Chapter 19

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Hana's POV

I giggled to myself quietly as I slowly opened the door to my house. Sneaking back into the house is a lot harder than sneaking out. It was currently about 2 in the morning and I was kinda sobering up from drinking a couple hours ago. Of course, my luck wasn't the best tonight. My mother was waiting for me and wringing her hands with worry. Her hair was disheveled and she had bags under her eyes. Those eyes turned to me when I came through the door. 

"Hana! My baby I thought you were hurt or something bad happened. Where have you been?" She ran up to me and checked me for any injuries or marks. She tilted my head and her eyes zeroed in on a hickey. 

"What is that? And what's that smell on your breath?" I sighed gently at the tone of her voice. It was curious but firm and scolding. I explained everything that happened up to Chino. 

"I see. So your father knows where you are." She leaned back against the couch and sighed. I nodded. 

"Mom..." I decided it was time to find the truth behind Tomura's words. "Why did you and dad divorce?" 

I felt her stiffen besides me. 

"I suppose it's time you knew." 

Izuku's POV

I woke up to voices talking and checked the time. My clock read 2:17 in the morning. I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep so I decided to get a drink of water. I made my way out to the hallway. 

"Mom," I stopped before I entered the common room. "Why did you and dad divorce?" Hana's voice rang out loud against the silence. There was a sigh after a few moments and my mother's voice filled the now silent room. 

"I suppose it's time you knew." I heard a shift of fabric. 'They must be on the couch.' I thought to myself. "When you were about four years old neither you or your brother showed any signs of developing a quirk." My mother paused. "Your father, he decided to take things into his own hands and in the middle of the night he took you to one of his friends. That friend was dangerous and he was an unknown criminal. A villain. Somehow," There was a small catch in mom's throat and I had to hold myself back from rushing in there and holding her. I heard her take a shaky breath. 

"Somehow, that man gave you two quirks but there was a cost. You were asleep for 2 weeks after that. You missed your fifth birthday and your brother and I were so scared that you wouldn't wake up at all. Your father showed no remorse for what he did and just sat around with that stupid smirk on his face. Tests were run on your comatose form and doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong or how it happened. The police got involved but thanks to your father's connections the investigation's ceased. Finally, I snapped and I fought with Hisashi. That was on the day you woke up." 

I couldn't believe it. I didn't remember any of this. I mean I could faintly remember the fight and Hana clinging to me but that was over a decade ago. 

"Why does Izu act like he doesn't remember?" Hana asked. 

"It's most likely because his mind repressed it. It was such a scary time and you both were so young..." Mom's voice trailed off. There was another shuffle of fabric and sniffling. 

"Mommy. There's something I need to tell you." Hana's voice sounded broken. Slowly, I made my way to the women sitting on the couch and wrapped them up in a hug. I listened and gauged mom's reaction as Hana told her everything that dad did to her. 

Mom was outraged to say the very least. She was yelling and I had to hold her back and yeah it wasn't pretty. But, once she saw Hana's sleeping form she calmed down. I watched her lean down and kiss my little sister's head and then she kissed my cheek. 

"Could you let her sleep with you tonight? I don't want her sleeping on the couch anymore. Not with your horrid father knowing where she is."

Izuku moved Hana yo his bed and held her all throughout the night like the protective big brother he was. Little did he know, Hana was suffering while in that "peaceful" slumber.

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