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Paxton Flynn


He looks up from the wheel and once our eyes lock, his widen. I really can't believe my eyes and I don't understand a thing that just happened right now. Was he going to hit Ryder? Why? I know they hate each other but really?

The car door opens up and Spencer comes stumbling out.

"You bastard!" Ryder screams, running out of Sebastian arms and lunging at Spencer. She hits him and he stumbles back but doesn't react, his ones beautiful eyes looked... void and were glued on me.

I grab Ry and push her backwards, away from Spence as I go closer to him. The thick stench of alcohol hits me immediately. "You're drunk."

"No shit." He slurs, then smirks. "Paxton, I've missed you."

"What the hell, Spencer. You're drunk driving and were you gonna run Ryder over?" I ask, still refusing to believe what I just saw. He's not capable of that. He's too good to ever do that.

Spencer holds his head with his two hands, squeezing his eyes shut as if in physical pain. "I--I don't know, anymore. I don't know what I was doing."

"You don't expect us to believe that right?" Sebastian speaks up glaring at the drunk Spencer.

Spencer eyes snap open and he glares back. "What are you even doing here?" His empty eyes turn to me. "You aren't with him, right? Not so soon."

I don't know what to say. I don't know why I feel like I owe him some explanation and why I feel guilty and at fault. We weren't even together. Ryder saves me from saying anything as she rushes at him again.

"You wanted to run me over!" She bluntly accused, no questions there.

"That wouldn't have been such a bad thing. You ruined my friendship with Paxton!" Spencer yells right back and I can't help but let my jaw fall open.

Ry smirks. "I didn't ruin anything. I don't think an animal, let alone a human being would want to be anything with you. You were Paxton mistake. And he – your majestyrealized that on his own."

"You—" Spencer raises a hand to hit Ryder but Sebastian shoves him to the ground with a hand and just as he's getting up to fight, the lights turn on and the door opens to reveal Mr Tracey.

"What in God's name is going on here?" He thunders out, glaring at us all. Spencer shares a resemblance with him and so does Ryder.

Spencer glares at Ry and Sebastian, then casts me a pained look before running in, shoving past his father as he goes inside.

"Are you okay?" I ask holding onto Ry's shoulder.

She sighs. "Hopefully, I will be." She nods at Sebastian, kisses my cheek goodnight before running into her home like Spencer did.

Mr Tracey shuts the door but the lights don't go off. I can only imagine the kind of family meeting they'd be having.


The crickets were making their noise and the stars were winking down at us.

"You sure you don't want to come with me?"

I turn to smile at Sebastian. "I can't, my mum's probably waiting for me inside." He pouts and looks away. I nudge. "I'm the one who should be worried. You are the stupid person that went over to willing stand in front of a car. Do you know how scared I was?"

"I'm sorry about that. I knew it was your crazy boyfriend from the start and I knew he wouldn't hit me."

I looked down at my dirty converse. "He's not and never was my boyfriend."

"Thank God for that." He replies, then starts laughing.

I look up at his perfect face, my own lips already twitching up. "Why are you laughing?"

"He wasn't even your boyfriend and look at him. Obsessed with you."

The upcoming smile immediately drops from my face. "That's not a good thing."

Sebastian shakes his head. "No, you don't get it. Someone is obsessed with you, Flynn. You're so perfect, someone was about to crash into their sister because of you. Wow. I'm not worthy."


"Yeah." He smiles at me. "You're too good for me."

A blush creeps up my neck and hit him with my shoulder. "Stop talking nonsense."

Sebastian holds my chin and forces me to look at him. The joking expression on his face is almost completely gone now. "How do you not see it?"

My heart leaps as I look at him and my mouth go dry, causing me to gulp. "See what?"

"How fucking awesome you are." He says with a smile.

I smile and my hand reaches up and brushes a lock of hair away, "maybe you tell me that everyday?"

"I'll try."

We smile at each other and just then my phone chimes. Its a text from Percy.

Percy - just kiss and say bye already.

I quickly turn to the window and just then I see the curtain shut. Damn that brother of mine. Sebastian stands up from the steps we were sitting on.

"I should be going."

I get up too. "Yeah..." Neither of us say anything and just stand there. I eventually speak up. "Goodnight."

Sebastian doesn't reply instead he grabs unto my waist, pulling me to him and covering up my lips with his. I'm surprised for about three seconds but then I relax against him, kissing him back as my hand winds up, going over his neck and cupping his face. Our lips move affectionately over one another, tongues seeking and gaining entrance, teeth biting down and almost drawing blood.

I've never been kissed like that. Its so, real and raw. Something between  a moan and a whimper escapes my throat as Seb attempts to bring our bodies impossibly closer.

We don't want to stop but not only is this happening in the open and in front of my home but we need oxygen. We break off breathless, my chest heaving like I ran a marathon and Sebastian rests his head on mine. I open my eyes to see his closed. I can tell the expression on his face, like he's going to cry or smile. Either way my heart yearns for him and—

"I love you."



Late update again, I'm sorry. I've been hospitalized and I just managed to get this out. Don't know when I'll see my phone again or when I'll be out of here 😖


How was this chapter and who do you think said the 'ILY'?

See ya and please vote and comment.

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