* 7 - Getting To Know You

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Written by: dxganronpa

"Oh, these are so cool," Scarlett held up the scarlet gi in her hands, Mia doing the same.

"Yeah, they are! Maybe we were wrong in running after all." The redhead smiled, staring at the purple gi she held. Staring at all the accents and designs, she really couldn't believe this outfit was hers to keep.

The silver accents went from the left shoulder to the right hip, and there was a sash a darker shade of purple wrapped around the waist. There was armor on the knees and shoulders, which she found a bit strange, but it was quickly covered up with awe when she noticed the symbol on the back. It had the face of a Phoenix.

What she found kind of cute was the crown on the purple mask that covered her entire face, minus the eyes of course. It was silver, and she found it to match her perfectly.

"Scarlett, do you like yours as much as I like mine?" Mia asked.

Scarlett didn't turn her head, only continued to stare at her gi. "Depends on how much you like it."

"I really, really like it. I think I love it!"

"Then yes, yes I do like it as much as you like yours."

Both girls giggled, and Scarlett took in all of her new outfit's features once more. The gi was scarlet with a brown sash over the chest and a red belt tying it like a robe. There was one gold armor pad on her left shoulder, the other one just bare.

"Hmm. Where have I seen this symbol before?" she asked herself, looking at the Japanese symbol on the top of the sash.

Mia looked over her shoulder and shrugged. "I think it means dragon? That or chameleon. One of those two, I know it."

"I'm gonna assume it's dragon because it sounds so much cooler, and because dragons are the best things ever." Scarlett hugged the gi to her chest, accidentally lifting the mask. "Ooh, and this thing pulls up to my nose? Cool! I don't have to worry about tying up my hair."

"You wouldn't tie your hair up if you were fighting?" Mia asked her with a confused look. "That sounds hard... and annoying!"

Scarlett shrugged. "It's really not."

The two girls then heard voices from the other room and glancing at each other for a quick second, then ventured out into the hall and stood by the door, listening to the boys speaking.

An angry voice shouted, "You guys recorded us?!"

"Okay, we couldn't resist! But come on, your face was all red and you totally looked like you were enjoying it—"

"Shut the hell up, Jay!"

"Oooh..." Mia cooed, gently shoving Scarlett with a smirk. "You should go in there."

"Why?" Scarlett giggled, keeping her back against the wall and listening in on their conversation. "He seems to be holding up just fine on his own."

"This happened way too quick." Mia chuckled, putting her hands behind her back. "What brought this on?"

"Oh, he was a total perv during the climb because he touched me, and then on deck he said that he really liked me and he isn't that bad of a guy, and—" Scarlett was cut off of her run-on sentences as he heard what sounded like Cole.

"So, you like her that much, huh?"

"Okay, I do not. I was just, uh..."

"Just what?" Jay questioned. "You seemed pretty into her back there."

"As strange as it all is to me... I have to agree."

"Zane, you are not helping! Look, I'm not into her like that. What happened back there was just a... thing, okay? She caught me off guard, is all."

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