Chapter One- No.

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"Ashlyn don't be ridiculous!" Mara sighed, exasperated.

"Mara, I don't want to go." I mumbled into my pillow as i clung to my bed.

"This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! The night of all nights! The epitome of all parties! And you want to stay home!" She shouted dramatically.

"Its just a club. We can go anytime."

"But tonight is the night, I'm feeling it."

Thirty minutes later we were successfully out the door, with much grumbling on my count. "I hate you." I told Mara.

"Nooooo, you love me more than life itself."

I huffed and got in the car, after I had pulled down my dress. "You gave me the skank dress."

"Its not that bad you're just being a drama queen." Mara rolled her eyes and checked herr makeup in teh rearview mirror.

"Right." Imumbled staring down at the skimpy dress she had forced me into. It really wasn't as bad as I made it seem, but it was not my favorite.

The dress was a tight midnight blue one shouldered dress covered in sequins that reached a little above mid-thigh. It shone as the streetlights passed by  and I couldn't help but admire the beauty of the shine. My long, strawberrry blonde hair had been curled and put into a "sexy pony" as Mara put it, and a silver jeweled clip had been dug int omy skull. My heels were silverr glitter as well, a high platform shoe that I was destined to faceplant in. I am not the most graceful in heels. Mara had done my makeup as well, with a dark blue smoky eye and thick, black, eyeliner circling my grey eyes.

We pulled up to the club and got out, Mara throwing the keys at the valet man. Mara looked stunning, per usual with her short red tube dress, beautifully curled chocolate brown hair, bright red lipstick, and sky high black heels. I am nowhere near as beautiful as she is. She typically runs the show and I am like her sidekick.

After showing our IDs, we entered what I like to call, the hell hole. Music blared, bodies grinded, and the smell of alcohol and sweat were overpowering. I crinkled my nose, earning a scolding from Mara. I rolled my eyes and followed her further into the club headiing toward the bar. I sighed, knowing that somehow Mara would scam a drink despite the fact that she is only 19. I'm the baby at 18. We are both incoming sophomores in college.

I sat down at teh bar on one of their lush barstools and rested my chin on my hand as I watched Mara flirt with the bartender. Sure enough, she left with two drinks in her hands. She beamed at me as she walked over, handing me the drink.

"Mar, no. You know I don't drink. Shit happens when you're drunk." I refused, pushing the drink away.

"Ash don't be a baby. One drink won't hurt anything." She pushed the drink back at me. I sighed and took a sip, "Thats a good girl." she said, pinching my cheek. "I'm going to go dance babe. Don't meet any hot boys without me." I waved my hand at her as she walked away.

"Bitch." I scoffed, taking another sip of my drink. It wasn't bad, and its not like I haven't ever drank before, but Mara always ends up hammered.

To be completely honest I don't even know why I'm friends with her. Shes rude, bossy, and always likes to control what I do. I frown and look down into my now empty glass. I set it back on the bar, crossing my legs. She never lets me choose, always scares boys away from me because she wants them, and has successfully ruined all of my former friendships. The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. And the more I drank. On what was probably my 5th drink, a boy came up bbehind me, whispering in my ear,

"Hey, babe, whats wrong?" I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned to meet a gorgeous pair of blue eyes.

"Oh. Um, hi." I smiled shyly at the ground, fiddling with the hem of my dress. I looked up again to meet his eyes. "I've just got a problem with my friend."

"Mmm." He nodded.

"She likes to control me and force me into everything. Your hair is cute." I blurted, glancing up at the mess of blonde hair. Shit. Did I just say that out loud? Smooth.

The boy cracked a smile, then chuckled when he saw my scarlet face. "Thank you."  He took my drink from my hand and set it down. "Lets dance." He pulled me off the barstool and lead me over to the floor, spinning me around to face him.

"I don't dance." I told him.

"C'mon! Have a little fun!" I glaced over to Mara who was drunkenly kissing this guy. I shrugged.

"Fine." He grinned down at me and turned me around so my back was to him, pulling me close.

The beat of the music got faster and faster as we grinded along with it. More and more people crowded around, grinding with the heavy beat as well, squishing me and the mystery boy even closer together. His hard abs were pressing into my back and I'm not going to lie, it was fantastic.

The song ended and the boy lead me off the floor, hand gently on my lower back. "Thirsty?" He asked. I nodded. "Here, I'll go get some drinks." He pulled out a chair for me and I sat down. A minute later he returned two drinks in hand, then sat next to me, smiling. "So I realized I was quite rude. I am Niall, whats your name?"

"I'm Ashlyn." I replied. His name. Niall.... Niall.... Why is it so familiar? I wondered. The alcohol had definitely bogged down my mind.

"So, Ashlyn," I smiled when he said my name, his Irish accent was adorable. "Do you come here often?"

"No, I'm not big on the club scene. You see that girl over there in the red dress?" I pointed over at Mara who was drunkenly flirting with another guy. Niall nodded." Yeah, she forced me to come tonight. I didn't really get a choice."

"Mmm. I totally get you. You see thatt boy over there?" He pointed at the tall boy with crazy, curly, brown hair and adorable dimples. "He decided I was coming clubbing with him because Liam. Lou, and Zayn didn't want to." I racked my brain. Why do all these names together sound so familiar??

"I see."I nodded looking back at the curly haired boy who was chatting up some girl that seemed starstruck. I chuckled. Niall looked at me questioningly. "That girl over there with your friend. She looks like shes in heaven." He smiled.

"Most girls are when they meet Haz." He smiled warily.

"ASHYYY!" Mara screamed as she stumbled over. I sighed. "Why didn't you tell me you were flirting with a cute guyyyy?" She whined.

"Mar you're drunk off your ass." I told her. "C'mon, we are going home." I pulled her to her feel and began tugging her towards the door, which was difficult in these stupid shoes.

"Do you need help?" I looked up to meet Niall's eyes again.

"No, I'm good." I stumbled a bit, anticipating meeting the floor with a thunk, but the only one who fell was Mara. A strong pair of arms held me up. "Thank you." Niall stood me up, then picked up Mara, taking her outside. "Stupid, stupid, stupid, Mara!" I sighed, exasperated.

"Hey, she doesn't need to ruin your night." Niall said.

"What are you getting at?" I asked, eyeing him carefully.

"Thirty bucks and a cab."He grinned. "Catch my drift?"

"I'm diggin it." I walked to the curb and hailed a cab. " Hey, will you take her home? The address is 1347 Gromer Street. Third Floor, apartment 397. Just make sure she gets up there safe."

"Whats in it for me?" the cab driver demanded. I handed him the thirty dollars. "Okay." He shrugged, then drove away with Mara snoring lightly in the back.

"She's such a dumbass." I mumbled as Niall and I walked back into the club. Every time we went out she got wasted and ruined the night. "Thank you."

"What for?"

"Making me stand up for myself. Not letting her ruin my time with you. I like you. You're pretty cool."

"Yeah, I'm pretty awesome." I laughed, nudging him with my shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my waist and for the moment, everything was perfect.

Hi Everyone! Its Audrey! I'm really excited for this story, sorry if this first chapter seemed a little boring or slow, but I promise it will eventually get better and pick up a little. Thank you for reading! :)

It Started With a Whisper- A Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now