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"HELLO Mr. Park, I'm Dr. Choi, it's good to see you awake," The doctor smiled as she walked in behind the nurse, who began checking his vitals and such. Jungkook hopped down from the bed and apologized softly to her for being in the way. Taehyung watched her closely, commenting on her actions.


"Have your friends briefed you on what happened?"

Taehyung glanced at Jungkook, who simply shook his head with a confused expression. The elder sighed and looked up at the sky.


"Alright, well, basically what occurred is you had a panic attack. I understand from your partner-"

Jungkook choked on air, coughing roughly. He doubled over while Taehyung started patting his back. Jimin's eyes grew wide and he shook his head, "H-He's not- We aren't- We're just-"

"Ah, I'm sorry. I must've misunderstood the situation," She apologized with a sheepish smile, "Anyhow, your friend here informed me of the recent events that occurred. This sent you into a panic attack."


"You should be fine in that regard, but there is something else that I feel like we should address."

"W-What's wrong?"

Dr. Choi hesitated for a moment, glancing at the two guests in the room, "Would you two mind stepping out for a moment?"

"Of course not, come on J-"

"They can stay. I don't mind."

The doctor licks her lips before nodding, "Very well. Uh, you're friends informed me of the pain you get in your limbs. We conducted some tests to make sure that there wasn't any underlying issues while trying to determine the panic attack. I'm afraid we've come with some unfortunate news.

The nurse is now standing next to the doctor, holding a small paper cup. They share a solemn expression. In the corner of his eye he can see Jungkook frowning and reaching for Taehyung's hand, who says nothing and lets the younger hold it tight.

Taehyung's expression is serious. Jimin frowns, already knowing that something is very wrong. He turns his attention back to the doctor.

"Jimin, you have an autoimmune disease called Multiple Sclerosis."

Jungkook and Jimin turn to Taehyung, who's covering his mouth with his free hand. He's frowning, his eyebrows drawn together and eyes hard. Jungkook bites the inside of his cheek and makes a face when Taehyung whispers, "It all makes sense..."

"M-Multiple Sclerosis?"

Dr. Choi nods, "Yes. It's an disease where your immune system eats away at the protective coating of your nerves. It explains the muscle pain and contractions in your limbs as well as the stutter. These are your only symptoms at the moment, but the tests all checked out. I'm afraid there's worse to come."

Taehyung looks like he's about to have a mental breakdown. Jungkook pulls him down so he's sitting in the chair next to the bed. Jimin looks down at his hands.

Taehyung softly says, "Min, MS can't be cured-"

"It can't, you're friend is right, but it can be treated. We'll start you on medication right away and notify your general practitioner. We'll see which meds work best with your insurance and go from there. You should be able to go home in a couple of hours. For now, take these, they'll help with pain," The doctor takes the cup from the nurse and hands them to Jimin. He stared at them for a moment before tipping the contents into his mouth and washing them down with the water Taehyung got him.

"I'm sorry for the news, Mr. Park," Te doctor says sadly before leaving the room. The nurse checks a couple of things before bidding them goodbye.

Once the door is closed, Jimin looks over at Taehyung, and then starts crying.

Jungkook sits with clenched fists and hard eyes as he watches Jimin sob into Taehyung's chest. He looks out the window and begins to question why bad things happen to good people, his heart being squeezed by an invisible force.

i'm sorry 🙏🏼 pls forgive me

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