Chapter Twelve- Please Stay

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I sat in the back seat next to Niall, whose hand was on my leg. Harry drove, Louis was in the passenger seat, and Liam and Zayn sat in the middle seats. Niall’s hand slowly inched its way up my leg. My eyes snapped in an attempt to meet his, but he stared evenly straight ahead. Alright. Two can play that game. I rested my hand on his leg, rubbing it before sliding my hand up further.

“Alright you two. That is inappropriate. I would like to talk to you father, Ashlyn.” Liam said without turning around. Both of our hands flew back into our respective laps as we tried not to look guilty. Liam turned around with a smirk.

We arrived at the venue of the interview moments later. I rushed to get out of the car, feeling really awkward. I ran into the building then straight into the bathroom. I stared at my face in the mirror which was beet red. Its one thing to participate in a challenge and be a ho, but another thing to be in a car and busted by Liam, who is like the dad of the band. I splashed water on my face, dried it, then left the bathroom. The boys were patiently waiting in the lobby, all on their phones.  When I walked up, they all looked up, then stood, walking in the direction Paul lead them to the interview room. I waited backstage as they got situated and met the interviewer. Her name was Liah.

“Hello and good afternoon! Today we have some very special guests, please welcome One Direction!” The studio audience screamed. “Wow, sounds like we have some fans out there in the audience.” Liah giggled obnoxiously. I snorted. Paul looked over at me and gave me a funny look. The smile immediately left my face and I looked down at the ground. Paul laughed, patted my shoulder and told me he was just messing.

“Get outta here.” I pushed his shoulder.

“Watch it or you’ll be on my list.” He warned. I snorted again.

“What are you going to do? Lock me in a room with Louis?” He laughed.

“So, Harry, what is your relationship status?” Liah asked.

“I’m single.”

“What about you Zayn? Still going well with Perrie?” A picture of the two of them popped on the screen. He nodded with a smile. “And alls well with Danielle, Liam?”

“Never been better!” He replied with a grin.

“And Louis, hows Eleanor?”

“Fabulous!” Louis replied in a chipper tone.

“And Niall, I hear that you’ve got your eye on a special lady recently. Care to tell us who she is?” Liah gestured at the screen which showed a picture of us the day we met at the club, the day after at Nandos, the day we went furniture shopping, then yesterday at the club where I was sat on his lap, staring at his face as his eyes were shut. I blushed furiously as Paul gave me the eyebrow of question. Niall scratched his head awkwardly.

“We’re just good friends.” He explained. Ouch. My heart twanged at his words and Harry and Zayn snapped their heads to look at me. I waved them off.

It Started With a Whisper- A Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now