Understood But Not Accepted

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Disclaimer: i do not claim ownership of X-Men; i only claim ownership of Tara.

By the way i wouldn't call this a chapter. It was a small part i had wanted to put it but it wouldn't be good at the end of the last chapter or the beginning of the first. So i decided i'd make a small semi-chapter to make up for it. Enjoy!


After the first day of training i knew everyone was tired. Quickly i sent them off to bed but asked Tara to stay behind.

"Yes Mr. Charles?" she asked softly looking to me and Erik. It seems she had a pretty good idea on why we wanted to talk to her.

"I just wanted to know how you were doing?" I asked her. "Why?" she asked instead of answering. She was confused, wondering why we would care. She knew we did but was astounded why. I could curse her father thi sminute for what he had done to her but she was probably listening.

"You're the youngest Tara. You're a child. You saw the mind of Sebastian Shaw." Erik said standing next to me.

"I know..." she said softly. "Tara were only worried." i told her. She nodded and gave us a soft smile.

"I saw things...lots of things...everything...but i still don't understand why he's doing this." she whispered. "I don't believe anyone can." i said.

"Let's get you to bed." Erik said softly. Without waiting i entered her mind and made her go to sleep. She started falling forward but i caught her quickly.

"Do you now understand why i am doing this Charles?" Erik asked. i lifted Tara into my arms and turned to him.

"I do Erik. I always have. It does not mean i can accept it though." i told him.

"I never said i wanted you too." he said.

My friend even i knew that was a lie.

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