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"It's over"
Jimin almost screamed out in agony, for nobody was actually stressing out what the actual fuck had happened and it was making Jimin murderous. 'It's over' could mean anything. It's over could mean that...it really was over, that there was no point in Jimin's existence anymore. Could they not see that Jimin was on the point of losing his sanity?
After a heart beat of painful silence, Seokjin, who definitely felt braver that Jimin, spoke up.
"What-what happened?..." Seokjin hesitantly asked, voice laced with fear and worry because as much as his younger brother annoyed him, he loved Yoongi dearly and the thought of losing him forever...was plainly very painful and devastating. He winced as he thought of what Jimin was thinking right now, because if he was hurting this much, he couldn't imagine what Jimin was feeling.
Jimin had still not opened his eyes. He didn't want to. If it turned out bad, he didn't want to see this world anymore. He'd rather close his eyes and rot away. A world without Yoongi was the very definition of hell for Jimin.
There was another agonizing silence that stretched out for a few seconds and Jimin strained his ears to hear anything. His heart thumped painfully as he awaited the verdict, preparing himself for the worst.

"He's breathing"

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