed out in the lonely street of Delhi. The weather was little cold and it was pouring down heavily. God..... My fate was never with me. I was all wet from top to bottom shivering in cold and waiting for a cab passing by.

When I saw a flashing light coming towards me. I hid my eyes with the help of back of my palm. The car came to a screeching halt and as I saw the window pane coming down. A man came into a view.

He had beautiful brown orbs and his mane just fell perfectly on his forehead. His chiseled face. And his that perfect lips.... lips wait a minute what dirty things was hailing in my mind. I immediately shooed the thoughts away.

"Do you need any help?" He had damn hoarse voice a manly one. God what am I thinking about.

"Umm...yeah actually I need a cab if you can help me out" I asked with courtesy. "At this time of night you won't get one in this area. I can drop you at home" he said with a smile.

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