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Paxton Flynn

I had to be extra conscious of my walk today. I was sore in places I'm certain people wouldn't want to know about and maybe its all in my mind but I think I'm glowing. Literally. I can't keep the smile off my face and even though I winced all the way to school on Sebastian's bike, I've never felt more alive.

Its safe to say that was the best fuck I've ever had all my life. I don't think it gets better than last night. Nothing beats that.

"You sure you're okay?" Seb asked for the millionth time today. In fact, I've heard my life share of 'are you okay?' from the Crown household. Yes, I had breakfast with them and the quads couldn't keep their eyes off me.

I flashed him a smile. "Do I look, not okay?"

He tilted his head to the side, watching me as we stopped our walk in front of the double doors. "Well, you look okay but you also look like you need to be carried around."

"Like a piggyback?" I ask with faux excitement. He nodded. "Would you?"

He frowned then looked around, "I guess I could..."

I couldn't hold my laughter in and he glared at my face.

"Who's the asshole now."

"I'm fine Sebastian, stop worrying about me." I said placing a hand on his bicep.

"Fine." He leans down and places a kiss on my cheek. In broad daylight. Out at the entrance of the school. I was stunned to silence and he winked. "See you around, boyfriend."

I watched him turn and walk around the corner, not knowing where he's going off too. It's not until he's out of my sight that I finally let myself grin, placing a palm over my recently kissed cheek. He's different. Ever since the store visit and being declared boyfriends, he's been freer, chattier and smiling a lot. Its like he's no more carrying a weight over his shoulder.

I love him this way but I'm also a bit scared for us. He was closed off for a reason, I just hope this all doesn't come back and bite us in the ass.

The first thing I noticed as I approached my locker that morning was Pamela Austin. She was dressed in her usual all black with a cap worn backwards on her short midnight black pin straight hair. After her cap the next thing my eyes were drawn to were her boots, I'd love have one of those spiky boots. Second thing I noticed was Ryder, my best friend. She had her back pressed on my locker, dressed on her usual attire, her curly locks falling around her face. Nothing out of the ordinary – is what anyone would think but I knew better. First off, WHAT?! Since when?

And then, being Ryder Tracey's best friend there are a few odd thing to pick out of this. One, her head was bent down and her thumb in her mouth as she chewed on the poor nail. Two, she was dragging her converse around as if trying to distract herself. And thirdly, Ryder was blushing. Blushing!

My jaw literally fell open as Pamela continued saying whatever she was saying and Ry blushed,  smiled, nodded but couldn't look Pamela in the eye. Oh my God. I guess there really is a first time for everything and miracles do happen.

"I'm I seeing what I'm seeing?" Landon asked, relaxing a shoulder on me as he too watched with wide eyes.

"If you mean Pamela Austin clearly hitting on Ry and Ry basking in it. Then yes, you are seeing what you're seeing." I say, a smile different from the smiles of this morning coloring my face.

Pamela moved way closer to Ry, saying something to her ear and Landon and I watched as she squeezed a paper into Ry's palm and smiled. They waved at each y and soon Pamela was walking away. I watched Ryder's chest fall as she released a breath, smiled to herself then casually turned around, our eyes locking.

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