Chapter 8

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Shravan's POV

I entered her room and standing near the window humming and lost in her own world. Although I didn't want yo disturb her because it was first time I found her with a beautiful smile on her face, but unfortunately I had to. So I called. "Sumo" Suman immediately turned and said "Yes" with a very bright smile.

I went near her. "Take this" I offered. "What's in this Shravan?" Her face turned quite serious. "Umm.. it's a new phone for you as the last one too broke." I said slowly.

"Thank you Shravan but I can't take it." She handed it back to me. "But why?" I asked. "Because the last time too you had given one and I haven't repaid it to you yet again this one." She explained me. I know she was right but right now her needs were important to be fulfilled.

"Ok then how much will you repay. Ha?" I asked with a serious tone. " means?" She flinched and nervousness took upon her face. "Will you repay me the cost of being here or will you repay for the food you eat here? Tell me" I asked folding my hands on my chest.

"I..I... will try to pay you soon but I need  little time" she said softly. "Ok fine you will repay me this. But what about the two times I saved you risking my own bloody life. Will you ever give your life to me when I ask." I bend down a little to match her height and look straight into her eyes.

"I..I.." she was trying to speak something. "Oh! Please shut the fuck up." I shouted. "You know what you cannot" I kept the box there and was about to leave when I heard her. "Shravan" I turned back and she was there rooted itself gazing on the floor. "Do ask me when you need?" And this sentence perhaps broke my whole self being.

I immediately left the place heading towards my room. "Pushkar.. Pushkar" I shouted....

Shravan's POV ends

Pushkar rushed to the room with a bread in his mouth. "Yaass Shir" a odd sound comes out of his mouth. "Quickly shove it in the mouth and give me the information you gathered" Shravan settled himself on his study table. Pushkar munches it quickly and gulps a glass full of water. "Sorry..sorry" he gives his toothy smile and then he begins.

"Sir..there are 3 things that are to be informed and are to be highlighted today." He said standing in attention position.

"1st thing is about Suman Tiwari's call list...she was called mostly by Aarav Kapoor. He is an employee of Mishra and Co. And...he...he is her..fiance" Pushkar said stressing on word fiancé. This did stiff Shravan's body structure. "Next" Shravan said with a straight face. "2nd thing is that attack on Suman was done by Mishra only. And Suman is one of the victim whom Aarav will get married and then Mishra will just sell her in abroad. She is just one of his business thing"

"And the last one.." Shravan asked standing up. "Is that Suman Tiwari is a big problem..she is all surrounded by these things and somewhere you will be also dragged in this. And it may cost hard to you" he said with a glint of terror. But Shravan smiled. "You know what Pushkar." He loops one hand around his neck. "Shravan Malhotra has a very old habit to play that costs hard..." He gave a villainous smile.

"Ok Sir but the thing is how will you convince Suman to stay here as she is in search of a new home." This piece of information now enraged Shravan. "What?" He turned to him in surprise.

"Hmm.. that's true" he nodded his head with a tight lipped expression. "You... Why did you not inform me earlier" Shravan asked angrily. "Because sir I thought you would never want her to be in this house after knowing that she is Sanjay Mishra's daughter."

This took off the ground beneath Shravan's feet. His whole world came crumbling down. "What the fuck..are you saying?" Shravan was totally in shock. "Yes..She is Sanjay Mishra's daughter" he said and brought out his phone and showed a picture to him. It had Sanjay Mishra, Priya Mishra and a little baby her hand.

"This was the picture I got from last day investigation."

"But how does it prove that Suman is Sanjay Mishra's daughter"Shravan asked.

"That I came to know this evening when I saw Priya Mishra's picture in her wallet. And she confirmed her to be her mother. So ultimately it points to one crystal clear thing that she is his daughter." Pushkar explained it from ease.

Shravan was in deep thoughts digesting these information. "That means Sanjay is dealing his own child for just flithy money." He kept his point. "Might be Sir. But there is one more point here. Suman owns a large share of property infact the whole property of Priya Mishra. And the will stands with words that all will handover to Suman once she gets married. So this can be for property too"

"Okay so now we connect the dots. Okay the first thing you do is get Suman's old number and buy a new SIM of same number and give it to Suman right over now." Shravan ordered.

"But Sir this will help Aarav easily track her." Pushkar was confused.

"That's what I want" he smirked. "But Sir.." Pushkar intervened. "It's my order" he was about to leave when he turned to him and hugged him "Thanks chote.." he said. Pushkar smiled. "Come on Bhaiya before being my boss you are my bhai and anything for you..even my life" he said.

Shravan comes out of the hug. "Now do as I have said." Shravan said. "Yes sir" and then both leave the room.

Pushkar goes towards Suman's room. "May I come in?" He asked to a Suman who was already lost in something. "Hmm..Yeah come in" she said giving a fake smile.

"How are you behenji?" He tried to joked but only a nod comes from her. "Ok so someone is not in a mood to joke." He exclaimed. "No Pushkar it's just..." She was completed by Pushkar "that my brother is bothering you" Suman sighs. "Yeah..he is too me" she says. "Ok so someone was complaining him to be the worst on the before day and now he is too good. Are you some psycho?" He asks

"Pushkar I am serious. He do have a heart of gold. But he is not right for me or I may be not." She says sitting down on the couch. "And what make you think so?" Pushkar asks sitting beside her.

"He is always there when I am in trouble. He always risks his life for me. He has solutions for each and every problem of mine." She gives points to define her main point.

"That doesn't mean that he is too good. It's just human nature. When you love someone then you are ready to give him/her everything and that's what bhai does." He explains. "That's the main problem. I don't love your bhai nor do I have feeling. So it's better I stay away from him. And you all don't know my baggage of past. It will bury him also  deep with me." She says.

"I think you should talk to bhai about your past. As you said Bhai have solution to all your problem then this can also be solved by him and you can be free from your baggage." Pushkar stood upto leave. "Thanks Pushy cat" Suman said and this made him to turn to see Suman smiling. "You are welcome behenji" and he leaves.

Later that day.

"Suman...suman focus you can do can do it...he is not some demon that he will eat you up ..he is just normal human being but he gets angry easily....what should I talk to him...Yaar why is it so difficult for me. O God! Please help me." Suman muttered to herself before entering Shravan's room.

She slowly peeked inside to see the lights are dim. She slowly said. "May I come in?"

To be continued.....

Hola guys....How are you all..All ready to welcome the new year.. leaving behind 2018. Well I hope everyone had a warm year and I wish for all of you to have a more beautiful and happier year 2019.

I am extremely sorry guys for a small update but though to give you an update before the year ends. I know big revealation have come up. But these are trailers as upcoming chapters will be more interesting. Well what do you think of this Shravan? Is he good guy or a bad one.

Please please vote for the chapter and comment.

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