Chapter 20

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Suman was sipping on her coffee in the garden area of hospital. It was six in the morning. She once checked on Shravan and then made her way to the canteen of hospital to grab her a cup of coffee. It will be a long day. She herself didn't know how Shravan would react to things around him. She prayed whatever happens her Shravan must be safe. She was lost in her thoughts when Pushkar joined her with a cup of coffee. "Hmm so what you are thinking behenji!" He asked on a lighter mood. Suman smiled. "Nothing much..was worried about Shravan. And also hell nervous as it's my first case as a lawyer."

"No need to worry. I know you gonna excel in this." He gave a warm press on her hand.

"Pushkar. It's often hard for me to believe that Ma is no more with me. Death of someone you love is like a bottle hitting a rock and breaking into million of pieces in the ocean and then it's hard to find them back."

"I know. Love is a beautiful feeling Suman. I realized it when I met Preeti for first time in college days. She is just beautiful." First time Pushkar opened up about her.

"Hmm. You are quite lucky in a way." Suman teased him. "Yeah I am" he also replied with a blush. "She has been always my anchor since childhood. Whenever I was accused by Mami or someone had ever hurt me. She was always there to wipe away my tears." Suman reminisced her memories.

"By the way Pushkar where is Mamiji. She was not seen home." Suman asked looking at him. "Umm wo Bhai had thrown them out of the house." He said. "But why?" She shrieked. "Where are they staying? How are they?" Suman threw ber questions. "They are fine. They are living in a rented apartment. As he knew after all they are parents of Preeti. Although Preeti didn't utter a word he knew how it feels to see your parent suffer" he said.

"Shravan is a gem in a person" she said. "Indeed..After all he is my brother" this statement earned him a whack. "Shut Pushie cat. Stop this bickering and go check on him is he ready for today." She asks. "Yes lady boss" he salutes her and before he recieves more of the whacks he ran to ward.

Suman came and saw Shravan all ready. She smiled at him. "Shravan...there will be no much interrogation today, just simple question will be asked. Please don't panic" she said. Shravan turned to her. Suman saw his collars were not correct. She asked him. "May I?" Shravan nodded. Suman raised her hand and corrected it. "Thanks Suman."

"Get used to it Shravan. And moreover friends don't tell thanks or sorry" Suman said collecting her files from the table. They soon reached to court. Shravan, Pushkar were seated at back benches. Suman was going through the file sitting on her respective seat when the opposition lawyer comes up.

He stands infront of Suman and forwards his hand. "Vikrant Bhatt. The opposition lawyer" Suman also puts her hand on his. "Suman Malhotra." But his touch did not go well with Suman. She flinched when he was not ready to leave. Shravan was watching this from behind. He was about to stand up when the judge comes in.

Everyone stands up in the honour of judge and then everyone takes their respective place. Judge then asks to bring Sanjay to the courtroom. Sanjay was brought by two if the policeman.

Shravan grits seeing him, but he knew this is not the time to show his rage. He had full faith on Suman regarding the case.

"My Lord" Suman began. "This is a straight case of drug smuggling and multiple murders. I would like to produce various evidences on this." She said with full confidence.

"You are allowed!" The judge grants the permission. Suman's assistant forwards the case files to the judge. He goes through it. "Mrs. Malhotra. I am finding these proofs quite potential for this case. But these are not complete."

"I know My Lord. It is because in an encounter of Mr. Sanjay Sharma and the other detective members the proofs got damaged. But I would ask you to also allow me to bring my client here who was the only witness for the henious crime Mr. Sanajay Sharma did 18 yrs back." She bowed her head. "Permission given"

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